Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



Hey guys:) I can’t believe that I’m already at chapter 16! I have many ideas for this story, and this chapter. I hope you guys like it, please give me some feedback? :)

*Kait’s POV*

I sighed, looking in the mirror one last time before walking downstairs in my pink dress, silver heels and matching silver jewelry (

). I heard Lou, Niall and Tammie talking before I got to the bottom and took a deep breath, stepping down and looking at them, smiling a bit. “Ready to go?” I asked Niall, walking over to him. He nodded, dumbly and kind of stumbled toward the door. I waved to Lou and Tam, who were both snickering, before following behind him quickly. “Um, you look…” Niall said and stopped his eyes on my face. “You look… amazing.” He said, smiling at me. I blushed a bit and smiled back at him. I smoothed the collar of his dress shirt and said, “You don’t look too shabby yourself.” He chuckled and took my hand, leading me to a limo. “Wow, fancy.” I said as He let me in first then followed close behind me. “I knew you’d love it.” He said, winking and kissing my lips quickly. “It’s been a long day without you here with me.” He told me honestly, pressing his lips on mine again.

He pulled away, his face looking disgusted before he grabbed a napkin and wiped the lip gloss off my lips. I pouted at him. “It tastes bad, although you looked beautiful with it.” He said to me, smiling and kissing me again. I gave in quickly, allowing him to press himself closer to me in the limousine. After a few minutes I sighed happily, pulling my lips from his. “We’re going places.” I told him, giggling when he pouted and puckered his lips, trying to kiss me again. “So?” He asked me, raising an eyebrow. “We can go other places, like mine.” He told me, wiggling his eyebrows. I laughed loudly, causing him to pout again. The limo stopped, and Niall looked out the window and opened the door, hopping out. I slid over to come out when Niall held his hand out to me. I took it and he helped me out. “It’s not funny.” He told me, causing me to laugh again. There were flashes as he led me to a restaurant. “It’s plenty funny, Niall.” I retorted, getting excited when I smelt the food as soon as we walked in. “Nuh uh,” He said, lacing his fingers with mine. “Yuh huh.” I said, causing him to laugh. “Found something that sounds weird when you say it.” He told me, his eyes sparkling. “Oh really?” He nodded and I rolled my eyes at him. “Nuh uh…” I said, making him laugh. “I made reservations under Horan.” Niall said to someone, never letting go of my hand. “Ah yes, Mr. Horan. Welcome.” The man said, smiling nicely at the both of us. He led us to a table in the back of the restaurant that was pretty secluded, we were in a dimly light section with few other couples scattered around the small room. He showed us our table for two and gave us our menus. “Your waiter will be here shortly.” The man said, smiling at the both of us and walking off. I looked around and giggled. “This really is fancy,” I said to Niall, opening the menu. He smiled at me and nodded. I took a sip of water and looked at some food while swallowing. I noted the price of something and nearly choked on the water.

“Oh my… Niall, are you sure? This is… expensive.” I said, calculating their form of money to U.S dollars. The price of the Spaghetti with red sauce was equivalent to $20.00. And that’s just the spaghetti; the steak was equivalent to about $40. The cheapest thing was the spaghetti. “I’m sure.” He said, smiling at me. “No, seriously. This is big money, Niall. You know I don’t need all this,” I said to him, putting the menu down. He looked at me, looking relieved. “Really?” He asked, smiling. I nodded, chuckling. “Really really. I’m perfectly fine with getting a full meal someplace else for half as much as one piece of spaghetti, here.” I told him, causing him to laugh. He looked around at all the other couples who were talking and I looked as well. This isn’t us, we’re used to sitting in a booth together at Nando’s, laughing our asses off at jokes and going to the park. He stood up and held his hand out. “C’mon,” he said, dropping some money on the table and lacing his fingers with mine. We left, saying goodbye to the host and running off to the limo.

“To Nando’s!” Niall said as we jumped in. I laughed and smiled, taking my shoes off and tucking my feet under my body, cuddling with Niall for the ride there.

I slipped back into my shoes and ran out of the limo and into the Nando’s. “Yes!” I shouted. One of the people working there looked at me and laughed. I’m a regular here, well Niall and I both are. I come way too often, really. Niall caught up and he wrapped an arm around my waist winking at me.

