Sequel: Five Years After
Status: done

Caroline Rae

"Please see that the guest rooms are in order"

I sat at my window seat and watched the small beads of rain race to the bottom.

How do you do it? Existing all the time? I'm a mere seventeen, and I'm already worn out.

One corner of my mouth turned up slightly when I realized I was thinking towards the raindrops. A slight knock on my door interrupted me from my thought.

"Miss?" Myrian asked as she poked her head through my door. Myrian was my maid. Well, I didn't really think of her that way. She was more than that. We would sit at the table and drink tea, and I usually didn't ask her to do much. That's how I was with all the "servants" really. Myrian was special though. She was with me at birth. If I had problems, I suppose I would talk to her about them.

I smiled when I spoke. "Yes Mrs. Myrian?" She placed a hand over her heart and rolled her eyes at my formalities.

"You have a phone call, dear." A phone call?

"May I ask from whom?" I narrowed my eyes in thought.

"Your cousin. Zack Merrick?" Ah. Out of all my family, the Merricks and I were probably the closest. They were small town people, living in Baltimore. I lived about an hour out from them in my mansion that seemed to burn holes in my memory. I never saw them, except for the yearly Christmas parties held here. I had tons of family, but we were nothing more than formals. The Merricks were the do I say it? Normal? Homey-y? They showed love. They might not have riches, but they loved each other. I respected that.

Zack and I were close as children I suppose. I'd taught him a little on guitar when we were tykes, and that's all there was. I could never relate to him however. He went to a school, had friends, ate ice cream for dinner. I shook my head with a laugh.

"Thank you," I spoke, and Myrian was on her way.

I stood up from my seat and walked over to the phone on my night stand. I picked it up and pressed the talk button with curiosity.

"Hello?" I called into the phone.

"Caroline!" Zack said in excitement. I was a little taken a-back. I'd only seen him last year?

"You forget Zack," I sighed.

"What? Oh! Sorry! 'm just so used to it." I could hear the nervousness in his voice.

"What could I help you with Zack?" I asked, getting to the point.

I heard a sigh from the other end of the phone. I was always fascinated with the way he spoke. He was so improper. So...comfortable.

"Look, aren't you like freaking amazing at every kind of instrument? You sing like a freaking goddess too, right?" I was confused.

"Zack, what are you getting at?"

Another sigh. "I have a band.."

" have a band?"

"And we're trying to get signed's just not happening!" He stated bluntly. Well no wonder it wasn't happening. It was hard to get into music, and he had a slim to none chance.

"No surprise there Zackary. Most people don't," I informed while twining the phone chord around my fingers.

"Look, we're just wondering why we can't seem to get in. My mom suggested that you might be of help. You could help us improve, or tell us what we're doing wrong. So my mom arranged for me and my friends to come to the mansion.."

"My friends and me," I corrected.

"What? Look that' snot the point!"

"Zackary, I don't that type of music. I'm classical. Beethoven, Bach.."I continued.

"Look, just give it a shot okay? Besides, you could use some company." He said softly. It's true. I hadn't been around anyone since....Well I hadn't been around anyone.

"Well seeing as it's already been arranged I guess we could try." I told him.

"Fuck yes!" I heard other cheers in the background.

"Language please."

"Sorry sorry! We're coming out tomorrow."

"Tomorrow?" I didn't expect them that soon.

"Yeah. Look, we've got to go pack. Thank you so much Jasey! Best cousin ever!" The phone clicked, and I brought it away from my ear with an intent stare. I went to the intercom and pressed the awaiting red button.

"Myrian, please see that the guest rooms are in order. I'm going to my closet." Before she could reply, I opened the french doors to my closet. Well, it was actually the size of another bedroom if you wanted to get technical. I walked over to the keypad and softly typed in the code only known by me.

A click sounded, alerting me the doors were unlocked, and I walked into another room only I had ever been in. I had it built when my mother passed away, and put it to good use. The red room with hardwood floors welcomed me. Mirrors lined the walls and my steps echoed as I walked to my grand piano. I sat down and placed my hands on the keys.

The next time I looked to the clock, it was midnight. I made my way back to my bedroom and stripped of my clothing. After getting dressed, I lie in my bed for another sleepless night. Awaiting for the day to come.
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Helloooo! Please comment! That would be great(: More to come! I don't know how I'll juggle two stories,but I'll manage.
Love and Rockets,