Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



*Kait’s POV*

I smiled as I lay in Niall’s arms that night, my head on his chest. I looked up at him to see he was already looking down at me. He smiled at me, his eyes crinkling up a bit. “Your eyes are pretty.” I told him, yawning and putting my head down on his chest again. He chuckled and said, “Well, I think you’re pretty.” I rolled my eyes and closed them. “I love you.” I whispered, smiling widely when he responded with, “I love you too.” And I fell asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

I woke up the next morning to an empty bed. I rubbed my eyes and saw a note on the pillow. “Kait, I’m off with the guys. Call me when you wake up! Love, Niall♥” I smiled and grabbed my phone as I put my slippers on and dialed the number I knew so well. “Hey, Kait!” Niall’s thick Irish accent rang through the phone. I smiled widely, “Hey.” I said and yawned a bit. I went into the kitchen and put some pop tarts into the toaster. “Kait! Can you get the mail!?” My mum called. “Sure thing, ma!” I said, grabbing a sweatshirt and putting it on. “What’s up?” Niall asked, I could hear the smile clear in his voice. “Getting the mail,” I said, laughing a bit. “So fun!” I said, rolling my eyes as I stepped out of the house and down the steps.

I crossed the lawn and smiled as Niall said, “Yeah, I’m jealous. I wish I was the mail right now.” I laughed loudly and stepped in front of my mail box, a car whizzed by me quickly. I guess this would be a good moment to tell you that I live on a main road. The cars go by quickly, so I’m pretty used to it. “Oh, Niall…” I said, chuckling as I took the mail out of the box. I looked through it and he chuckled. “You know I love you, right?” he said to me. I smiled and said, “I love you too, always have always will.” He chuckled a bit and I saw a letter for me. “I got—” I was about to tell him that I got mail, when I was cut off from a sharp impact from my right, I blacked out as soon as the car hit my side, flying through the air unconscious before hitting the cement with a loud thud.

*Niall’s POV*

“You know I love you, right?” I said into the phone, rolling my eyes at the guys who made kissy faces at me. “I love you too, always have always will.” Kait said, bringing a huge smile to my face. “He’s so whipped…” I heard Zayn say, causing the other guys to laugh. I nodded and said, “That I am!” They laughed harder and heard Kait squeal a bit in excitement. “I got—” She was cut off by something. I furrowed my brows as I heard the sound of screeching, honking and then a crash. “K-Kait!?” I said into the phone, looking at it to see that the call dropped. I looked up at the guys before looking back at the phone. My instincts told me to run, to run and find her. To make sure she was okay, to make sure that she just dropped her phone and it was hit by a car. I stuffed my phone into my pocket and ran out of the building. “Niall!” The guys called from behind me, running after me. We weren’t too far, we had walked. So I was in front of Kait’s house in a few minutes.

“No…” I whispered as I saw the ambulance, the car with blood on its white hood, the police cars… The worst thing I saw was the caution tape around a spot where there was a pool of blood. I ran over quickly and found Ree, Kait’s mom, sobbing. “Ree? What happened!?” I asked frantically, looking around for Kait. “Sh-She was hit by a car!” She said through her sobs. Bob came up and hugged her close. “Is… Is she going to be okay?” I asked, tears forming in my eyes. She looked up at me and started sobbing again. “Fuck,” I muttered, running towards the ambulance.

“I can’t let you through, sir.” A police officer said. I gritted my teeth, “The love of my fucking life is in that ambulance!” I yelled at him, trying to get by. “Let me through!” I shouted at him, still trying to get to Kait. I saw her body in the ambulance, covered in blood. Her clothes stained. The tears fell down my face and soon enough the guys were pulling me from the police officer. “KAIT!” I shouted loudly, trying to break away. “Niall!” A voice shouted, but I ignored it. “Let me go! Let me see her!” I shouted, trying to pull away. When I couldn’t, more tears fell from my eyes. “I love you, Kait.” I whispered letting my body fall to the ground and for sobs to rack my body.
Two hours later, I was still pacing the hospital waiting area. My eyes completely dry, not being able to cry another tear. “Niall… sit down.” Someone said softly. I shook my head. Two hours ago, we got here to find out that Kait was put into surgery. They said that her heart stopped, and she was dead but they were going to try to get her heart going again. They said someone earlier today died from bad lungs, but had a fully functioning heart and that they’d do a replacement.

