Sequel: Five Years After
Status: done

Caroline Rae

"What a girl,"

I rose from my light sleep and slowly made my bed. The clouds told me there would be rain today, and I smiled in excitement. The only time my thought ever seemed to slow down enough for me to comprehend them were when it rained.

I walked to my closet and opened the doors after glancing at the clock. I'd slept in, to my surprise. It was already eleven. I was flustered.

I discarded my clothes and grabbed a simple green dress and shoes. My mother had always taught me that dresses were a girls best friend. I'd never worn pants a day in my life. Shorts, sure, but pants? I shivered at the thought.

I brushed my red hair and decided on my usual fish tail braid. I never really wore make up unless I had a formal event to attend. I grabbed my favorite necklace and hung it around my neck before slipping on earrings.

I made my way to the kitchen to see Myrian wiping down the counters.

"Morning," I greeted.

"Hello Jasey," she said with a smile.

"Any clue as to when the boys are coming?" I asked as I took a bite out of an apple.

"Yes Miss. Around twelve," I nodded.

"Perfect," I breathed. "I'm going to play a bit," I walked out of the kitchen and into the large den complete with bookcases and and another white grand piano. I sat down and started off with a few scales, warming up. I had just finished and old Ode I used for a recital once, when the doorbell rang through the house. I remained seated and continued to play.

I could hear Myrian's warm voice greeting the boys at the door, and then several loud laughs. I winced. I prayed they wouldn't disrupt the silence I'd become to comfortable with throughout my lifetime along their visit. I stopped playing with a final bang on the keys and walked into the foyer just outside of the den.

Before I could even round the corner, I was pounced on. Small arms wrapped around me and lifted me up. My whole body stiffened at the contact.

"Jack, stop it," I heard Zack whisper. The boy, Jack I suppose, put me down.

"Sorry," he grinned. I looked at him in amusement. Never had I ever met someone so rude and intruding. I was exasperated.

"I'm so sorry," Zack stepped in front of the boy. I nodded.

"Damn Zack, you didn't tell me she was fiiiiiine," Jack winked at me, and I scoffed.

"Jack, stop it!" Zack urged. Jack rolled his eyes and stuck out his hand.

"Jack Barakat," he introduced. I grasped his hand in my own.

"Jasey Rae," I spoke. Jack grinned and stepped aside.

A boy with with side sweeped hair stepped forward with a small smile.

"Rian Dawson." he introduced. I shook his hand.

"You have a lovely home," he informed me whilst moving to the side.

The next boy appeared in front of me with a smile. He grasped my hand firmly and shook it.

"Alex Gaskarth." He smirked.

I turned to Zack. "Myrian will show you all to your rooms. Lunch is in fifteen minutes so you can unpack until then." I said. Zack nodded and Myrian led them up the stairs.

"This house is fucking huge!" I heard Jack whisper.

"Oh, and Zack?" I called, causing all the boys to spin.

"Please explain about the language use in this house," I said. Zack nodded apologetically.

I sat back down at the piano and continued where I'd left off. My head was spinning. I was regretting letting these men stay here. They were rude, they didn't know me. They were destroying everything I'd created in this house. My ease. My calmness.


"Thanks Myrian," I smiled as the maid left the room.

"What the hell Jack, I told you not to touch her!"

Jack held up his hands in defense. "Sorry! I forgot!" What an excuse.

"Why's she so....uptight?" Alex asked.

"She was raised that way. She's very polite. Formal actually. You'll never figure her out," I said with a sigh. I wasn't lying. My cousin fascinated me. My whole family actually. She was so content with everything.

"Where's her parents?" Rian asked while plopping onto the bed.

"They're dead," I answered. They're heads snapped up. It seems I forgot to mention that part..

"Are you serious?" I nodded.

"Look, don't say anything about it to her. It's just a big mess," I said with a sigh.They guys agreed and we all headed downstairs.

I led them to the dining room where Jasey was all ready seated.

"Sorry, we got carried away," I apologized.

"Stop apologizing Zack," she smirked. Food was sat in front of us and we all ate as we spoke.

"So what is it you feel you're lacking?" She asked. She was referring to the band.

"We don't really know," Alex spoke up. "That's where you come in," She took a sip of her water.

"What are your positions?" she waited.

"I play bass, Jack plays lead guitar, Rian plays drums, and Alex sings." I answered. I was always on edge around Jasey. Always trying to impress her. She was intimidating.

"Bass? You play bass?" She stopped what she was doing and looked at me with confused eyes. I looked down.

"That's part of your problem," she continued eating. "You guys don't communicate."

"What??" Alex said.She stopped what she was doing once again and and looked at Alex.

"You don't communicate," she repeated.

"And how do you know that?" Alex spat.

"Well it seems none of you seemed to know that Zackary has quite the vocal skills," she calmly answered.

All eyes were on me and Alex's red face eased.

"Have any of you had any kind of training?" She asked with her eyes closed and a hopeful look on her face.

"None," Alex sat back and grinned. She rubbed her temples and opened her eyes.

"I'll do drums with Rian on mornings, Jack and Zack can share lessons in the afternoons, and Alex and I will do vocals on evenings. There will be no practices on Fridays except for an hour long band evaluation. I want to see you guys as a whole. If you don't come, you don't make progress." She laid it all out. They guys were a little shocked at the amount of work they had to put forth, but they just nodded with a gulp. They had no idea.

Once we'd all cleared our plates, we followed Jasey back into the foyer.

"Bye Jasey, I'll see you bright and early," Myrian smiled as she walked to the door.

"Bye Mrs. Myrian, thank you so much," Jasey smiled for the first time today.

"I'm going to read out back. You know where to find me," she spoke as she walked towards the kitchen door.

"Hey..umm, Jasey?" Jack spoke hesitantly. She turned on her heels and Jack shrank back. Her features softened and a corner of her mouth turned up slightly.

"Don't be scared of me Jack. I'm not that bad," she ran a hand through her hair.

Jack's face lit up and he stood tall again.

"I was wondering where your t.v was." he admitted. Her eyes clouded with confusion.

"I don't have a t.v.?" She answered as if it were obvious.

"You don't have a t.v.?!" They all yelled. In answer, she turned back around and continued on her journey.

"What a girl," Alex breathed.
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Ellllo! Comments would be lovely. I love this story. Keep reading, it will take a while for things to happen but the story line is GREAT. Jasey's outfit. here
Love and Rockets,