Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



Hey guys! Kait here, so here’s chapter 11 and I hope you guys like it:) Just a reminder, we’re back to Harry and Jackie! Please send me feedback! Thanks:)

*Jackie’s POV*

I woke up one morning to my phone ringing. I groaned and reached over, answering it quickly. “Yes?” I asked groggily. “JACKIE! Come over! Quickly! I’m at Niall’s, COME TO ME!” I heard Kait’s voice yell through the phone. “What?” I asked but the line was cut off. I sat up, rubbing my head and sighed. I stood up and went to take a shower. I was out in about 10 minutes and threw on a pair of shorts with a Kermit the Frog tee shirt with some random jewelry and matching flip flops (

). I walked out of Harry and I’s room to see him and Lou on the couch. “Kait wants me to go over Niall’s with her, she sounded excited. I’ll be back.” I told them, yawning as I exited the apartment and over to knock on Niall’s door.

The door flew open and a pair of arms were around me. “I’M SORRY I WAS SUCH A BITCH!” Kait yelled in my ear. “Ow, Kait.” I said, rubbing my ear. “I’m sorry!” She whispered, pulling away from the hug. “I didn’t say you could do that!” I said to her, hugging her again. “I missed you so much!” I told her, crushing her ribs. She just laughed and hugged me back. “So, you sounded excited. And why are you here so early? It’s like, 7:30 Kait…” I said, looking at her suggestively. She smiled at me and looked around, no one was in sight. “The guys are sleeping.” She told me, smiling and taking my hand dragging me to the living room where she sat down on the couch, making me sit right next to her. She grabbed the remote and hit play to our favorite movie, Crazy, Stupid Love. I smiled widely and we both tucked our feet underneath us.

We usually hung out and watched movies to talk. It’s a good time to cry during the movie if something bad happened, laugh when it was funny, and be happy when they were happy, sad when they were sad. We could express our emotions better with the help of actors and actresses. “I have news.” She told me, smiling. I turned to her and said, “Oh, do tell!” She laughed and nodded. She looked around and said, “I’ve liked Niall for a while…” I nodded and said, “I know. I could tell. As could everyone… besides Niall.” She blushed and smile. “Well, he knows now.” She said. I smiled at her and said, “And…?” She smiled wider-if possible- and said, “He likes me too, has for a while. He asked me out on a date and… We went on one last night. To Nando’s. Then we took a walk through London…” I smiled at her and awed when needed. She blushed and said, “Yeah. He asked me to be his girlfriend, which I quickly agreed to…” I laughed with her and we watched the movie again.
“No! That’s not how he found out!” she said an hour later when I asked how Niall found out that she liked him. Kait nodded, laughing with me. “Yes!” She said and we both held our sides with laughter. Not from how she shouted it at the top of her lungs at Tammie, not that he found out, but because we both were laughing at each other’s laughs. Both red in the face, about to pee ourselves laughing at each other. “Okay, the guys are still sleeping.” Kait said a few minutes later, calming down. I soon followed, wiping my face clear of tears. “Dang that was good…” I said, giggling a bit still.

“I love how the movie just… comes together!” Kait said when the movie finished. I nodded in agreement, laughing a bit. “Yeah… I just love Jacob. All the time. Shirtless. I mean… it’s like he photo shopped!! Seriously!” I said, smirking. She rolled her eyes and got up. “I don’t need Photoshop. I have the next best thing,” She said, smirking a bit. I laughed when I noticed Niall at the bottom of the stairs. “Hey, Niall.” I said to him, getting up with Kait. She turned around. “So, when did you get here?” She asked, smirking. He smiled back and said, “Not long ago.” Kait giggled and rolled her eyes at him, walking into the kitchen. “Want some chocolate chip pancakes?” She called to us. I smiled and ran after her. “YES!” I shouted loudly, causing both of them to shush me.

“Shush yourselves!” I said to them, sitting at a little island at the edge of the kitchen. Kait chuckled, rolling her eyes and getting the pancake mix out. “So,” Niall said walking in and walking over to Kait, putting his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. “What about you not needing something Photoshop because you have the next best thing?” He asked. I could hear the smirk in his voice as I stopped the laugh from escaping. “Oh, we were just talking about Ryan Gosling in Crazy, Stupid Love and how his abs are photo shopped…” Kait said, smirking and mixing the pancake mix. “Oh, so what’s the next best thing?” Niall asked, confusion showing in his thick accent. “You.” She said and kissed his lips quickly before walking out of his arms to grab a pan for the pancakes. Niall sat at the island looking pleased with himself.

