The One That Got Away


“And is it everything you’d hoped?”

I watch as he stands staring out the window of the cell he’d locked me up in. I couldn’t help but love him.

“She told him I was dead!” I screamed, throwing the mirror across the room. It shattered into a million pieces and my mentor gripped my arms tightly.

“Calm down, my love, please.” He whispered.

I glared at him as he held me tightly, “I do not love you.” I snapped. I walked over to the
window, looking out over the forest as the Queen made her way through the trees.

“Don’t do this, Belle.” I turned to him, shoving the dagger I always had by my side, straight
through his heart.

“It’s already done.” I snarled.

I gripped the window sill as memories flooded over my head and his body fell to the ground.

I stared at him for only a second before pressing my lips to his. I felt power flow around us and as he pulled away his skin rippled in color, returning to a pale complex, his eyes, however, never changed.

Now… due to the curse I had brought upon myself, I could only see him in his dreams, and he never knew the difference….

He thought they were merely dreams, and I would never convince him otherwise. I was in love with a monster, and he was in love with me.
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Well... This is unusual. But that's what I'm all about.