The Missing Soul

Chapter 5

“Jace, please explain to my mom.” I close my eyes and am blinded by a light so bright It hurts my eyes.
Vision 2
I’m in a meadow so beautiful its a miracle it can even be. I look around and see a girl, she has blond hair and a slender body more slender than mine can ever be. She turns as if sensing my presence for the first time, “Welcome to my meadow, it is beautiful is it not?” her voice a melody that lulls me. “It is so pretty. Where am I? Who are you?” I know her, she’s… “I’m the Princess, well a form of her anyway. I’m the minor part of her, you are the true form of me and you are in danger. I want to tell you everything, but only if you are ready.” She turns and walks to a spot on the grass covered with a blanket, not thinking I follow her. “I want to know and I will listen to you.” I simply say, I have no other thoughts in my head it is completely empty for the first time in my life. “It may hurt I’m afraid. You must be truly ready.” she sits and I feel my self lowering to the ground but not once taking my eyes off her. “I’ll do it.”
For the first time in my life, everything fit. I looked up and saw her looking at me, her hand held out to me. Should I take her hand, what if I’m not ready… Instead of thinking about that I reach out and take her hand.
When our hands touched, a electric shock ran throughout my body and stung leaving everything in pain as it left. I felt something and I pushed to find out what.
“We have been alive since the start of vampires, It was a long time ago but my story is now yours. Take it, understand it, you are me, as I am you.” Her voice which I had been hanging on to fades away leaving the pain, which fads also.
“As you wish.”
Everything was bright then it changed, I saw myself. She didn’t look like me but never the less it was, everything was different mainly the fact that I had wing. YES, wings.
The Lord sat on His throne, angels around, bowed down. Many were crying. The Lord’s voice rang clear, through my ears and straight to my heart, “You have turned from me my children, so you must go unto Earth until the day you prove to yourself and to me that you are truly my angel. You shall walk the Earth, hungering for the blood of humans.” They left one by one to the door, among them my sister and mother.
I turned to the Lord and with tears in my eyes said, “Please Lord, let me follow them to the Earth, let me help and protect them, please my gracious Father. Among those that have sinned against you is my mother, sister, and my friends, please Lord, allow me a chance.” He looked at me as He had all His angels, love of the truest kind always in His eyes. “My child, is this what you truly want to walk the Earth and thirst for blood?”
“My Lord, they are my family and friends, I will do what I must if I have a chance to help them. It doesn’t matter what I must do in order to help them.” “For your kindness, your gift will change, you will have all of the gifts needed. My gift to you, my child, is I give you my gifts as long as your heart stays pure and I keep your heart.”
“My Lord, heart is yours for now and for forever.”
The vision starts to fade and then all at once I’m back in the meadow. The princess’s hand now in her lap, I look down and see where she had touched me now a handprint left on my arm.
What did God mean? “He meant that we have a gift for all of the gifts, a gift for his gift. That is as long as our heart is pure.” Why have you told me this? “I have brought you here because it is time you know the truth, it is time for us to go home.
But you must know that by accepting me into you once more, you risk your life.
There are those who have not turned back to the Lord, those who enjoy thirsting for the blood of others.
There are those who have been turned into one of us though there are few.
Of all of these people, you and I are there guidance, love, and support towards getting home. Will you accept me?”
“Yes I will always accept you.” I said feeling like for once I belong in this world. It was then the happiness that was all I felt.