Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



Oh my gosh… So I’m at chapter 12. Now, I’ve gone through each of the couples twice and there’s been a lot of drama. I hope you guys like chap. 12, enjoy! :)


*Jackie’s POV*

“She hates me.” I whispered to him as we laid in bed. Harry wanted to stay a night, let it sink in then talk to Anne and Gemma again in the morning. He rolled his eyes and kissed my forehead. “She just has to realize how much I love you, and then she’ll see.” He said, wrapping his arms around me. I shook my head and placed it on his chest. “She won’t. She thinks you’re only with me because…” I stopped, getting chocked up. “Well, then we have to show her how much we love each other.” He told me, kissing me softly, but passionately on the lips. I nodded and closed my eyes, begging for sleep to take me.
I slept restlessly, nervous that Anne and Gemma wouldn’t accept us. I woke up and noticed that Harry was still asleep. I got out of bed slowly and walked over to our suitcase and grabbing some clothes. I exited the room quietly and walked on the balls of my feet almost silently to the bathroom. I knocked lightly then when no one said anything I walked in and changed quickly. I was brushing my teeth when the door opened and Gemma stood in the doorway. It seemed like there was fire in her eyes so I spat quickly and rinsed out my mouth, grabbing my clothes and exiting quickly without a single word passed between us.

“You stayed?” I heard a voice ask. I turned and saw Anne. I nodded. “Harry wanted to let things sink in a bit before he talked to you again.” I told her, stopping in the hallway, holding my clothes in front of me. “And you stayed with him?” She asked in shock. I nodded and said, “Of course. I mean, he wanted me to meet you guys. You should have seen how excited he was,” I smiled, remembering him telling me all the people I had to meet.

“Well…” She said and smiled at me. “I’m very sorry for the way I acted. I can see how much he loves you and… I just didn’t want to share him. But, I hope I can get to know you, start over new. From what I’ve heard you’re a very nice girl…” Anne said. I smiled widely at her and nodded. “I’d love that, Anne.” I told her and heard the door open. Harry walked out and looked at me and smiled, then saw Anne and his smile fell. Anne rolled her eyes at him. “I apologized for being a bitch.” She told him. He chuckled and walked over and hugged her.

“I love her, mum. I hope you know that. I loved her before the baby, and I still love her now. We just have things coming a little sooner than expected.” He told her. I smiled and slipped into the room to put my clothes in the laundry bag and back into the suitcase.
“Jackie?” I heard Harry call. I walked over to the door and walked out quickly, looking for him. “Oh shit, I lost my pregnant woman…” I heard him mutter. I laughed and leaned against the wall. I saw his head poke around a corner and he smiled at me. “FOUND MS. PREGGERS!” He shouted, walking over to me. I laughed again and smiled widely at him. “Now we just have to talk to Gemma.” He told me, wrapping his arms around my waist. I nodded and kissed his lips quickly. “I really don’t want her to dislike me.” I told him honestly, a frown on my face. He poked at my lips to get me to smile, and it worked. “She’ll get used to you.” He told me, smiling and showing off his dimpled. I laughed and kissed his cheek before being dragged into the kitchen where I could smell French toast being made.

I sat next to Harry, who sat across from Anne. Gemma walked in with her hair wet and sat across from me. She didn’t look at anyone or talk to anyone the whole breakfast, despite Harry and Anne trying to get her to talk. Eventually she just looked at me and glared. “I don’t want to disrupt breakfast, so I’ll leave so you guys can all talk.” I said, standing up and taking my plate to the sink where I rinsed it off along with my silverware. “You don’t have to, Jackie. Gemma’s just being unreasonable.” Anne said, looking at her daughter quickly. I smiled a bit at them. “It’s fine, I understand. I’d be the same way if it were one of my siblings.” I said, turning and walking away to Harry’s room where I sat on the couch, trying to ignore the fight going on in the dining room.

*Harry’s POV*

“She’s taking away your life, Harry! How are you supposed to go on tour with a pregnant girlfriend at home!? You won’t do as well! You’ll be worried! And it’s not like she can go on the road!” Gemma yelled at me. “We can make something work, she can stay with Niall, Lou and Liam’s girlfriends!” I shouted back, standing up my chair flying back but not falling. We’ve done this countless times before in these very seats. “So!? You’ll still be worried about that slut!” She yelled, and then covered her mouth quickly. I looked at her in shock. “Harry, I didn’t mean that!” She said and I could tell she didn’t, but she said it. She thought it, even if just for a second. “Want to know what?” I asked, throwing my napkin down on the table. “I’m in love with that girl you call a slut, Gemma. I’ve wanted to fucking marry her since she first visited a month ago! I’ve disliked many of your boyfriends, but I never once insulted them. Damn it, Gemma!” I shook my head at her and left the room.

“Harry! Wait!” I heard her call from behind me but I kept walking. I wouldn’t do it this time, no. I wouldn’t go back and just welcome her back with open arms with no consequences. This is too far. “Harry!” She yelled again, catching up to me. She grabbed my shoulders and spun me around. “Harold,” She said to me. “I’m so sorry. You know I don’t mean it!” She said, tears falling out of her eyes. “You said it Gem, which means you thought it. Even if for a second. She’s not a slut; she’s the farthest from it.” I told her, glaring a bit. “Harry…” She whispered as I took her hands in mine. My gaze softened as I looked into her tear filled eyes. “I…” I said and looked down. I dropped her arms and shook my head, walking down the hall to Jackie and I’s room to find her sleeping on the bed. I can’t believe she slept through that.

“Are you done?” I asked Gemma an hour later when Jackie woke up and asked if it was safe to get a glass of water. She didn’t want Gemma to get angry about her being there. Drinking her water. Damn. She sat outside our door on the floor. She stood up quickly. “Harry, listen. I’m sorry. I do kind of think she’s a slut, but I mean… I can tell that you love her so I’m going to forget everything that I think about her and-” I cut her off by putting my hand up. “Just… be nice.” I told her. Jackie was holding the back of my shirt tightly in her small hands. “C’mon, Jackie.” I said, taking both her hands in mine as we left for the kitchen.

“I really am sorry, Jackie.” Gemma said as we walked down the hall. She turned to her and smiled a little. “It’s okay, Gemma. I would’ve been worse if, let’s say, my little sister came home pregnant.” She said, I chuckled as did Gemma and we all went to the kitchen to drink water.

*Jackie’s POV*

“C’mon, I only have 24 hours to show you this place!” Harry said, smiling widely and running through the house to the front door. I rolled my eyes at him and followed slowly. “C’MON!” He yelled, grabbing my sneakers and picking me up, sitting me on the couch where he put one on quickly, then the other. “You have people to meet, places to see, things to do!” he told me, taking my hand and dragging me out of the house. “Bye!” I called into the house, laughing.

♠ ♠ ♠
I hope you guys like this chapter, it’s kind of… weird. Everywhere, but I plan on good things;) So, enjoy. And next chapter is a Tam and Lou one, I believe:)
