Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



**Tammie’s POV**

I looked around as I stood with my friend Sanita at a party. I sighed. I love parties, but not ones where I don’t know anyone. I pulled on the hem of my shirt as Sanita pointed someone out to me, her name is Nikki. “Come on, Tam. You’ll like her!” Sanita said and grabbed my hand, pulling me toward a girl with tan skin and black hair with deep brown eyes. ”Hey!” Sanita said and started conversation with her as soon as she was close enough. Sanita groaned when her phone buzzed and she read a text. “I have to get going,” She said, frowning. “But, you can stay with Nikki. She knows a few cool people that you’ll like.” She winked at me before hugging me and leaving me alone with this girl I’ve just meet.

“Sanita’s insane sometimes…” I said, smiling a little. Nikki laughed and nodded. “Yeah, def. Your name’s Tammie, right?” She asked. I nodded and she smiled. “Want a drink?” She asked as we headed towards the bar. “Yeah,” I said and ordered a coke. “I don’t drink.” I told her, smiling a little. She nodded and got a soda as well. “I have some friends over there, want to join us?” She asked me, trying to be polite. I looked at the time, my ride wouldn’t be here for at least an hour. “Sure, thanks.” I said and followed her over to a group of people.

“Guys, hey!” Nikki said, trying to get their attention. “YO!” She yelled loudly. “I have someone for you guys to meet! She’s new, cool. One of Sanita’s friends.” She smiled and pointed at me. “Guys, this is Tammie.” She said. I waved a little before a body was against mine, cutting off my air supply. Someone was hugging me. I laughed a little and hugged them back. “I love a good hug, but who are you…?” I said, the guy was still hugging me and I have yet to see his face. “My name’s Louis!” He said happily, pulling away from me. I almost gasped when I saw Louis Tomlinson smiling widely at me. Louis from One Direction. Holy crap.

“I’m Tammie…” I said, smiling back at him. He smiled and looked me over quickly, trying to make it seem nonchalant. He started at my dirty blonde hair down to my face, stopping at my bright blue eyes and heading down my body. I was about 5 foot 6 inches, give or take. Kind of tall, but I never really noticed the difference. I was soon introduced to the rest of One Direction plus a few more people who I don’t remember because they left.

An hour later my phone buzzed, I was just having an amazing conversation with Louis when I pulled it out. My brother’s here to pick me up. “I have to go, my ride’s here.” I said, standing up and grabbing my purse. “Wait!” Louis said, standing up as well. “Can I um…” He said and rubbed the back of his neck. “Have your number?” He asked, smiling widely at me. “Uh, yeah sure.” I said, in a kind of haze. Louis Tomlinson just asked for my number. I don’t know how I can contain my emotions this much… I wrote my number on a piece of paper for him and told him to call me anytime or text me. He nodded and waved as I left. I gave Nikki and the rest of the guys quick hugs before I did, walking quite quickly out of the little club.

As soon as I got out I noticed my brother’s car and ran to it and jumped in. That’s when I started freaking out. “I MEET ONE DIRECTION!” I yelled happily. “LOUIS TOMLINSON ASKED FOR MY NUMBER!” I continued and then sighed. “He’s so sweet… and funny! And nice, oh my gosh. He’s amazing. I’m in love!” I said, making my brother laugh. “You’ve been in love with him for how long now?” I pushed him and rolled my eyes. “Whatever.” I said, the smile never leaving my face.

I got home and ran up to my mum and hugged her. “I MEET MY HUSBAND TODAY! Well, future husband!!!” I said loudly and started spinning in circles. “SO HAPPY!” I yelled and fell onto the couch. I sighed and smiled widely at her. She rolled her eyes at me and continued to play her computer game. I was too happy to care. I had a quick dinner before changing into some pajamas and grabbing my laptop, bringing it to my room. I laid down, on Tumblr and Facebook. Chatting one of my best friends. I moved a few months ago from the US to London, we lived right outside of Boston. A 10 minute walk away from each other. Her name’s Kaitlynn. She has light brown, wavy hair that hangs down (if she ever leaves it down) past her shoulder blade and grayish blue eyes. She’s ridiculously pale for someone who’s 50% Italian, and is probably albino. She’s still my best friend, regardless.

I pulled my hair into a bun at the top of my head as I smiled and started to tell her about my events at the club. She, of course, is a One Direction fan like I am. She’s crazy insane about them, like I am. The only difference might be who our favorite is. Her’s is Niall Horan, while mine has always been, and always will be, Louis Tomlinson. I could practically see her sitting at her computer screaming her head off. Yelling at her sister about tonight’s events. About how I’d be getting married to him, then her dream of meeting Niall would come true.

I was talking to her about our usual stuff when my phone vibrated. I opened it and saw an unknown number, Louis texted me. DAMN. “Hey, Tammie! It’s Louis! xx” It said. What do I say now? I paused then just typed away, saying hello. We continued to talk until it was 1:00 in the morning, and I’ve never felt like I’ve known someone as well as I knew him. It feels as though we’ve known each other our whole lives, even though it was just a short 3 hours or so.


I woke up the next morning to my phone vibrating again. I looked at my clock to see it was noontime. I opened my phone to see Louis texted me, “Good morning, beautiful! xx” I’m pretty sure my heart stopped as I smiled widely and replied, “Mornin’ handsome.”

