Gerard the Explorer 2.0

The Magical Beach Of Awesomeness

Dora: Today we are here to get a beach ball so we can go to the beach.

Clerk: This ball cost seis monedas!

Dora: That means six coins

Gerard: Duh, I doubt they are stupid.

Dora: Fuck off.

Gerard: Concha licker

Dora: Anyway, I have coins in my backpack, to get to my backpack you have to say backpack!

Gerard; Backpack yeah yeah yeah they get it!

Dora: Why god, why did you put him in my general area.

Backpack: Okay, Dora needs coins to buy her beach ball, are these the coins?

Gerard: No idiot, those or bananas

Boots: O rlly? I want some.

Gerard: Boots, stop talking like a teenie!

Boots: Ass fuck.

Gerard: Yes I know you and Tico the Squirrel do that, but I don’t wanna know!

Boots: Whatever!

Backpack: Here’s the motherfucking coins I can’t deal with this shit anymore!

Dora: Well let’s count the coins and see if we have enough. In Spanish, here we go Uno, Dos, Tres, Cuatro, Cinco! Hey we only have five coins backpack we need one more!

Backpack: Here you go whore.

Dora: Don’t call me a whore backpack, and don’t spit things at me or you’ll be back at the goodwill bitch.

Backpack: Oh my god, the memories…

Dora: Yeah those memories aren’t so hot are they!

Backpack: You know my weakness.

Dora: Anyway we need to get to the beach, so we need to ask map directions.

Map: I’m trying to get my fucking beauty sleep, so here’s the deal to get to the beach you need to go over the rainbow bridge, over alligator infeste-

Gerard: Hell no, not again, do I look like the Crocodile Hunter to you?

Map: Let me motherfucking finish! Over Alligator infested water, and that’s how you get to the beach! Leave me the fuck alone.

Gerard: There ain’t no way in hell I’m going over that motherfucking alligator infested water, bitch you’ve got to be out of your mind.

Dora: Stop complaining ho.

Gerard: Don’t call me no ho.

Boots: Just shut up, just shut the fuck up.
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I really can't believe I have three stars already. Thank you everyone who commented, read, and subscribed! I love you all!