It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Jumps out a Window

Chapter 2: Flashback

*Chris’s P.O.V.*

“Patrick, stop.” I walked over to my closet, and opened the top dresser drawer. He still hasn’t said anything, and I’m starting to get angry. He shouldn’t feel so guilty. I grabbed a pair of black skinny jeans and a long sleeved black house of blues shirt. I turned back toward the bed, and threw the clothes on it.

“Christy… why are you mad?” he asked, looking me in the eyes.
“I’m not, I’m just… frustrated. Why do you constantly blame yourself for what happened?”
“Because it was my fault!”
“You had nothing to do with what happened!”
“You said it yourself, you sacrificed yourself for me! How can you say that I had nothing to do with it!?!” We were yelling by now and I wondered if everyone else could hear us downstairs.
“I said that right after it happened. You can’t honestly think I was coherent then, can you?”
“You were, I could tell. Plus, I know what really happened… I was there, you know! You braked so that car would hit you, and only you! I barely had a scratch on me! You were in the hospital for 3 weeks!” I grimaced as I thought back on the accident that started it all.


It was the first day of spring break and I was ready to party. Me, the guys, Dory, Ali, and Cami were hanging at my house just playing video games and laughing at each other. Well, around 8:30PM we got pretty hungry so we ordered a pizza, then drew straws to see who would have to go get it. Me and Patrick lost. So we left to go up to the nearest Pizza Hut. In order to do this, we had to cross this weird intersection on the highway that was basically a stop light that supposedly kept the percentage of wrecks down, but there was a heavy fog setting in.

We waited for the light to turn green, and sang along to whatever was on the radio. Finally after about 5 minutes, the light turned and we set off across the intersection. I looked to my right, then to my left. Only then did I notice the SUV barreling down the road without their headlights on. I didn’t see it in time to get out of the way, it was only about 5 yards away when I spotted it through the fog. I had three choices: try and gun it and hope I got across in time, brake hard and hope they missed me, or time it so it hit on my side. Now the last one sounds suicidal, but it’s the only one that made sense. If I gunned it, then they would probably hit the trunk, and if I braked, they would probably hit the front. Either way, I was sure the car would flip. But if I braked at the last second, then it would hit on my door, and most likely wouldn’t flip. I had only seconds left…

I grabbed Patrick’s hand which caused him to look at me. I smiled and he smiled back… His smile disappeared when he saw the car outside my window, it was inches away now. I stood on the brake as hard as I could. The last thing I remember was the sound of crunching metal. And then… Nothing.
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hee, hee. comment and i'll tell you the rest of what happened. Yes... I AM evil!