Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



*Tammie’s POV*

We got back to the apartments and went to Lou and Harry’s, knowing that we’d be too pissed to see Niall’s stuff everywhere. I barged in and went to the living room, sitting on the couch and pulling out my phone and finding the number and hitting the call button angrily. I checked the time, good. It’d be the middle of the night in the US. “Tam?” A groggy voice asked. “WHAT THE HELL!?” I screamed into the phone. I heard footsteps and soon Danielle was standing right next to me. “Who are you talking to?” Kait asked softly, walking in with her snuggie wrapped around her holding her teddy bear, and a cookie. I gritted my teeth. “What?” Niall asked, obviously confused. “I said, WHAT THE HELL!? As in, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” I said into the phone, standing up, too angry to sit down. “Tam…” Kait said, coming up to me.

I looked at her and shook my head, turning my attention to the Irish boy on the other line. “What are you talking about, Tam?” He asked me. I sighed and said, “We saw. There was a picture in a fucking magazine. Ass hole, thought you could get away with cheating on her!?” Kait was soon next to me. “Tam, calm down. I-It’s…” She said, but stopped herself. “D-Don’t yell, please.” She said to me, her eyes watering. “Oh, Kait…” I said, wrapping my arms around her. “What are you talking about!? We’ve been gone for two days! I wouldn’t cheat on her, Tam! That’d be stupid!” I heard his voice boom through the cell phone. “Really? Then explain the picture, dumb ass!” I said to him, glaring at the phone again.

“Tam… Please, don’t.” Kait whispered, tears spilling out of her eyes. I bit my lip and sighed, hugging her and walking out of the apartment and into the hallway. “I don’t know what the fuck is going on,” I said angrily into the phone as I paced the hallway. “But I don’t like it. Because Kait is in there, crying.” I took a deep breath, in order to not yell. “What picture are you talking about?” He asked and I could hear his voice crack. “There’s a picture on a magazine cover of you kissing some pretty red head.” I spat, glaring at a spot on the wall. I heard him groan as I slid down the wall. “Niall, I don’t fucking care anymore okay? You’re just an ass hole. You can at least admit to it, can’t you?” I asked him, my anger clear in my voice. There was nothing but silence between us before he said, “I didn’t kiss another girl. I went out with this girl months ago; we broke up about a month before you came… She ruined me.” I scoffed, rolling my eyes. “Then why is it in magazines now?” I asked him. I could see him shrugging as he said, “To ruin my life?” I sighed and shook my head.

“Sorry, Niall. I can’t… The picture… It’s too much against you.” I said and took my phone away from my ear and hit end, but right before I did I heard him shout, “TAM! I wouldn’t! I’M IN LOVE WITH HER!”


“I don’t care, Kait.” I told her, glaring a bit. She sighed, sitting down at the table. She wanted to call him, talk to him. But I don’t think it’s such a good idea, he’s always been able to convince her to do things. Even small things, like go out to eat with him and such, but.. I can’t take the change. You know the saying, Cheat on me once shame on you, cheat on me twice shame on me. She sat at the table and I placed a plate of pancakes in front of her. “Kait, it’s for the best. He’s a man-bitch, remember?” I said to her. She shrugged and took her fork, moving the food around on her plate. She’s been doing this for 24 hours now, I haven’t seen her eat a single bite of food. I looked at her nervously as she continued to push the pancakes around.

“Please eat?” I asked her, sitting down next to her. She shook her head. “Kait… Seriously, he’s just an ass. “I don’t think he’d cheat on me.” She whispered, pushing her pancakes into the syrup then out again. I sighed and said, “Kait.. the picture!” He looked up at me and said, “I trust him, Tam. I’m sorry if you don’t, but I do. That’s half a relationship is being able to trust someone! I trust him, he promised me he’d never lie or cheat, and I believe him!” She stood up, throwing her napkin down and storming out of my house and down the street. “KAIT!” I shouted, running out of the house. She was headed to Liam and Niall’s apartment, probably.

