The Missing Soul

Chapter 2

“What is it Teresa ?” I say seeing how her hand tightens on the phone. “Yes, I’ll be there. I will be ready for whatever happens. Yes, sir. Yes, sir. Thank you, sir.” she hangs up the phone and looks at me. “There’s an alucutosis patient getting off the flight from South Carolina and she seems to have forgotten her medicine. She freaked out ten minutes before touch-down and now is about to have an epileptic seizure. You coming?” “I guess. Not like I have anything better to do here.”
Valinda isn’t very big so we make it to the hospital in 20 minutes, as soon as we walk in we are greeted by a host of doctors and are led into a tiny room not far from the entrance.
On the bed is a young girl who is just about as pale as I am, she also appears to be sweating bullets as she tries to hold back what we all know should have already come. Its actually amazing she hasn’t already had her seizure. “Jace, what’s her name?” Teresa asks. “Brittani Smith, her moms outside should I go get her?” I ask trying to get a read on Teresa’s face. Of course for the moment Teresa ignores me and I take that as a “no.” “Brittani, hi, I’m Teresa Anderson and I’m your doctor. I need you to look at me and stop fighting your seizure, I’m right here and I promise I wont let anything happen to you.” The girl, Brittani, nods but as she fights to relax it isn’t Teresa her eyes are on, its me. I can’t help it, I move to her bedside take her hand and say “Your not alone and you won’t be, you can let it come.” she nods and closes her eyes.
I can’t help it but I close mine too and I slide out of consciousness.
Vision 1
Where am I? I’ve been here before, I recognize something I just can’t put my finger on it. I sit on the grass and look at the sky.
Its beautiful is it not?” I jump to see a girl so beautiful that my mind can’t grasp her. “Wh-Who are you? Where am I?” my voice sounds weak. Damn IT! “You of all people do not recognize me, the venom would never have change you if it not for me. You are once more in my domain but this time it is not I who do you the favor, it is you who I must now ask a favor.”
“Princess….you saved me, I will do anything, anything you ask.” “There is a girl is there not? One who attracted you, one who you feel obliged to protect. She is special but she knows it not. Protect her, carry her heart, and keep her mind safe, this is what I ask of you. Will you do it?” her voice carries such power, that shivers carry down my spine and penetrates every crevice of my body. “Yes, my queen.”
When I wake up its Tersea that’s standing over me not Brittani like I hoped. “Jason, are you okay?” Teresa sounds really concerned so I rush to comfort her. “Yeah, I’m fine, I don’t know what happened. I saw her relax and then I felt so relaxed its almost like I fell asleep. I can feel her but not like I normally can, its deeper. I don’t know how to explain it.” No I don’t even tell my adopted mother about meeting the princess, its just doesn’t feel right. At least not right now.