Status: New story, and based some what on my real life.

The Story of Us

Chapter One

Angelinna Johnsonn was just another girl. She was very unusual. She had red, brown, and strawberry blond hair. She listened to rock, metal, and other stuff. She dressed in band tees, skinny jeans, and hoodies. She was crazier than most. Her problem was she liked one of the popular boys. His name is Kent Richards, he is amazing (in her opinion), but she thought he will never like her because she was chubby and no boys usually liked her. She usually just talked to her older sister Daisy Lynch. Even though Daisy was older, she was in the same grade as Angelinna. They were freshman and by then it was halfway through the year. Angelinna had a close knit group of friends, Candice Henderson, Brady Williams, Ashlynn Cox, Darrel Cross, Juliet Landson, Daisy, and herself. Things were great until one day she saw Kent starring at her. She always liked him, ever since sixth grade. Then he was always on her mind. She couldn't handle it anymore. It also didn't help the stress. It came along because once upon a time she was in love with Brady, she was in love with who she thought he was, but she was too oblivious to see the real him. Now she knows, and Kent is what makes her happy.

Angelinna's POV

I was sitting in third period Biology talking to one of my other friends. "If I find out Kent was starring at me because he thinks I'm ugly, I will go psycho and cause a school massacre. Then I'll go to prison, get shanked and die!" She started laughing. "I love you. You're crazy, that's why I love you so much." We couldn't stop laughing. I turned to the side of me to tell Candice. After awhile we got yelled at. Well Mr. J can shove it where the sun don't shine. Pssshhh. Bitch please.

(Next Period)

I was in Health in the very back, the Tristan was a seat over and Kent next to him. Mr. W made fun of Tristan so I laughed. "You made angelinna laugh, what an accomplishment." I got mad. "Shut up Tristan!" He looked up. "Shut up Tristan!" He said it in a high pitched voice. Kent gave him a weird look and fake laughed. "You made Kent laugh, what an accomplishment." He said sarcastically. I laughed at that and he smiled. After ten minutes we were taking a test. "I can't find all the words." Kent said. "Some are in purple." I told him, across the room now. "You're in purple." Mr. W laughed next to him. "She is in purple, so what." Kent looked up atme. He smiled after he saw my jaket was black with purple deathbats.

(Two Periods Later)

I'm sitting in World History, period six. We aren't doing anything since it's Friday. All I can do is look over everyone and awhile. I ignore everyone and all I can do is hear his voice. *Sighs Dramatically* Oh how I wish he liked me back.....
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Tell me if you like so far.

Characters (c) Me (based on my friends)