“KAIT! STOP, PLEASE!” I shouted, running to catch up with her. “Fuck off, Tammie.” She said to me, causing me to stop, eyes watering and watch her walk away from me.


My phone rang a few hours later, I scrambled to pick it up, Danielle watching me hopefully. ”Kait!?” I shouted into it, and heard a sob on the other end. “I’m so sorry!” Kait said on the other end. “Thank God you’re okay…” I said to her. I heard her laugh a bit and she rubbed her eyes. “I went to get some milk…” She said and sobbed again. “There was another magazine, with another picture.” She said and I stood up, pulling Danielle with me. “We’re on our way, Kait.” I said to her, hanging up the phone and running with Danielle to the apartment.

“Kait…” I said, walking into the apartment and not seeing her anywhere. I walked through and eventually found her curled up in a ball on Niall’s bed. “Let’s get you out of here,” I said to her, reaching for her. Her eyes widened and she shook her head. “No, I want to stay it…” She blushed but then it faded. “It smells like him.” She whispered and closed her eyes, pulling the blankets closer to her. I sat on the edge of the bed and Danielle soon joined me. I started to rub her back as she took deep breaths. “I’ll be right back,” I said, walking out and to the hall. I pulled my phone out and dialed the number that would explain all of this.

“Hey, Tam.” The Irish voice rang through the phone. “Niall,” I said dangerously. “There’s another photo. Why the fuck is there another photo?” I asked him. I could hear him struggling to answer so I continued. “Another photo of you kissing that girl. With the caption: ‘Back Together?’” I heard him sigh and he said, “Tammie, you can’t believe everything you see. You’ll see when you guys come see us in Boston.” I gritted my teeth and said, “Fine. I’ll see you tomorrow and if you can’t prove it, I promise you that you’ll pay for hurting my friend.” I could imagine him nodding as we both hung up and I walked back into the apartment.
The next morning I woke up and sat up to find that Kait and Danielle were already up, talking and laughing in the kitchen. Confused, I stood up and walked over to see them both eating pancakes. “There you are sleepy head!” Kait said happily, smiling at me. I smiled back hesitantly. She looks… happy. “How’re you feeling?” I asked her, sitting down and taking a few pancakes onto my plate. She smiled and said, “Better.” I nodded and smiled. As she should, she’s visiting home today. “The plane leaves in an hour.” Danielle said to me. I nodded and shoved a piece of pancake in my mouth, downing my milk then going across the hall to get some clothes on. (


“Ugh,” Kait said as we finally got through security. She has some metal in her ankle from some surgery, metal pegs to hold her ligaments together and she always gets stuck. “It’s so embarrassing,” She said to us as we left. I laughed and shook my head. “I need to get them removed,” She told us, frowning. I rolled my eyes and said, “You’re fine.” She laughed and shook her head. “I’ll do it!” She told me, giggling and running over to where we were supposed to be waiting for our plane.

Kait wanted to sit alone, so we let her. Maybe she’d make a new friend. Danielle and I sat together on the plane, talking and laughing with her for the six hour plane ride. Every so often I’d look behind me to see Kait next to the window, listening to her iPod. Or reading a book, sometimes texting on her cell phone. Not talking or smiling or anything, and then I realized that she wasn’t really happy, she just didn’t want anyone to see her unhappy.

I knew she was unhappy. It’s something that I can tell. Her laugh was fake; and so was her smile. But, I knew she was also trying to convince herself that she was happy, and I’d never try to take that from her because that’s who she is. She’s the happy-go-lucky kind of girl, who’s always smiling no matter what happened, who used to wake up in the morning and listen to her parents talking about how amazing her siblings were, and still managed to keep the smile on her face. Until she got to my house, at least. Then it would fall and she’d tell me everything, which is the only reason that I know it’s fake. It’s a very good act, she plays. Well, I’d expect her to be good at it, considering she’s played it for as long as I could remember… But then she met Niall, and her act was delayed by real happiness. Until, of course, now.

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