Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



Hi guys, Kait here! Enjoy chapter 10!:) Make sure to tell me what you think! Special thanks to the few who have messaged me, you guys have really helped a lot with me getting these chapters out. Thank you, I’d say from the bottom of my heart, but from my entire heart thank you so much!

*Kait’s POV*

The next morning I woke up on my own to the blinding sun shining through the window in the guest bedroom that was now mine. I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I stepped out of bed and hopped into the shower, jumping out and changing into a pair of fluffy sweat pants that had cookie monster all over them and a black tank top. I sighed and walked down the stairs to see Tam already up and the guys already here. “Don’t you guys have lives to attend to!?” I asked as I turned towards them. They chuckled and I rolled my eyes, walking into the kitchen. I never really was a morning person. “Kait! Guess what came!” Tam said from the living room. “What, Tam?” I asked, grabbing a bagel and putting it into the toaster. “Your stuff! It’s all up in my room. We didn’t want to wake you.” She said, I turned to her and smiled.

“Everything?” I asked her. She nodded and said, “Yup. Your mum even sent your small grand!” I ran over and hugged her. “AHHH!” I screamed and ran upstairs and to Tam’s room and there it was, sitting in all its glory. I smiled and ran over to it, hugging it. My Small Grand was just small enough to fit through a normal sized doorway, and just as long as a regular grand piano. I took the stool off the top and set it in front of the piano. I smiled and slid my fingers along the keys, getting familiar with the notes. I stopped when I heard a creek on the floor and turned, blushing when I saw everyone there. I coughed and stood up, putting the stool back on top of the piano and saying, “Someone want to help me move it to my room?”

Once all the boxes were in there I sighed, flopping onto the bed. The guys were scattered around my room on the floor, along with Tammie and Danielle. Jackie was at home, not feeling good. I encouraged Harry to go back with her, because I knew he wanted to so he eventually left. I sighed and got up, starting to go through all the boxes that my mum made for me, putting the names of everything on it. Like, “pillows” “clothes” “shoes and other accessories” “bedspread and quilt” that stuff. I stripped the bed first and opened the box with my favorite sheets, blankey, quilt and pillow cases. I started to put it on when I heard another box open. Tam let out a laugh when at the top of the pillow case was my stuffed bear. I smiled and ran over, grabbing him and putting him on the bed side table. “This is Mr. Bear.” I told everyone, pointing at him. “I got him when I was young from a friend.” I said, laughing. They nodded and continued to help me unpack.

I smiled a few hours later as I plopped onto my bed. Everyone had left after half an hour, claiming they were bored, except for Niall. It took us ab0out three hours to finish it all. I have a lot of shit. “Thanks for helping.” I said as I felt Niall lay down next to me. “No problem.” he said. I sighed and heard loud footsteps running to the room. “Niall, we have to get going. We have a signing.” Harry said when he ran into the room. He stood up and hugged me tightly. “See ya!” He said and ran out after Harry. “Have fun guys!” I yelled, smiling at him.

“Tam! I can’t do that!” I said an hour later as we sat in her our living room playing Truth or Dare. She smirked and said, “Have to.” I rolled my eyes and stood up. I walked outside and looked around to make sure no one I knew was around. I smiled when a car passed by and I lifted my shirt and bra, flashing the person. Blushing I ran inside. “That was so embarrassing!” I shouted running back into the living room to see a laughing Tammie. I rolled my eyes and sat back down on the couch. “Okay… Truth or dare?” I asked, smirking. She tapped her chin and said, “Truth.” I nodded and thought for a few minutes.

“Do you love Lou?” I asked her, smiling as I shifted my position to sitting Indian style and leaning toward her a bit. She bit her lip and I gasped. “I know, it’d fast but… he’s amazing.” She said, smiling widely. “He like… just, every time I see him it’s like wow. He’s mine. And my heart either stops, skips a beat or speeds up sometimes one right after the other and…” She paused and sighed. I sighed with her and smiled. “I hope I have that someday…” I told her, smiling. “I just want my prince charming to come and sweep me off my feet!” I said, laughing. She laughed with me and shrugged, “With your personality you should aim for an idiot in tin foil.” She said, making me laugh. I’ve never heard of that!