“Niall, you need to take a nap or something.” Liam said to me softly. I glared at him. “What if that was Dani in there, Liam? Would you be able to sleep? I can’t. I can’t, Liam. She might not make it. I finally found her,” I said, tears springing up in my eyes. “I finally found my princess, and now…” I said and bit back my sobs. “Now she’s dead and she might never come back, Liam. She could very well be gone forever.” I told him, sitting down in a chair and putting my head in my hands. “You don’t understand,” I said to him, standing up again and pacing like before. He stood up and was going to say something but I stopped and looked at him. “Please, don’t try to understand. I don’t want anyone else to have to go through this. Even if they’re just trying to understand just…” I said and then continued to pace. He sighed and sat back down. Kait’s mum and dad had gone home, to sleep and eat. Jen tried to stay, but was forced to go. The guys stayed with me, as well as Tammie, Danielle and Jackie. “You should go, Jackie. Get some rest.” I said to her, pausing my pace to look at her. She shook her head, wiping the tears from her eyes. “I’ll call if I hear anything.” I promised, smiling sadly. She paused but nodded, following Harry out of the hospital after hugging me tightly. She looks like her. I thought and mentally slapped myself. They really don’t look much alike, it’s just the hair. But Kait’s hair is one of my favorite things about her, its thick and it always smells good. I love how much she frets over it, like it changes everything about her, but she could wake up in the morning with her bed head and I still think she looks as beautiful as ever.

I took a deep breath and started pacing again. “The loved ones of Kaitlynn Long?” I heard someone say. My head snapped up and I stood quickly, taking deep breaths as I walked over. They only say that if… No, Niall. Don’t think of that. She’s fine, she’s perfectly fine. Just like new. “We couldn’t get her heart working, so we did the replacement.” The doctor told us. I nodded. “And?” I asked him. “She’s in the recovery ward. She’s still unconscious; we need to give her time to wake up. We want to keep her unconscious, so that she can recover correctly. It won’t take long, a few days tops.” he told us, smiling at us. I sighed with relief and tears of joy sprung out of my eyes. “Thank you.” I croaked, smiling widely at him. He nodded and walked away. “You are welcome to see her, two at a time.” A nurse said, coming up to us. I let everyone else go before me, so I’d be able to go in alone.

I entered the room and looked at Kait’s pale face, her eyes closed and her mouth turned upward like it always was. I sat in the chair next to her and took her hand in mine. “I’m so sorry,” I said, kissing her hand. If I stayed home… I probably would’ve stayed in bed and made her stay with me, she’d be fine. “I love you so much.” I told her, closing my eyes and letting the tears fall down my face. I took a deep breath and sat back in the chair, still holding her hand and drifted off into an uneasy sleep.


*Kait’s POV*

I could feel the bright light behind my eyes, so I didn’t open them. I felt someone holding my hand and sighed, knowing that Blake was here for me. My best friend. Maybe Tam, but this hand was too manly. I relaxed again and tried to open my eyes to look at him, to admire his beauty. But my eye lids felt too heavy. “I know you can’t hear me,” A voice I didn’t know said. An Irish accent. Who’s this? “But I miss you, Kait.” He said. Why is he calling me that? Who the hell is this? “I miss you so much it hurts… you were supposed to wake up a few days ago, please… Please wake up soon.” I felt the grip on my hand tighten and I felt a kiss placed on my forehead. Okay, who does this guy think he is!? I used everything I had to open my eyes. I immediately cringed, the brightness of the room hurting my eyes. “Fuck,” I muttered, moving my head to the side so that my eyes wouldn’t sting. “K-Kait?” A voice asked. I opened my eyes again, now adjusted to the light and looked at a pretty boy with clear, pale skin, blonde hair with brown roots and pretty blue eyes. “I like your eyes.” I said then bit my lip. “Sorry,” I said to him then looked around. “Where am I?” I asked, already knowing the answer. “You’re in the hospital, Kait. You were… hit by a car.” He said. I looked at him weirdly. How did he know this?

