Status: New story, and based some what on my real life.

The Story of Us

Chapter Three

Ang's Pov

So to update everyone that wants to know about my life. Well Trevor is dating or friends with benefits with my ex best friend Tieler. They seem happy together so I'll leave them to it from now on.

In better news, I like this boy Danny I've known since I was like seven. But I don't know if he likes me. His best friend told me he did and his cousin told me so. I just think he's immature.

Then there is Cory. He is amazing. He is a junior, he plays football and runs track, he is soo good looking, and I hear is one of the nicest boys. My friend Vicky's older sister is Cory's bff and so Vicky talks to him often. She said she'd talk about me sometime. Hopefully it goes great.

The other day we got out for easter break. We had Battle of the Classes. Daisy and I participated. I just watched Cory the whole time really. I had so much fun though.


So Daisy is now dating Vivi, and there is only the three of us. Brady was talking smack on Cory and that went horrible for him. Juliet and Jesse had broken up, she went out with Brady, and then they broke up. Now she's dating Clarease AND a boy James.

Candice is too much of a smack talker and lies through her teeth. Ashlynn has taken sides with Juliet, Clarease, and Candice. Brady got beat up by James. And I don't talk much with Darrel anymore.

Well here's what happened between Brady and I.

He said to me that Cory had man boobs, was an ass, was a jerk, would call me emo, and had a small dick.

He said he would tell Cory to his face, but didn't.

So I messaged Cory on Facebook and told him everything.

The next day Brady called me a bitch, tadle tail, said my karma would get me, and said I'd be the reason Cory beats him up.

He talked to other people about me saying crap.

Now we don't talk thank god. And he was thrown off track.

*End of WARNING*

In better news, Daisy and Vivi are doing great and I'm happy for them. But right now Daisy is at Vivi's and she has a cold. And Vivi is being attacked by a fake profile on facebook. We think it may be Brady.
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Characters based off my friends and people I know IRL.