“Hey,” I said, pointing a finger at Niall threateningly. “If you hurt her…” I said, moving my finger to Kait, then back to him. “You will be buried six feet under.” I told him, glaring a bit. He smiled at me and said, “Don’t worry Jackie. I won’t hurt her.” He looked at Kait and smiled at her a bit. I smiled and nodded. “Good. Cause just because I’m preggers doesn’t mean I won’t kick your ass.” I told him. He nodded and said, “I wouldn’t push you to do that.” I laughed and nodded a bit. “Yeah, sure,” I said to him as I heard the sound of pancakes on glass plates.

“OH MY GOSH.” Niall said when he took a bite. “These are so good…” He continued, shoving more into his mouth. “Slow down,” Kait said, laughing. “You don’t want to choke and die…” She finished, smiling at him. “Your smile says otherwise.” Niall said, raising an eyebrow and shoving more food into his mouth. I ate a total of five pancakes, when I’d usually have two.
I looked down at my small bump and frowned. It was only about a month since I got pregnant. Should it be this noticeable? The morning sickness died down quickly, not really any hormones or food cravings yet… but I’m sure they’d come. I hugged Kait and told her I’d see her later and left back to Harry and Lou’s apartment where I sat next to Harry on the couch and curled up next to him.

“Hey, Jackie.” He said, smiling down at me widely and kissing my forehead. I sighed and said, “Hi, Harry. Hey, Lou.” Lou smiled and waved before looking at his phone and saying, “I’m gonna go visit Tam. Bye!” I waved to him as he got up to leave and I put my head back onto Harry’s shoulder. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. “What’s wrong?” Harry asked, wrapping his arms around me and rubbing my back. I shrugged and opened my eyes. I looked up into his green ones and whispered, “I’m getting fat.” He laughed and hugged me tighter, pulling me closer to him. “You look beautiful.” He said, smiling at me widely. I stood up and lifted my shirt, holding it right under my breasts.

“Look at that!” I said, pointing to my stomach which had a tiny bulge. Well, it should have a tiny bulge. It looked like I was already a few months along. Harry looked at it and looked up at me confused. “Isn’t that supposed to happen?” He asked me. I laughed and sat back down, pulling my shirt down. “Not this fast.” I told him, curling up against him again. “It’s not supposed to be so big; I think I’m just eating too much.” I told him, sighing. He wrapped his arms around me again and said, “Eat as much as you want. You could be as fat as a whale and I’d still love you the same, Jackie. I’ll always love you, no matter what. You could tell me off, and then leave me with nothing and I’d still be madly in love with you.” I smiled and laughed a bit. “I’d never do that, I love you too much.” He smiled and kissed my lips gently. “Then you wouldn’t be against meeting my family?” He asked me, smiling down at me. I smiled again and said, “Yes! Wait, no I don’t mind. Uh, yeah I want to meet them. I want you to meet mine too.” I poked his nose, making him scrunch it up a bit and laugh with me.

*Two days later*

“Harry, you ready to go?” I called from the front door with our suitcase by my side. I fiddled with my fingers while I waited. What if they don’t like me? Did he tell them about me? Do they know I’m pregnant with his child? I guess he could sense my nervousness because as soon as Harry saw me he walked behind me and started to rub my back. He wrapped his arms around my waist and said, “You’ll be fine. They’ll love you.” He smiled at me and kissed the side of my neck, taking the suitcase and my hand, dragging me out after shouting a good-bye to Lou.

“Are you sure?” I asked Harry as we parked in the driveway to the beautiful house. He nodded to me, smiling widely at me. I fiddled with my fingers again, jumping out of the car. I jumped up and down a bit, trying to get rid of the nerves. “Jackie…” Harry said, walking over to me and putting his hands on my shoulders. “You’ll be fine.” He told me, smiling widely. I nodded and took a deep breath. He took my hand and led me to the door where he knocked on the door before walking in.

