Status: Discontinued. I am done with bandoms and RPFs.

Take Your Time

Let Me Into You

January 12th 2012
Los Angeles, CA

“She’s so cute when she’s asleep.” Addie heard when she slept, and she shuffled around a little. It sounded like a man’s voice, but she only assumed it was Dan. She was a little too sleepy to care anyway.

“She’s adorable, like a puppy.” She heard another voice said, it was a man as well, and that’s when she realized something was wrong. She opened her eyes and saw Godsey
hovering over her. The photographer jumped as she was startled, hitting her forehead with his in the process.

“Ugh, oh my God.” She held her forehead with her hands; trying to massage the spot where her forehead had hit Godsey’s. Her attempt only made it hurt more, however, and she was beginning to doubt if it would make any significant effect.

Godsey was groaning as well, walking back as he held his forehead. She could hear him muttering curses as he walked around the room.

The next thing she realized was why he was there in the first place, and why Jess and Singer were standing by her bed laughing at her and Godsey. “Wh-What are you doing here?” She asked, covering herself with her blanket although she was wearing T-shirt and a pair of pajama pants, she didn’t wear any bra, which was inappropriate in her opinion. She was blushing madly; embarrassed.

Jess only laughed, “It’s ten o’clock, come get breakfast with us,” she told her as she crossed her arms in front of her chest. Addie woke up so early yesterday that she didn’t expect the girl to wake up so late.

It took the photographer a few seconds to understand the drummer’s words before she reached for her phone; checking the clock on the screen, 9:50. “Dear God,” she muttered under her breath. “I um.... would you get out?” She tried to ask politely.

“Before that, do you wear bra to bed?” Asked Singer curiously, and Addie could only raise her eyebrows at him. What kind of question is that?

Fortunately for her, Jess slapped the back of his head. “Get out and bring Godsey with you, I couldn’t care less about your bet, neither could she.”

The two guys got out of the hotel room, and the two girls stared at each other for a few seconds. At least until Jess cracked a smile, “Sorry about that, they’re not usually that rude, they’re just in their comfort zone.”

Addie only shrugged; though she felt weird because she had just been verbally harassed by Alex... she had never been in a position like that. She forced a small smile before getting out of her bed and walking to her luggage to get her clothes.

“You’re okay, right?” Asked the drummer, “Dan told me you’re a little oversensitive,” She pointed out, sitting on the edge of the other girl’s bed.

“I’m fine.” She replied before entering the bathroom; locking the door behind her. When was the ‘Dan told me’ phase going to change? It’s like Dan took it on himself to tell everyone everything about her, it was annoying.

She put on a pair of skinny jeans, and a floral print shirt, combed her hair, brushed her teeth; she was just trying to make herself look presentable. She was always insecure; dressing nice on every occasion makes her feel a little better about herself, though not much.

She got out of the bathroom without a word as she took her gray sweater that was hanging on a chair; putting it on as fast as possible.

“Come on,” said Jess, before standing up and walking to the door; opening it in a second. Addie took her camera and phone before following suit; trying to act relaxed and not... awkward.

Godsey and Singer were already waiting for them; leaning on the wall while being in a deep animated conversation. Addie didn’t understand how they could be in such a deep conversation in such a short time, but she shrugged it off.

She trailed behind Jess, the boys behind her as they walked to the elevator and through the halls. Unfortunately for them, the elevator was on the third floor and they were on the twentieth, so they had to wait for quite some time. That’s when Alex approached her; making her feel a little more uncomfortable than she already was.

“Do you?” Was the only thing he asked, and he was whispering. It took her a few seconds before she understood the meaning of that question, and she blushed madly.
The photographer cleared her throat awkwardly, unsure of how she should answer the question. “No,” she whispered back.

Just then, the elevator door opened and the group piled in. Jess started a conversation, “So what do you want for breakfast?” She asked to no one in particular.
“McDonald’s.” Godsey took out his phone, “And Stephen’s there with Brian.” He added after reading the text from the bassist.

