Sequel: Five Years After
Status: done

Caroline Rae

The party pt 2

Zack's P.O.V

"Alright guys," I said while fixing Alex's tie. "No funny business. This isn't a regular party. You can't just d-"

"Zack," Alex said while placing both hands on my shoulders. "Calm your tits. We know. We'll be on our best behavior."

I sighed, but nodded. At least Jasey trusted us enough to actually let us be around the guest, and not lock us up somewhere.

"If you need help with anything just ask my parents. They'll be here." The boys nodded.

"Jack, if you have to ask about something, then you should probably not touch it." I said. Jack looked to the floor in shame, earning a laugh from Alex.

We all exited the room and began our walk down the long corridor. As we arrived at the winding staircase, we could hear the classical music from downstairs.

"Don't talk to anyone. You'll all probably make idiots of yourselves." I told them.

"Geez Zack. Give us some credit." Alex said. A door opened behind us, and closed with a thud. Alex was the first to turn around, and his breath hitched in his throat. I heard Jack choke, and I soon turned around too.

Down the hall walked Jasey in her long blue dress. Her red hair brighter than usual, complemented her milky skin. She was stunning.

She smiled slightly when she noticed us standing there, and spoke. "You all cleaned up nicely. I'm impressed." she said to Jack, Rian, and Alex.

"A couple things you should be informed of," she said, "Don't talk to anyone, no loud talking if you must, don't dance unless you know how to waltz Alex." she said the last part to him directly, causing Jack to laugh.

She gave us a once over.

"Please behave," she said with a final sigh. We all nodded.

"Zack I'm trusting you to take care of them. You know how these people are." she said. I nodded.

She straightened Alex's tie for a final time. "Let's do this."

Jasey's P.O.V

"How are you, my dear?" an aunt of mine asked. In all honesty, none of these people cared about each other. Especially me. It was all about money and fame. Class. How high you were on the charts of respect.

"I'm doing fine Madame, and you?"

"Oh just wondorful! We just bought this small island of the coast of Africa and it's prefect! The water is crystal blue. Lovely dress by the way! We were just talking about your beautiful red hair. It brightens a room!" She smiled, holding her drink higher.

"Thank you, kindly." I smiled. "I would ask you were you purchased yours, but I'm afriad I'd do nothing but let myself down. I couldn't look near as dashing as you in it." I complimented.

"Oh," she said while placing a hand over her heart. "I'm sure you'd look just as good if not better." I smiled.

After promising I'd catch up with her later, I turned away to conintue talking with the guest.

"How dare she, flaunting her money around. Her mother should have disowned the embarassment from the start." I hear her say.

And that's how it went. I never understood why all of them hated me so. I always just assumed it was because I was so young, but had so much money. I didn't spend the money I had. To them, I was an insult. With every nice conversation, came a horrible insult. I'd learned to ignore them.

"Sandra," I greeted with a smile. Zack's mom grinned.

"Hi, Jasey. You look beautiful." She greeted back.

"Thank you." I replied.

"How've they been this evening?" she asked sympathetically.

"Same as always. A little harsher." I sighed. She nodded understandingly. Everyone resented the Merricks simply because they didn't approve of Sandra's marriage. Sandra was adopted my my grandmother into my mother's family at a young age. She grew up in this life. When she married someone outside of what was approved, they basically disowned her.

"Jasey," a voice said from behind.

I turned, "Collin. Nice to see you." I smiled.

"I was wondering if I could interrupt for a dance?" he smiled. My smile faltered.

"Actually," Alex cut in. Collin's eyes cut quickly to Alex, and hardened.

"I'd just asked her the same question."

Alex took my hand, ignoring Collin's stare, and led me to the ballroom floor.

"Alex," I said sharply as we waltzed, "That was Collin Rivers."

"I know," he said with a small smile.

I sighed.

"How did you learn to waltz?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Cousin's wedding." he answered shortly, grinning.

We were both quiet for a while before Alex spoke again.

"Can I ask you something?" he asked.

"Sure," I sighed.

"Why does everyone here, like, hate you?"

I thought for a moment. "I'm not exactly sure. I believe it's because I've got more money than most of these people, yet I'm very young. It's an ego thing." I replied.

He nodded. "You look beautiful by the way."

"Thank you Alex. You're handsome as well."

He smiled. We didn't talk for the rest of the dance, and when it finished we parted ways. I mingled for a while longer, ignoring crude comments, until one hit me. One questioned everything.

"What did you jsut say?" I asked sternly after turning back around. Her whole group of friends around her quieted.

"Nothing," she answered quickly. Her expression was that of a deer in headlights.

"Tell me. Tell me what you just said." I demanded louder. The whole room quieted.

"I didn't say anyth-"

"She said it's all because of your mother's suicide." her 'friend' blurted. Gasps were heard from all around the room. A barely audible, "Oh, no." from Sandra Merrick. But my mind was elsewhere.

I stood still as memories came flooding back. I remembered every touch, every cry, and the gunfire that rang through the many halls of what I called home.

I was taken advantage of, and my mother did nothing. Even when my step-father was arrested, she didn't believe me. She's scum. I'm scum.

Myrian's voice broke through my trance.

"I think this event is over." Myrian said.

I looked up quickly, and composed myself. I cleared my throat, "Yes. Thank you all for coming."

Without waiting for any bids goodbye as I normally would, I turned sharply and climbed up the staircase.
♠ ♠ ♠
I just got my internet yesterday, and wrote this, but longer, AND IT DELETED. Well, I hate this new mibba, and I cna't find the spell check, so if any of you know if there is one let me know! AND if you find any spell mistakes let me know!

Love and Rockets