Gerard the Explorer 2.0

Brendon Urie's House Of Awesomeness!

Dora: Okay, so we went through the Jungle of Horridness, through the walmart of okayness, and now we must go to Brendon Urie’s House of Awesomeness!

Gerard: Yay!

Dora: Idiot.

Gerard: Am not bitchy head!

Dora: Idiot head.

Gerard: Concha head!

Dora: Perra Head!

Gerard: Slut head!

Dora: Penis head!

Gerard: Whore head! Keep on, I can go all day with this!

Dora: Madonna Lover Head!

Gerard: Beastility head!

Dora: Swiper lover head!

Gerard: Baby Lover head!

Dora: I don’t fuck babies!

Gerard: It’s not what I said you said, and who do you think people are going to believe. I made up character of a real live person?

Dora: Whore.

Gerard: Exactly. Maybe I am a whore, I’m a jacket whore. I know that already, when you tell me I am, I just say heh I am, aren’t I?

Dora: You make me sick!

Gerard: OMG! Brendon Urie!

Brendon Urie: Please please, come in Gerard, welcome to my house of Awesomeness!

Gerard: Hi!

Dora: Hello.

Brendon Urie: Who let Dora here?

Gerard: Unfortunately I’m basically like her babysitter. I have to take care of her and make sure she doesn’t go on herself.

Brendon Urie: I guess you’re doing good things for society now...

Gerard: I guess, the little bitch’s a bugger though! She goes on and on about how Swiper knocked her up and refused to pay child support, and I say shut the fuck up, no one gives a shit, go complain to Swiper or someone who gives two cents....

Brendon Urie: Wow, she must be really desperate.

Gerard: Yeah I know.

Brendon Urie: Well Swiper’s in the house. He’s got the Scene It game all set up! He let you have your favorite game piece! I’ll be in there soon!

Gerard: Oh YAY! Scene It!

Brendon Urie: Yeahinorite!