‹ Prequel: The Pauper Princess
Status: Currently undergoing renovations.

The Game


I knew Mehta was still bitter. She still missed her parents, but she saw their last act as a condemnation, not a gift. They wanted Mehta to learn a trade so she would have a means of survival after they were gone. Unfortunately, the healer was mostly ostracized by the people of the city. They were suspicious of her, called her herbs and poultices witchcraft. Most interacted with the healer when they were ill, and when Mehta became the healer’s apprentice, she too was shunned.

Sometimes, when Mehta was feeling particularly spurned, she would admit that she longed for something more. The way she looked at the people of the city- the children with their mothers and fathers, the happy wives- I knew what it was she wanted.

It was this information that ran through my head for the next few days. I knew Mehta would probably never get to have a family of her own if she remained here, and at some point I realized that what she wanted was what I was being forced into. I found myself thinking a lot about that party three years ago. The more I thought about it the more I was convinced we could pull it off again. It would be the ultimate game- switching places permanently.

I spent hours thinking through everything that could go wrong and planning ways to overcome any obstacles. All I had to do was figure out how to get Mehta to Lequin with me and my plan would be perfect. I mulled over my options for a full day before the answer was placed before me.