“Truth or…” Tammie said, “Dare.” She finished dramatically. “You probably have another good one sooo… Truth.” I said proudly, smiling at her. She grinned wickedly at me and looked around a bit before leaning in and saying, “Do you like Niall? The truth!” I looked at her and rolled my eyes. “I answered this the other day.” I told her, mostly because I can’t lie during Truth or Dare. That’s just wrong. She looked at me and shrugged. “So just tell me again.” She said, smirking. I sighed and fiddled with my fingers in my lap. I nodded a bit, blushing. “What?” She asked, putting her hand behind her ear. “Yeah.” I said softly. “Yeah, what?” She asked, smirking. I sighed and said, “Yes. I like him.” She rolled her eyes and said, “Who are we talking about again?”

I sighed, getting angry and yelled, “YES! I LIKE NIALL JAMES HORAN!” At the top of my lungs. Little did I know that he had just walked in through the kitchen door and heard me.


*Niall’s POV*

The guys and I got into the car quickly after the signing; wanting to head back to Tammie’s to surprise the girls. Lou drove, and he refused to put the radio on until we all talked about something ‘important’ so I just kind of went along with it, sitting in the back next to Liam and Zayn. “What’s up, Lou?” I asked when it was silent for about a minute. He looked at us in the rear view mirror then said, “You fancy Kait.” I shrugged and said, “So what if I do?” he smiled at me widely and said, “You didn’t deny it!” Then everyone started singing, “Niall and Kait sitting’ in a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!” I groaned and hit my face in Liam’s shoulder. “Make it stop.” I said loudly, causing the guys to all laugh at me.

“Just… shut it about it.” I said, to them when we got into the driveway. They all nodded, smiling like idiots. “She likes you too.” Harry said, winking at me. I rolled my eyes, scoffing. “Yeah, okay.” I said and we walked silently up the stairs and into the unlocked house. We’ll have to tell them about that. As soon as we were all in I heard Kait say, “Yes. I like him.” I wanted to go in there, but Lou held me back, putting a finger over his lips to tell me to be quiet. “Who are we talking about again?” Tammie said to her teasingly. I heard Kait sigh loudly then yell, “YES! I LIKE NIALL JAMES HORAN!” My eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I choked out a random sound that caused the guys to open the door quietly and yell their hellos then slam the door shut. Tammie walked out, a glaring Kait following closely behind. She smiled at us when she realized we were here. “Hey guys!” She said happily, as if nothing happened. I was still in shock.

“I’ll call Danielle and Jackie.” Tammie said, smirking at Kait before leaving. “So, when did you guys get here?” Kait asked, moving around the kitchen, trying to find something to eat. “Not long.” I told her, making Zayn scoff and say, “Long enough.” She looked over at him and said, “What do you mean by that?” He smirked at her and was about to say something when Lou grabbed his arm and pinched him before dragging him upstairs after Tammie. The other guys followed. “That was weird.” She mumbled, grabbing some bread and putting it into the toaster. “Want some toast and jelly?” She asked as she opened the fridge, pulling out strawberry jelly. I nodded and sat on the counter. She joined me and said, “So, what did Zayn mean?” She looked nervous.

“Just that uh…” I said, not sure if I should tell her we heard. “Yeah?” She asked. I could feel her eyes on me as I looked around the room, as if the answer would be on the wall. Suddenly she jumped down and put her face in her hands. “Oh my gosh! This is so embarrassing!” She said through her hands. “W-What?” I asked her, jumping down. “You guys heard!” She said, still not removing her hands. “Well…” I said, then she moved her hands a bit and I saw her glaring a bit at me. “You guys heard me.” She said again. I nodded a bit, smiling sheepishly.

“Oh my gosh,” She said again, running a hand through her brown locks. “This is so embarrassing…” She mumbled and jumped when the bread popped up. She walked over and I could see the blush clear on her cheeks. “I guess it would be,” I said, smiling at her as I walked closer to her. She turned to me and looked me in the eyes, her gray-blue eyes staring right into my bright ones. I closed the space between us quickly. “Uh, it is.” She said, blushing more. “It would be,” I said again, raising an eyebrow at her. “If I didn’t like you back.” I said again. She looked at me confused, and then realization crossed across her face, then doubt. “You’re just saying that.” She said and turned around to put more bread in the toaster and jelly on her toast.

“I would never lie to you.” I whispered. She turned to face me and smiled up at me a bit. “Never ever?” She asked, her eyes fluttering a bit. I nodded, smiling. I rested my forehead on hers. “Pinky promise?” She whispered, I nodded and hooked my pinky with hers off to the side. She smiled widely, causing me to smile back and press my lips to hers, our pinkies still intertwined.

♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys liked it:)

Message me please! Thanks guys!