“I thought they’ve already eaten breakfast,” Alex pointed out; frowning. He had nothing against it, but it wasn’t normal for someone to get brunch at McDonald’s.

“They like eating a lot, remember?” Jess chuckled a little as the elevator went further up the building; making Addie groan in realization. How long is this elevator ride going to last?

The elevator door opened at the 27th floor and John stepped into the elevator alone, hands stuck in his jeans. “Hey, I was just going to look for you guys,” he smiled at them, “And I see you’re finally up, Adds.”

She gave him a half-hearted smile rather awkwardly before keeping herself busy by looking
at the reflective walls in the elevator. It was a pretty good way to observe the people in the small space without staring at them, but they weren’t interesting anyway. Instead, she thought of how she got into this situation, why she was in an elevator in a hotel at some state to get breakfast with people she didn’t know last week.

Why was she even doing this? She should be in Glendale right now, or maybe travelling all the way to this exact place, but not with these people. She should be editing a video back in the Motion Army headquarters... or technically Dan’s house, doing things interns would normally do like make coffee.

She didn’t realize she was sighing until she noticed John giving him a sympathetic smile, but she only looked down in response. She never liked when people see her like that, like she was some kind of a weakling just because she was quiet. She wasn’t weak; she could fight if it was needed... maybe. She never tried.

“You okay?” John leaned on the wall beside her as the others started a conversation about things she couldn’t care less about like which setlist they were going to play because Jess suggested that they switch up between setlist C and D.

Addie didn’t look at him, “Fine.” She mumbled. She really wasn’t in the mood for a conversation with him of all people; she needed Dan and no one else. Before Dan, she had no one to hold on to so he really was the only one.

He stared at her, “Is it just me or do you look like you’re sick all the time?” He tilted his head slightly to the side, he seemed to be deep in thought but Addie really didn’t get why his question mattered.

For the sake of Dan (she wouldn’t be doing this if it weren’t for him) she shrugged before answering, “I’ve always been like this since I was a baby, are you implying that I’m sick all the time?” She retorted.

She could see his expression change slightly into amusement, “No, I think you’ve been like that since you were thirteen,” he looked down at her; implying the fact that she was pretty short. “I just said you look like you’re sick, there’s no need to be snappy, you know? You have a pretty sharp tongue, Adds.”

At this rate, everyone was going to hate her by next week. No one likes it when you say your opinion or when you don’t act like everything’s okay all the time. She put off her guard with Marshall last night and she was lucky that he still wanted to talk to her. Not that she wanted to talk to him, but she would’ve been pretty lonely last night if it wasn’t for him.

“Sorry.” She said as the elevator door opened. Everyone walked out and made a bee line to the exit, and she trailed off behind them... until John slowed his steps and waited for her. She had to admit, it was pretty nice of him, but there was no way she was going to let her
guards down this time around.

“Twenty questions?” He asked, and she could only frown at him in confusion. “I don’t know you that well, I’m going to be on tour with you for the next few weeks and friendships don’t just end when the tour’s over.” He tried to explain his intentions to her.

It was silent for a few seconds as they walked behind the others until Addie nodded, “Fine, but make it ten.” She didn’t look so happy and in truth, she wasn’t. It was all about being nice and not have everyone on tour hate her, she was just going with whatever he was saying.

He smiled, “Cool,” he replied. “What’s your middle name?” He started asking and she had a feeling it will be questions like this.

“Darrell, yours?” She asked back, a little too disinterested to think of a different question.

“Christopher, first pet?”

“Never had one, you?”

“A goldfish named Jordan,” he answered, “And no ‘yours’ or ‘you’ questions, come on.”

She tilted her head to the side a little, “Who would name their fish Jordan? That’s not a pet’s name.” She was staring at him weirdly.

“Stephen and I named it together, it’s a good name. And that qualifies as a question.” He grinned at her, and she just shrugged because she didn’t really care. “Number of states you’ve been to?”

“Um... 7. States you’ve never been to?”

“Maine, Alaska, Hawaii. States you’ve been to?”

