Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



*Jackie’s POV*

“We’ll see you in Boston?” I asked Kait, hugging her tightly. She nodded against my shoulder and the tears began to fall. For the past few months I’ve been… emotional. While on tour we’d be getting an ultrasound, to finally know the genders of our babies. Yes, I said babies. As in more than one. I’m pregnant with twins. While in DC we’d be seeing a doctor, which is in a week. First stop is in Austin, Texas, though. I clutched to Kait harder, trying to stop the tears. “Oh no, don’t cry!” She shouted, pulling away and wiping the tears from my face. She laughed a bit and wiped hers away too. “Go have fun, okay? Enjoy the shows, send me some videos. I want to see how our boys are doing.” She told me, making me smile and nod. “Of course!” I said, kissing her cheek before moving on to Danielle. “Oh, Danielle!” I said, hugging her tightly. “Be good,” she said sternly. I laughed and nodded. “Same to you.” I told her, winking. She rolled her eyes and I hugged Tammie tightly, saying goodbye. I walked off and noticed Lou hug her tightly, whispering in her ear. I smiled widely. He took her out a while ago and told her that he loved her. It was so cute. He took her to the beach, like their first date apparently, and told her as the sun rose. Since their date was at night, it was pretty cheesy. But adorable. I waved to the girls and got on the bus with help from Harry. I’m only three months pregnant, but since there are two babies inside of me, I look like I’m six months in. I’m huge, I look like a whale and I’m disgusting. I eat so much food, too. I eat more than Niall and Kait combined.

I saw Kait and Niall saying good bye, it’s been kind of awkward for them. A magazine apparently thinks that Niall is going out with one of his old friends from home who visited for a week. Even though Niall told them about Kait, everyone’s going berserk over this Jo girl…

I looked around and smiled a bit, the boys’ manager had given Harry and me a bigger bunk on the bus. I laughed and walked out of the back rooms, to the little living area. “Cool!” I shouted when I noticed the Wii. I’d be able to do my Wii fit stuff! Well, kind of. Harry doesn’t let me do certain things that could hurt the baby, and I agree with that. But I still do some of the more fun games, like the snowball fighting game. I love it.

“BYE! I LOVE YOU! DON’T KILL YOURSELVES! KAIT, DON’T BURN THE APARTMENTS AND HOUSES DOWN!” I yelled as the bus pulled away. She put a hand over her heart. “I’m hurt that you think that I would!!!” She said loudly, as the bus started to pull away. “Don’t burn down my apartment!” Niall yelled out the window, winking at her. She rolled her eyes, smiling and they all waved as we left. “I LOVE YOU!” Lou shouted to Tam, blowing her a kiss. She caught it and blew one back, he caught it and put it in his pocket. “Awhhh!” I said, putting a hand over my heart. “Why didn’t you ever do that, Harry?” I asked him, pouting. Lou laughed as Liam shouted telling Danielle that he loved her.

He looked at me, shocked and I stuck my tongue out at him. “You never…” He said, and then pointed at Lou, then at me. “Well, things have changed!” I said to him, sitting down in a chair. He sighed and sat next to me. “I’m sorry, I’ll be more cheesy.” he said to me, smirking. I rolled my eyes and said, “Yeah, yeah…” I smiled at him and laughed a bit. He gasped. “You joker!” He shouted, taking my hand in his and rubbing circles on the back of it.
The rest of the day was pretty uneventful. I realized that I was the only girl in a bus full of boys. Their manager was a boy, too. Currently, while the guys played video games, I sat in the bunk room doing my nails and talking to Kait, Tammie and Danielle on my phone. On speaker. “Jackie? Helloooo?” I heard Kait ask. “Oh, sorry!” I said, giggling a bit. “Painting my nails. They’re gonna be neon orange with-” I stopped as I finished a nail. “Hot pink polka dots.” I finished and heard them all laugh a bit. “The babies will love it.” I told them, laughing. I could hear their laughter and I sighed. “We’re about to go through a tunnel,” I said, looking out the window. “I’ll Skype you, Kait. You have your laptop, right?” I asked. “Yeah,” She said. I cheered and said goodbye, hanging up and walking out on the heels of my feet, grabbing Harry’s laptop from the table and walking back to the bunk and sitting down, setting up my Skype careful not to smudge my nails. After a few minutes I was talking to Kait, Tammie and Danielle again.

“I FINISHED!” I yelled loudly, smiling and showing the girls my nails. “Wow…” Kait said, turning her head to the side. “Looks better than I expected.” She said. I laughed and nodded, admiring my work. “What’s finished?” Harry asked, running into the room. I looked up at him and showed him my finger and toe nails. “My nails!” He scrunched up his nose and said, “So that’s what that smell was…” I laughed a bit and nodded. I put my nail stuff away and started to blow on my nails. “Jackie! When’s your doctor’s appointment?” Danielle asked as Harry came up and sat next to me, smiling at the girls. “Do you girls mind if I get the guys? They’ll want to say hey.” Harry said, smiling and getting up. I heard a gasp. “TELL NIALL TO RUN!” Kait shouted loudly. I laughed and so did everyone else. Harry left, chuckling and I turned back to the computer. “Three days. When we’re in Austin, the day after the first show. Right before we leave to some other place in Texas.” I told them, smiling widely and putting a hand on my stomach. “Awh!” Tammie said, smiling and putting a hand over her heart. I laughed and the door opened.