We talked for a few hours before he invited me to hang out with him and the guys, I happily accepted and hopped into the shower, washing myself quickly and changing into a pair of skinny jeans with a yellow tank top that hang around my body, complimenting it well. I threw on a pair of yellow flats and blow dried my hair, curling it and putting in a yellow flower clip before I hopped down the stairs and said goodbye to my mother. Louis sent me directions to an apartment he and the guys were staying at for the next few months, so I could easily get there by bus.

15 minutes later I was texting Louis, lost. My phone started ringing so I answered it. “I don’t know where I am! I don’t know where you are, I’m so lost!” I said into the phone. I heard him chuckle and ask what street I was on. I said it to him and he laughed. “What?” I asked. I could imaging him shaking his head as he said, “I’ll find you in a minute.” I heard a dial tone and I frowned at my phone, putting it in my pocket and leaning against a pole, sighing as I looked around. “Miss me?” A voice whispered from right behind me. I gasped and jumped slightly then turned and saw Louis. “You know it,” I replied, laughing as we started walking back to his apartment.

“I can’t believe I was this close!” I said 2 minutes later as I walked into his apartment with him following close behind me. He and Harry shared this one, across the hall was Niall, Liam and Zayn. He laughed and grabbed my hand, pulling me to what I guessed was somewhat of a living room, but smaller. “Guys! Remember Tammie?” he said, interrupting their argument over different things. They all turned to me and smiled. “Tammie!” Niall shouted and ran over to hug me. He picked me up and spun in a circle before putting me down. I laughed and said, “Hey Niall.” He winked at me before sitting back down on the couch and breaking the ice and all the awkwardness that may have came up, just like the Niall he is.

A few hours later I had a text from Kait(Kaitlynn) telling me that she was dead bored. I laughed quietly and turned to the guys. “Do you guys mind if I make a quick call? I have a friend I think you guys will like…” I said, smiling at them. They nodded and Niall seemed to get excited. “Her name’s Kaitlynn, Kait’s her nickname. Don’t say anything until I say to though, okay?” I said, smiling and dialing her number and putting her on speaker.

“TAMMIE! Dude, I’m so bored!” Kait’s voice rang through the phone. “Oh, really now?” I said. I could practically see her nodding her head. “Yeah, so I decided to make food. Then eat it.” She said, the smile clear in her voice. “Cookies?” I asked. I heard her scoff. “I made some yesterday, Tam. You’d know that if you stayed with me like I offered but no… ‘I need a sense of adventure and London can give me that!’” She said, mocking me at the end. I had said that, exactly. I laughed. “Well, then what are you making?” I asked her, smiling widely. “Mac and cheese!” She said then I heard a big clunk and her gasp and said, “Oops!” I laughed, as did the guys.

“Who’s that? Am I on speaker!? You promised me you’d never do that again, Tam!” Kait said, her good mood dimishing. “Just a few friends.” I said, nodding to the guys, telling them they could talk if they wanted. “Will you bring me some cookies and mac and cheese!?” Niall shouted as soon as I gave them the okay to talk. “Uh, I can’t, Mr. Dude. Nice accent, by the way. I live in the US, sorry.” Kait’s voice rang through the phone. “That explains the accent.” Harry said. I looked at him, confused then realized that she has a Boston accent and doesn’t really pronounce her R’s. She chuckled a little and said, “Yes. It would, eh?” We talked with her for a bit before we could hear her starting to hurt herself from not paying attention. “We’ll let you go, Kait.” I said, smiling. “Fye!” She said, her face probably stuffed with food. I rolled my eyes as the guys said bye, laughing a little and I cancelled the call.

“And that, guys, is my best friend Kaitlynn Joy!” I said, smiling and laughing a bit. “She sounds cool.” Zayn said, smiling. I nodded and said, “The coolest.” Louis gasped and held a hand to his heart. “Even cooler than me!?” He asked. I nodded and said, “But I lied when I said the coolest… Harry’s really the coolest! And I’m secretly in love with him!” I said dramatically, crawling over to him and throwing myself at him, kissing his cheek. He laughed along with everyone except Louis. He frowned at me and said, “Oh Styles, it’s ON!” And he tackled him, tickling him. I laughed along with the guys before he turned to me. “Think it’s funny?” He asked, coming up to me and tickling me until I begged for mercy.

I left the house with Louis who walked me home an hour later, fully fed by an amazing meal made by Harry. “Thanks, Louis. I’ve had a lot of fun with you guys.” He smiled widely at me and said, “I have fun with you too.” I smiled and blushed a little, looking at my feet. I could see the curtain move by my window and I sighed. “I should get going.” I said, smiling sadly. He sighed and hugged me. “Wait, before you go… promise me something.” He said, smiling at me. “Sure, what?” I asked.

“Don’t make plans for tomorrow night.” He said as he kissed my cheek and hopped down the stairs and waved to me as he walked away, towards his apartment with his friends.

I smiled widely as I ran inside and slid down the door, content with my life for once. “This has been the best day of my life…” I said and pushed myself up, heading towards my room to tell Kait and Sanita everything.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hi guys! I hope you liked the first chapter! :) So, I have huge plans with this story. I plan on making at least two other stories that intertwine with this one. (If you choose to read only one of them you will not be lost. Any important information will be provided:D) So, if you like this, I’ll be making a Niall Horan one with this one and a Harry Styles one. First, the Louis Tomlinson one though! :)

Inbox me with what you think! Thanks guys! :D