“Um… why do you…” I started but stopped myself. “Why do you know that? I don’t… I don’t know who you are…” I said to him, looking at him weirdly. He stared at me for a second before laughing. Wow, nice laugh. I didn’t laugh though, which caused him to stop. “W-What? You’re serious?” He asked me, his face falling and his eyes rimmed with tears. “Oh damn, you’re gonna cry! I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to!” I said to him, tears showing up in my eyes. I hate seeing other people cry.
“Please don’t cry, I’m really sorry! I take it back, I… missed you too!” I said to him, smiling widely. He sat in the chair next to me and said, “What’s my name?” I stared at him, shocked and frowned at him. “I…” I said and sat back in my hospital bed. “I’m sorry…” I whispered, looking at my hands. I heard him stand up and leave. “I still think you have pretty eyes.” I muttered right before he closed the door and walked down the hall.

“Hey, ma.” I said when she walked in. “Oh, baby!” She said, running over and hugging me. I laughed and pushed her away. “Ma, calm down.” I told her then remembered the boy. “Ma… What’s the date?” She looked at her phone then said, “It’s November 6th. Why?” I furrowed my brow and said, “What year?” She looked at me weird and said, “2012.” My eyes widened and I said, “Are you sure it’s not 2009?” She nodded and then her eyes widened. “Oh my God…” She said and sat in the chair next to my bed. “Three years…” She said and started sobbing. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. The door opened and I was bombarded with hugs. My eyes widened as I looked at all the new people around me. I noticed Tammie, looking even more gorgeous than I remember, and Jackie. Pregnant. “You’re pregnant!?” I asked loudly to Jackie. She looked at me shocked as did everyone else. Including five people I didn’t know, four guys and a girl. “Yeah, she’s been pregnant for a while now, Kait.” A guy said, chuckling and wrapping an arm around her waist. “You’re so young!” I said to her, tears falling out of my eyes. “Don’t cry, babe!” One of the guys said, he had tan skin and pretty eyes and hair and… He was just gorgeous. He wiped the tears from my face and I looked at him, kind of scared. ‘Who are these people!?’ I thought. A boy with a striped shirt on with suspenders hugged me and kissed my cheek. “We missed you, Kait. How’re you feeling?” I was feeling pretty pissed off now, these people were touchy.

“STOP. TOUCHING. ME!” I shouted, trying to scoot away from them. “I don’t know you people! Why are you so touchy!? It’s just…” I yelled, more tears falling out of my eyes. “Tam, Jackie… I…” I said and started to cry. I put my face in my hands and curled my legs up to my chest. “Ow!” I shouted, putting my legs back on and grabbing my stomach. “Ow, fuck.” I said and let more tears fall. I looked around at the shocked people around me. “I’m sorry… I just…” I said, but couldn’t explain anything. I couldn’t explain about the boy with the Irish accent, or these people with their own accents. A doctor rushed in and pushed everyone out of the room.

“What’s the last thing you remember?” He asked me, taking out a light and telling me to look at his finger which was in the air as he moved the light into and out of my eyes. “Um, I remember sitting at my kitchen table.” I said, trying to remember. “My friend Jackie was with me, and we were eating… something. I forget what.” I told him softly. He nodded and asked me more questions like what grade I was in, how old I was, what my birthday was etcetera.

“Well, I believe that you have amnesia.” The doctor said to me. I gave him a look and said, “No shit.” He smiled a bit at me and said, “It’ll probably wear off in time, just go back to your regular life style.” He told me and then let my mom in and told her everything he told me. The door was left open and I saw the four boys and the girl out there, with the Irish boy. I guess he’s with them.
The doctor left and my mom followed, allowing the people to come back in. They came in and spread out around the room. Jackie and Tammie were in here again.