Five boys walked in and sat around me on the bed, smiling at the computer. No one spoke for a few seconds. I sighed dramatically and got up, leaving. “Somebody talk!” I said before walking out and going to the kitchen. As soon as the door closed I heard laughter and I smiled a bit, shaking my head.

“What do you want to eat?” A voice asked from behind me. I jumped a bit and turned, smiling at Harry. “I was thinking about making an egg sandwich…” I said to him. He nodded and lightly pushed me to the table. “I’ll make it. What do you want on it?” He asked, smiling at me. “Um… Ketchup, chocolate syrup…” I said and tapped my chin. “And pickles!” I said, smiling widely. He made a weird face at me before going into the fridge and getting all the stuff. He cooked the eggs and was about to add everything on. “You sure?” He asked me. I nodded excitedly and he added everything, putting the plate in front of me. I kissed his lips and smiled, grabbing the sandwich and taking a huge bit out of it.

“THIS IS SO GOOD!” I yelled, well, moaned loudly. Harry laughed and sat next to me. “Can I try a bite?” He asked. I nodded and held the sandwich to him. He took a bite, his face fell, and then he ran to go spit it out. I looked at him weirdly. “This is amazing.” I told him proudly. He shook his head and walked away and into the bathroom, he came out a minute later with a toothbrush, scrubbing his tongue.

That night Harry and I lay in our double sized bunk, his arms around me. I could hear his breathing, slow and even but I couldn’t fall asleep. I rolled slowly out of his grasp, careful not to wake him or anyone else up, and walked out of the room and to the living area.

I found a blanket and a pillow and lay down on the couch, which was about 10 times more comfortable than the cot, and fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

I woke up to my name being called loudly and a pair of footsteps running into the living area. I groaned, shoving my face into the pillow. “I’m trying to sleep! Shut up!” I said, but it was muffled by the pillow. “I thought you like…” I heard Harry say but stop himself. “Yeah, whatever. Go away.” I said and fell back asleep, the last thing I remember is Harry placing a kiss on my forehead and telling me that he loved me.

I woke up after who knows how long, by the sounds of people moving around. I rubbed my eyes and sat up. “We’ll be in Austin in about an hour.” I heard someone say to me. I nodded and pushed the blanket off me and swinging my feet off the couch. I folded the blanket and put it off to the side with the pillow. “Is the shower open?” I asked groggily, holding the side of my head. “Yeah,” Someone said. I nodded and started walking toward the bathroom. “Jackie, babe,” I heard Harry say, grabbing my waist and redirecting me somewhere. He chuckled when I tried to walk in the other direction. “The bathroom is this way,” He said, smiling widely. “Really?” I asked, making everyone laugh. He nodded, pushing me into the bathroom and telling me he’d get me some clothes.

I stripped and hopped into the shower, smiling as the hot water relaxed my muscles. I heard the door open and I’m guessing that it was Harry. “What did you bring me for clothes?” I asked, opening the curtain a bit and poking my head out, looking at Harry. He smiled and showed me a black, short sleeved shirt that would show off my bump, some stretchy jeans and a pair of black converse. I winked at him, giving him a thumbs up and going back into the warm water, rinsing the shampoo out of my hair. ( I washed my body and then stepped out, grabbing a towel and wrapping my hair, then grabbing another and wrapping it around my body. I heard movement and looked up, raising an eyebrow at Harry, blushing slightly. He smiled at me, winking making me chuckle a bit. “Out you go,” I said to him, walking towards him to push him out. “No! I want to stay!” He said, flashing me a smile, showing off his dimples. I shook my head, trying to push him out. I pouted when I couldn’t push him out. He sighed and kissed me lightly. “Fine, I’ll go.” He told me before walking out.

I put the clothes on and smiled, walking out of the room. Well, kind of waddling out. “Awh, look at the pretty preggo girl!” I heard someone yell. I laughed and stuck my tongue out at Zayn. “Yes, I am.” I said proudly, putting a hand on my stomach. “Does anyone need the bathroom? I’d like to blow dry my hair.” I said to them. They all shook their heads and I nodded, walking back to the bathroom and grabbing my blow drier. I blow dried my hair quickly, since my hair’s so thin.

I smiled when I walked out right as the guys were throwing their shoes on. “Ready to go? We’re going straight to the building where we’re playing.” Niall said to me, smiling. I nodded and walked over. Harry grabbed my hand and pulled me closer to him, wrapping an arm around my waist. I smiled up at him and he led me off the bus, following right behind me. “Careful,” he said to me when I stumbled a bit. I laughed and nodded, taking his hand in mine and looking around at all the fans.

That’s when I realized that this was the first time that I’ve been out with Harry since I’ve been noticeably pregnant.

♠ ♠ ♠
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Sorry it took so long! My editor had some stuff to do after school, well, here’s number 17! :)
