Status: In progress :)

Catch My Breath and Go For It

Chapter 4

Friday April 22, 2014

"Oh shit!" I swore as I felt my phone go off in my pocket. I was walking up the hill to our apartment, carrying the weekly haul from Woolworths. I set the grocery bags down and answered it.


"Mia!" A certain person called my flatmate said. "Want to go to a party tonight?"

"Erm…" I mumbled, slightly stunned at the sudden request. It reminded me of Rian's interrogation on the train. "Sure!" I regained my composure. "I'd love to! Whose house is it at?" Now, I may be socially awkward, but add a party and alcohol, and that all changes.

"Uh, my friend Payson's friend's house. Friday."

"Sounds good, are you with them now?"

"Yup, shopping in the valley. We do it most Wednesdays when I can get out of work." Shaye worked at a bookship in the city, not that good pay, but better than mine all the same. She's getting a promotion soon as well, so in a couple of months she could be the manager of that branch. Also, the current one keeps having heart attacks, and is hated by the majority of the female staff.

"Shaye, how do you even get out of work? I thought your boss was really strict about that stuff?"

"Trust me honey, you don't want to know."

"Okay, ew. TMI. T.M.I. I don't want to. Well, uh, I've just done the shopping and you owe me $30. See you later."

"I'll be back around 3, bye!"

And that is the excitement of my life. If I could get out of Brisbane, I would.

But things just don't seem to swing that way.