I smiled at my food, grabbing a piece of chicken and eating it. “So much better than that other place…” I told Niall, smiling. He laughed, agreeing. “Oh my wizard God,” I said to Niall after wiping my fingers on a napkin. He looked at me weird. “Uh…” I said but shrugged it off. “I had the weirdest dream last night.” He nodded, urging me to continue. “Okay, so Jackie was ridiculously pregnant, right?” I asked him, he nodded. “And Zayn was like… getting married or something. It was weird. And Jackie’s water broke in the middle of the ceremony!” I said, causing him to laugh loudly. “Just… It was so funny. Me and you were almost pissing ourselves, and everyone else was freaking out. Jackie decided to wait ‘till the end of the ceremony to give birth. I don’t know how she just decided to do that, but she did, okay? And…” I said, taking a breath. “It was so weird. She had like… eight babies.” He laughed again and I smiled, laughing a bit with him. “She named them Edgar, Kaylyn, Io, Olive, Alex, Kait Jr., Harry Jr., and Sammy.” I told him. “Io?” He asked. I nodded. “Like, Ee-Oh. Spelled I-O. For a guy, I don’t know. It was a dream!” I told him, laughing. He laughed with me and I took another bite of my chicken. “That was it?” He asked me. I nodded. “Then I woke up and called Jackie, telling her to name her kids after me.” He laughed and shook his head, taking a bite out of his food.


*Niall’s POV*

“Another tour? What do you mean? You told us we had a year off! It’s only been a month!” Louis shouted, sounding angry. I’m pretty pissed too. “It’s a world tour! It’s the opportunity of a lifetime!” Our manager said, smiling brightly at us. Harry stood up. “My girlfriend is pregnant.” He said through clenched teeth. “You expect me to leave her for how long? Six months? I’m not going to. She needs me, and I’m not going to leave her alone.” He crossed his arms over his chest and I stood up. “I just got the girl of my dreams… and we’ve only been together about a few weeks now… a tour would ruin everything.” I said, stuffing my hands in my pockets. Lou sighed and said, “I love Tam. I’m not leaving her, no way in hell.” Liam stood up and said, “Danielle’s my life too guys, but what about the fans?” I looked at him and felt conflicted. Kait, the fans. Kait, the fans. “I see your point…” I said and Harry sighed. “Is there any way Jackie could come?” He asked our manager. I knew that we’d have to do a tour eventually, but not this soon. And Harry wouldn’t do it without Jackie, and we can’t do it without all five of us. “I’m in.” Zayn said, standing up. “I’m cool with Jackie coming.” I said, smiling. “Same here, but… we better be able to Skype.” Lou said angrily to our manager who nodded. “Got it, Skype. Jackie. Niall? What will it take for you?” I sighed and said, “Nandos. Skype, already have that though. And I want us to sing a song I wrote, the guys already know it.” He nodded and added it to his list. Liam said that he thinks we covered everything and we left with gritted teeth. “Glad we get to play your song, we’ll have to play it for the girls before we leave.” Harry said softly as we got into the car. I nodded, sitting next to Liam. He nudged me and smiled a bit. “You guys will be fine, she’ll be happy. Maybe she’ll even go home when we’re in the US, near her city and watch us. I bet she’ll even bring Tam and Danielle too.” He said, to us. I nodded, smiling a bit. “We’re going on a world tour…” I whispered, smiling brightly.

Then we cheered.


*Kait’s POV*

One more month until Niall’s tour. Currently, we’re in Boston, Massachusetts, USA. Why you ask? Because my older brother, Brandon, is getting married to his fiancée, Nicole. I’m a bridesmaid, and my date is Niall. My usher during the ceremony is an old friend of my brother’s who’s probably 10 years older than me and gay, but he’s still a hilarious guy. His boyfriend is amazing too, told me to keep my hands off his sexy ass. I agreed to, if he promised to keep his hands off my boyfriend’s sexy ass. He promised to try.

Brandon has known Jackie and Tammie for a while, they’re both invited and of course they brought Lou and Harry as their dates. My brother agreed to let Liam and Zayn come, they had to fix some things though. I told him to seat Zayn next to our cousin, Maddie. He’d like her. And Liam of course sat with Danielle.

I smiled as I threw my red dress on, with my black feather bracelet and earrings. I didn’t put my shoes on yet, they hurt like hell (

). Then I walked over to Nicole where her maid of honor was trying to help her with the dress. “Need a hand?” I asked, laughing a bit. She nodded and I walked over, trying to help her get the huge dress over Nicole’s head.

“OH MY WIZARD GOD WE’RE ABOUT TO GO!” I shouted an hour later. Mike, my usher, laughed at me. I glared at him. “Calm down,” He said, laughing. I took a deep breath and then shook it out, jumping around a bit. I sat on the floor and put my shoes on. “Ready to go?” I asked, smiling as Nicole’ sister and Jon went out. Then my sister and my brother’s friend, Jake. Now it’s our turn. “Let’s do this.” I said, grabbing Mike’s arm with one of mine and holding the bouquet in my other. We walked out how we were supposed to and I saw my brother looking impatient. I wanted to tell him to calm the hell down, but I was told not to. I didn’t want to ruin their wedding. I stood in front of my sister, and behind the maid of honor, smiling as the bridal march came on and everyone stood up. Nicole walked down the aisle and to my brother, smiling like an idiot.

