Sequel: Five Years After
Status: done

Caroline Rae

The party

I'd read in my room for two hour after our movie when the caterers arrived.

"Goodness me. The party." I whispered to myself.

I rose off my window seat and made my way to the intercom.


"Yes Jasey?"

"Refresh my memory? Have the boys been informed about the party?"

There was a few seconds of silence before her voice transmitted through the intercom.

"...It seems it has slipped my mind. My apologies. I'll tell them right awa-"

"Oh, don't fret your poor heart. I'll tell them. It's nothing to worry about." I assured her. I left my room with my book still in hand to gather up our guests. After I'd looked in their rooms, the library, the theater, and everywhere else imaginable, it clicked.

I made my way back to my bedroom and soon to my closet. I typed in the code and heaved the metal door open. I immediately heard the loud laughter and guitar strumming from the moment the door opened.

I walked as quietly as possible over to the archway leading into the room with all the instruments. After making sure they were all turned away from the entry way by looking at the mirrors, I entered and simply stood with my hands clasped together in front of me.

"Hahahaha! And then she tried to get all freaky with Ale- HOLY SHIT JASEY!" Jack yelled, causing all the boys to turn around with wide eyes.

A tight smile adorned my lips. "How did you get in here?"

"We..uhh. Myrian let us in."

"Myrian does not know the code." I answered evenly.

"It was left open?" Zack tried.

"I close it back every time a lesson ends."

"Damn it. Jack did it." Rian sighed.

"What the hell Rian!" Jack shouted. "Fine. I saw the code the other day. This is the first time I used it, I swear!" he pleaded.

"Jack, it's a fifteen digit code, how did you remember that?" I asked with shock.

"Jack has the best memory ever." Alex laughed.

"And you refrain from using that with music, why?" I asked with agitation.

The boys quieted and peered to the floor. I closed my eyes and shook my head, trying to keep myself calm.

"There's a party tonight. You are to be dressed formally. I don't want one hair out of place. Zack will help you. There will be no cursing, no loud laughing, and no misbehaving. Do you understand me?"

They all shook there heads up and down quickly.

♠ ♠ ♠
Short, I know. Part two is being written right now, and will be up in about an hour. This story actually might be around 30 chapters? It's not going to end how you think! There might even be a sequel, not sure. Let me know what you guys think. Do any of you think you know what's going to happen in the next chapter? Let me know! I want to see how you guys are taking in the foreshadowing!
Love and Rockets