“I have amnesia.” I said, looking at Tammie, tears in my eyes. I turned to the other people. “I’m so sorry…” I said to them and looked down at my hands. “Hey, it’s fine! Don’t worry about it, we’ll just start over. We’ll try our hardest to not be creepy, right Nialler?” One of them said. This guy was holding the girl I didn’t knows hand. I nodded and smiled at them a bit. “But first… Um, Tammie or Jackie… The last thing I remember is from 2009, um… Jackie, we were at my house, eating some sort of food at my dinner table?” She looked at me and pursed her lips. “We ate a lot that year…” She muttered making me laugh. “I don’t expect you to remember but… can you tell me… um, can you guys tell me everything that… you know, happened?” I asked them shyly. Everyone nodded and took seats everywhere. Jackie smiled at me and sat on the bed next to me.

“Yeah, I moved to the UK.” Tammie said, laughing a bit. “You were so mad. I told you at the spot.” She said, recalling the memory. I laughed a bit. “Do you still live there?” She nodded and said, “You do too.” My eyes widened at her and I shook my head. “I left my family? No way. And school!?” She laughed and said, “You graduated High School, Kait. You were taking a year off from school and you visited me and loved it. So, you decided to stay. Niall helped a bit with convincing you to stay.” She told me, pointing to Niall. I waved to him; he chuckled a bit and smiled at me, waving back. Louis, I think, next to him laughed at the awkwardness.

“It’s so awkward!” I said when they continued the story. Everyone laughed and I smiled widely. The laughter died down and my stomach growled. “I’ll go get you something to eat, Nando’s?” Niall asked me. I stared at him blankly. “What’s a Nando’s?” I asked him. He smiled and said, “Sorry, forgot. I’ll just… I’ll just get your favorite.” He left the room and I could hear a huge bang. My eyes widened and I saw Niall walk down the hall through the windows.
“Hold on,” I said, stopping everyone. “I liked him?” I asked them, pointing to the door. Liam laughed loudly and nodded. “Loved, actually. You guys were the cute, gooey couple that everyone loved but hated at the same time.” I frowned and said, “He seems too violent for me.” He smiled sadly and said, “Like I said, you guys were crazy for each other, and you don’t remember any of it… He’s a bit upset. He’ll be better soon though.” I sighed and nodded. “So, we liked each other and everyone knew it but we refused to tell each other? For how long?” I asked them. “Too long.” Tammie said, rolling her eyes. I nodded and waited for them to continue. “Eventually, he heard you screaming at me while we were playing truth or dare that you liked him.” Tammie said, laughing a bit at the memory. “He was the happiest lad…” Harry said, chuckling as well. I laughed a bit and nodded. “I can imagine I mean, look at me!” I rolled my eyes and laughed with everyone else.

“We were too cute…” I said, tears welling up in my eyes. I tried so hard to remember. “And I don’t remember any of it?” I asked them. The tears fell over and the door opened, revealing Niall with bags with chicken on them. “What happened?” Niall asked, his eyes showing worry. “They were just telling me my life story.” I told him, wiping my eyes. He smiled sadly at me and I heard him take a deep breath and start to hand out food. He handed me mine and said, “Peri-Peri chicken.” I nodded and opened the box, looking in it and slowly taking a bite out of it. “This is amazing… Why don’t they have these in America!?” I asked, smiling and eating more chicken.

I noticed Niall had a bandage around his hand and looked up into his eyes. “What happened?” I asked him, looking back to his hand. “Oh, um…” He said, blushing a bit. “I… I punched a wall.” He told me, hanging his head low. I looked at him shocked and said, “Why would you do that? You could’ve hurt yourself!” he looked up at me, his eyes shining and he smiled at me. “I just… I miss you.” I looked down and shook my head. “You know, you haven’t really sounded like you but… right then you did. It reminded me of everything. I’m going to win you back, Kaitlynn.” He told me, smiling widely at me. I laughed and said, “Okay, Niall. Have fun with that.” He nodded and smirked at me. “Oh, I will.” He told me and continued to eat his chicken.

♠ ♠ ♠
Did you like it? Probably not.

But whatever, message me about it:)