After the beautiful ceremony I was pushed away to take pictures while people talked and such. It was pretty fun, you know. Posing with the wedding party and all. The photographers really were amazing, they let us do whatever we wanted, we did a lot of crazy things, and it was fun.

After pictures, we were brought to the hall where we all separated to go to our own tables. I was seated with the boys and the rest of us. I took my seat next to Niall, kissing him quickly before giving a quick hello to everyone. We were kind of squished in the table, there being 10 people at a table that seated 6. But we made it work anyway.

Brandon and Nicole had their first dance, everyone cheered. Most of us teary eyed. I wiped my eyes a bit, before grabbing Niall’s hand and saying, “I want you to meet my family.” He nodded, smiling and intertwined our fingers. “Mum, dad,” I said, walking over to them, they were talking to some people. They excused themselves and gave me huge hugs. I came three days before the wedding and hadn’t really had time to say hello yet. I spent a lot of time with my sister and Nicole. “Kait! Come back sooner!” My mother screeched in my ear. “Ma…” I said, trying to rub it. “Oh, sorry!” She said, pulling back before hugging me again. “Ma… It’s not like I’ve been gone for too long.” I said, frowning a bit. “I just missed my baby so much!” She said, pulling back and pinching my cheeks. “Ma!” I said, getting fed up and pushing her hands away gently. I glared at her a bit and hugged my dad. “I missed you daddy,” I said to him, smiling widely. I always got along better with my dad. I was his first little girl.

“Mum, daddy, this is my boyfriend Niall. Be nice.” I said to them, gesturing to Niall. He smiled to them both and shook my dad’s hand. “You can call me Bob, and this is Ree.” My dad said. My mum squealed a bit before hugging Niall tightly. “You’re the Irish boy I saw!” She said over and over again. He laughed and nodded, “Yeah.” He said, smiling. I rolled my eyes and said, “Ma, that’s enough. You’re going to kill him.” She let go and said, “Sorry, hun. It’s just… you never bring boys home or anything, I get excited.” I groaned a bit, face palming. “Maa…” I said, before shaking my head at her and saying, “I’m going to find Jen.” They nodded and I took Niall’s hands, pulling him away.

As soon as we got out of ear shot he started laughing. I pushed him and he said, “Kait, you never brought any guys home?” He wrapped an arm around me and smirked. I blushed and said, “Well, I uh…” I stopped when I spotted my sister dancing with someone. “Jen!” I shouted, waving a bit. She saw me and Niall and smiled running off the dance floor, her shoes already discarded. I liked mine though; they made me just a bit shorter than Niall. “Jen,” I said, smiling at her. “This is Niall. Niall, this is my little sister Jen.” Jen smiled and waved. “Nice to meet you, I’ve heard so much!” Niall nodded and said the same back. “Like, apparently Kait’s just in love with your—” I cut her off by covering her mouth and pushing her towards her friend, also our Brother’s half-brother, and was happy when she didn’t return. “You’re in love with my…?” He asked me, smiling victoriously. That’s two things he has over my head, now. “Nothing,” I said. Looking around to see Brandon drinking a glass of wine with some of his friends. I tried to walk over but Niall stopped me. “It’s something,” he whispered in my ear, wrapping his arms around my middle.

He kissed my cheek and pulled me onto the dance floor. I took off my shoes, throwing them under our table on the way and running after him laughing. “It’s nothing.” I told him as he pulled me close to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder. “Doesn’t look like it. C’mon, tell me! I’ll tell you something I love about you.” He said, smiling widely. I sighed and gave in. “Fine… your accent.” I said, blushing and hiding my face in his chest. He laughed and kissed the top of my head. “Yours is pretty adorable,” he said then shrugged. “Not my favorite thing about you.” I wanted to ask what it was, but then I’d sound like a little selfish bitch.

“I know you want to ask what it is,” Niall said, laughing. I looked up at him, shocked and said, “Nuh uh!” he laughed, and rolled his eyes. “I’ll tell you anyway.” He said and spun me out of his arms then back in. “Your smile, your laugh. The way you can eat pounds of food and not hold back in front of me. The way you get my jokes and the way your eyes sparkle when I walk into the room. The way you snore a little when you sleep and your cooking is amazing.” He said kind of dozing off. I was blushing madly by this point. I smiled at him and he smiled back. “The way you’ve stayed with me for about 2 months now,” He said and spun me out and back in again. “I think…” He said and paused. “I think I’m falling for you, Kaitlynn.” He said, smiling. I smiled widely and kissed him. “I think I’m falling for you too,” I whispered, resting my head back on his shoulder.

♠ ♠ ♠
So, there’s chapter 16. Tell me what you think!
I’ll be working on 17 tonight, I hope I can get it up tomorrow but I have physical therapy after school, then schoolwork and such… Busy busy!
