The Missing Soul

Chapter 3

I wake up to a feeling of pure exhaustion, I look over to see a nurse. I turn over and meet the eyes of the boy from my dream. “I’ll go get your mom.” the nurse says and leaves the room.
“Oh I really hope she meant your mom and not mine.” After saying this I groan at the way my voice sounds so delicate. “Yes she meant my mom. Are you in pain?” He sounds so sweet. Oh my gosh and I sound like a baby. “No, I just sound like a baby and it makes me mad. By the way, I don’t think I know you and I don’t think you know me.” I say then want to kick myself for sounding like a girl whose dying, then again I am in a hospital.
“Well you don’t know me but after sitting here watching you sleep and talking to your mom I feel like I know you.” Under normal circumstances that might have been weird but coming from him it just sounds sweet and cute.
“O-K, anyway how much does my mother know?”
“Well I didn’t tell her anything and neither did Teresa. She felt like it was your responsibility and we didn’t want to say anything that you didn’t want to tell her. If you don’t mind my asking, why is she so clueless about your medical condition? I mean I’m not trying to pry but you are like her daughter so why doesn’t she understand your condition?” he sounds so worried that I smile.
“Well that’s a lot of questions, so I’ll start from the beginning. My mom gave me away when I was born and I hadn’t ever seen her until three months ago when she decided I was her kid and she should never have left. She took me away to here and she didn’t even know about any of this stuff. Don’t worry about “prying”, what my mom does is my mom not me and I don’t even know if being here is right.” When I finish I don’t notice I’m crying until he reaches over and wipes a tear from my check.
“Everyone is different, even me, so just cause your mom and your disease is where you are different than thats just you. No one can judge you for who your mom is and don’t you worry cause I won’t.
The doctor walked in then and I was stunned into silence at how pretty she was. “Hi there, I’m Teresa Anderson and this is my son Jason though you probably already know that.” Jason that’s a really cute name. NO I DO NOT have a crush on him, oh crap I think its to late. “I would say my names Brittani but you probably already know that so I just gonna say hi.” “Well, I do already know that but its nice to hear you say it, I can check off motor impairments from my list. So I’m going to keep you for 2 days just to make sure everything’s okay. After that your free to go, but I would like to see how your doing from time to time.” she finishes and I just want to scream, WHAT IF I DON’T WANT TO BE HERE?. Instead I say, “Is my mom anywhere to be found or did she run away? I might as well, go ahead and explain.” “Yeah, she’s in the cafeteria, I’ll go get her.” Jason says and gets up to leave. No please, please DON’T.