Status: Active?

All I Need

Life for Fate was absolutely, positively, amazingly, heart-achingly perfect.

Until the Day of the Rose.

You see, in Fate’s town, the Day of the Rose is a VERY big deal. There’s music, dancing, and especially, the planting of the roses. This is the town of Roseburg. What a surprise, right? It never phased Fate because she’s lived there all her life. The story behind Roseburg was endless, as it seemed. It all started with Gwenzella Roseburg. She planted the seed of the rose at the time of her death, yadda, yadda, yadda. We’re not going to go through the whole story. The point is that the Day of the Rose was a very. Big. Deal.

Fate happens to be Gwen’s great-great-great-great-great—(how many greats?)—granddaughter. The founding family. The founding rich family, might I add.

Fate was absolutely beautiful. And the fact that the Day of the Rose happened to be on her birthday, that made it all the more special. Mother planned the Renaissance birthday bash thing, and everything would be perfect. (Fate’s always loved the Renaissance. Who knows why?) And the best part is that she will get to plant the first rose. Can you believe it? Her mother usually got to plant the first rose, but it was her Sweet Sixteen, and she was allowed the honor!

As psyched as she was, and how confident she had been, something happened that day that she couldn’t explain. That would take a thousand words. It kept her heart racing every time she thought of it.

On that day, she had been kidnapped.

Not just by some creepy-rapist-guy. A God. Yes, Fate Roseburg was kidnapped by a full-fledged God. Why? Because he was in love.

Not only was he a God, but he was one of the Underworld.