“Harry?” A voice called. “Yeah, hi mum.” Harry said, smiling at the beautiful woman that just walked in. She looked a lot like Harry; she was followed by a girl that looked older than Harry, probably his sister. “Harry!” She yelled, hugging him. “Hey, Gemma!” He said, hugging her and kissed her cheek. He hugged his mum before Gemma noticed me. “Oh, hi! I’m Gemma.” She said to me, smiling and hugging me gently. “I’m Jackie.” I told her smiling.

“Harry! You should’ve told me you were bringing a guest, hello. I’m Anne. It’s nice to meet you, Jackie.” She said to me, smiling widely and hugging me. “It’s nice to meet you too.” I told her, smiling back. “Well, Harry, you know where your room is. Bring that suitcase up and meet us in the kitchen for some tea. Would you like some, Jackie?” Anne said to me, leading me to the kitchen. I smiled and said, “That’d be nice, thanks.” She smiled and put a kettle on for tea.

“Really?” I asked an hour later as Gemma told me another embarrassing story about Harry. She nodded enthusiastically as Harry buried his face in his hands. “Stop, Gemma!” he groaned. I laughed and patted his back. “Oh, you’ll get over it.” I told him, turning back to Gemma. “Any more stories?” I asked her. She tapped her chin before going into another, very well detailed, story from when Harry was younger.

“He thought he got the girl pregnant!” Gemma said loudly, laughing. I laughed a bit with her. “Oh, that would’ve been just… awful.” She said, giggling. I smiled and nodded a bit. “Uh, yeah.” I said, before quickly changing the subject. “Um, I’m gonna go to the bathroom.” I said, smiling and standing up. I started to walk before I turned back. “Uhm…” I said, making them both laugh. Harry got up and smiled at me, leading me to the bathroom. “Want me to wait?” He asked. I shook my head and kissed his lips. “Go spend time with your sister.” I told him before walking into the bathroom and doing my business.

Oh God. I’m pregnant. She will probably think it’s a bad thing. Oh my gosh. She’s probably going to think that the only reason that I love him is because he can provide a life for my baby and I. Oh damn, I think I’m going to be sick… I washed my hands and took a deep breath; I let it out slowly and dried my hands off before walking out after turning the light off and heading back to the kitchen. As soon as I got back Harry was standing in the middle of the room, facing Anne and Gemma, who both looked shocked. They both turned to me, and their faces showed sympathy.

He didn’t… Harry turned around and rubbed the back of his head. “I kind of, uh,” He said, pausing. “Told them that you’re pregnant?” he said to me, smiling. I sucked in a breath and looked at Anne and Gemma. “Oh…” I said, looking down at my feet. “I think we should talk about this.” Anne said, walking into the living room. Harry walked over to me, kissing my lips quickly before taking my hand and walking into the living room with Gemma and I at his flanks. Gemma looked… angry? At me. Because I’m ruining her brother’s life. Of course.

“So, care to explain Harold?” Anne said when we both sat down. “Jackie and I meet a year ago,” He told her, lacing his fingers with mine. “We fell in love quickly, and she left to go home. To America. She lives in Boston, Massachusetts. North end, in an apartment building. We kept in touch, she came to visit again. She’s here now for a few months, but that will probably change.” He looked over at me and smiled a bit before turning back to his mom. “We’ve been in love for over a year now. She visited, we had sex, the condom broke and now she’s pregnant. I plan to stay with her, no matter what. This is my kid; I’m not leaving Jackie or our baby.” He said, confidently. I smiled a bit at him.

Anne took a deep breath and looked from me to him, and back to me again. She sighed and looked at him. “This will change your entire life, Harry. Make sure you do the right thing.” She said, standing up and leaving the room. “What are you implying, mum?” Harry asked, standing up too. I stayed seated, though. I didn’t want to get into this any more than I already was. “I think you know, Harold.” She said, hurrying down the hall to her room.

♠ ♠ ♠
Hey guys! Sorry I didn’t publish this last night, I finished at about midnight-12:30 (ET) and I had to sleep because now I’m awake at 9:00 in the morning to get ready for a place I have to go to.

I hope you enjoyed it! Message me please with feedback! :)