“Maryland, obviously, and Arizona, New York, California Nashville, Illinois, and Florida. Where were you born?”

“A hospital,” he answered before catching the look she was sending, “Scottsdale, Arizona. Birthday?”

“April 27th. Dream college when in high school?”

“I never really... thought of it. Favorite food?”

“Spaghetti Carbonara. Is being in a band... fun?”

“Absolutely. Do you have-“

“John Gomez, right?” Two girls walked up to them, or mostly to John. Addie could only guess that they were fans and wanted his signature or something. She distanced herself from them for a second as he gave out his autograph to the girls and took pictures; leaning on a wall with eyes glued on the ground.

She didn’t realize she was zoning out until John called her name, and her head snapped up.
“C’mon Adds, they’re waiting for us already.” He told her.

She gave a nod before walking beside him again. “Does that bother you?” She asked him out of curiosity.

“Sometimes, but not always. We won’t be here without them.” He answered, “And that’s two questions in a row,” A grin formed on his face, “I’m getting free beer tonight.”

She resisted the urge to give a sarcastic comment, but she could only roll her eyes in response. “Next question.”

“Do you have a sibling?”

“A brother. Are your band mates... annoying?”

“At certain times. What’s his name?”

“Carter. Where in the world is Carmen San Diego?”

John looked at her for a few seconds before laughing out loud, “Of all the questions, seriously? She must be somewhere out there with Wally.” He was still chuckling as he asked the last question, “Do you have a boyfriend?”

“Nope.” She answered as they arrived in front of McDonald’s. The photographer pushed the door open and walked to the counter, standing behind Jess in the line.

“Oh good, I thought you got lost.” The drummer said when she realized the younger girl was there. “What are you getting?”

“I don’t know yet.” She answered.

“Eat a lot Adds, get some meat on those bones.” Jess took her tray with a laugh before walking off to the table where everyone was sitting.

Addie ordered her food but when she took her tray and took a look at the table, she realized there are only two spots left, beside Brian and beside Godsey. She put down her tray beside Godsey on the table, she wasn’t trying to be mean or anything but she’d rather not sit beside Brian. Why can’t she sit beside Dan? Where is he anyway?

She didn’t talk at all during breakfast; she couldn’t care less, really. She’d rather save her energy than talk to people she doesn’t really like about things she doesn’t understand. The only thing she picked up? There’s something in the way Alex was looking at Jess, but that’s it.

Well, at least she didn’t talk until Godsey did.

“Addie, may I borrow your camera?” He asked, a little more polite than she expected him to be. Honestly, she thought the day he was going to be polite was the day when Lady Gaga will stop being so weird.

As soon as Addie heard the question, however, she held the camera which was hanging around her neck all along; looking at him with a look that could only mean ‘no’.

Godsey realized this; he seriously didn’t want to piss off this girl more than he already had that morning. “Will you take a picture of all of us with a timer then?” He asked slowly, he was careful not to sound pushy.

“I can take a picture of you guys without a timer.”

“Technically, you’re part of our family now, so you should be in the picture.”

The girl looked around the table for a second; realizing that they were all looking at her expectantly. She was a part of this family? This crazy weird unorthodox family that travels all across the country playing music

“Okay.” She surrendered before standing up, followed by everyone else. She set up the camera on the table across them and set the timer before walking quickly to her ‘family’ who was already in position. She was going to take the spot farthest from the center but Stephen pulled her so she was between him and Godsey.

And that once she didn’t mind, she even laughed a little in the picture. And even though it wasn’t the complete family, it was one of her favorite pictures of all time.
♠ ♠ ♠
I was sick for two days and my grandma and my brother got into the hospital, but everything's okay now... kind of.
I'm sorry, I really am. I'm such an irresponsible author and I'm sorry, I didn't mean to keep everyone waiting, honestly. I really want to stick to that Monday schedule. It's just... life's getting in the way, I feel horrible for not updating faster.
Anyway, I didn't get any comments on the last chapter, do any of you want to change that? ;)
Comment, subscribe, and don't be a silent reader~