Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



*Kait’s POV*

*Okay, so this is where the timing get’s really weird. This chapter takes place right after chapter 24, I want you guys to see how Kait reacts to the video when she’s on her own. I already played it out, and it’s pretty interesting. So, yeah this is kind of half of chapter 24 in Kait’s POV and some more after that:)*

I sighed as I picked up a picture from the second box and stared at it a bit. “I don’t remember this one.” I said softly. I wish I didn’t have to do this, I hate not remembering. I don’t even remember who I’m with in this one. Niall smiled and told me what it was and placed it after a picture of me and him eating popcorn in Tam’s living room.

I reached into the almost empty box and pulled out some pictures that had a paperclip around them. I took the clip off and looked at the first one and frowned. Me holding a Tiger Lily up to my face, my eyes closed and tears streaming down my face. “Tiger Lilies are my favorite flower still?” I whispered, smiling a bit. Jackie nodded and I looked through the rest. “And that’s Blake?” I asked “With all those ugly flowers?” I added and crawled over to sit next to Jackie. She laughed and nodded, smiling at me as I looked through some more photos. “He never had good taste in flowers.” She laughed again and smiled sadly at me. “After this there’s a video as well.” She said to me. I nodded as she said, “Maybe we can watch it? It might bring back memories.” I threw the pictures randomly on the floor, looking at the last picture.

Niall and I, crying, standing in front of each other. He held a single Tiger Lily, his hand was on my cheek, probably wiping a tear away or just caressing my cheek. I couldn’t stop the tears from falling from my eyes. I could see in my eyes in the picture, I loved him. More than anything, he loved me. Probably still does. I want that! I want to be loved like that and be able to return the favor, but I can’t. Because I can’t friggin remember anything. I tossed the picture to the ground and stood up. “I-I’m sorry, I want to remember!” I said, wiping the tears from my face. Niall quickly stood up with me and said, “That’s what this is for.” I shook my head and said, “It’s not working! I don’t know anything… I don’t know that…” I paused and thought of the first thing I could think of. “You wore your lucky boxers when we met! Or that… that you’re searching for your princess! I don’t know shit!” I said, more tears streaming down my face. I want to remember more than anything, the times I had with Tammie, Niall, and Jackie… the guys. Everything. I hate not knowing. “I guess you do know some things,” Jackie said, standing up and winking at me. I thought for a minute then gasped loudly. “Those are true!?” I asked loudly, looking at Niall for him to tell me they’re true.

“Yeah, for the most part…” he said, causing me to smile. “I did wear my lucky boxers when we met, and I was searching for my princess but… I found her.” He smiled happily at me, causing me to blush, but it left my face faster than it came and I said, “Can we watch the video?”

The video starts with Niall, tears in his eyes talking to me. “These days have been the longest of my life, not being able to see you. You have no idea, I feel… empty.” He said, I clutched a pillow to my chest, tears threatening to leak from my eyes. “Don’t cry,” Niall said, reaching over and wiping the tears from my eyes. “Look at that!” I said, pressing a button on the camera that paused it. “Look at how… how in love we look, Niall. And I can’t remember any of it. The only thing I fucking remember is how to play the piano, the fact you have lucky boxers and wore them the day we met, and that you were looking for a god damn princess, why couldn’t I remember something like… like this?” He wiped more tears from my eyes and hugged me tightly. “It’s fine, I think you’ll remember eventually. The doctor said you could get your memory back, otherwise we wouldn’t be doing this.” He said to me. More tears fell and I sighed, watching him go press the play button again.

“Like… Like I wasn’t whole.” The Niall on the TV laughed, “As weird as it sounds, I feel like I left half of me at home.” The TV Kait and I both chuckled a bit. “I did,” TV Niall said to her a smile on his face, “I left it with you. Because you kept my heart, and you still keep it. And you’ll always keep it, because it’s yours.” TV Niall looked proud of himself when TV Kait smiled widely up at him. TV Niall’s voice got louder when he said, “I love you, Kaitlynn Joy! More than… more than anything in the world!” I was still frowning at the TV. I reached over, paused it then sat back down on the floor with the pillow clutched to my chest. I hid my face in it and Jackie reached over to pull me in for a hug. “Can I watch the rest alone?” I asked, looking up at them. They both nodded and Niall stood up, then went to help Jackie up and led her up stairs.

It took me a little while to press play, when I did more tears flooded my eyes. Niall not only confessed his love to me, but TV me thought it’d be funny to ask if he loved me more than some things, like Liam, his guitar, Nando’s and food in general. He, of course, said he loved me more than all those things. Saying that he’d be able to live for a few days without food, but not an hour without me. By now, I was sobbing into the pillow, tears pouring out of my eyes and down my face. I can’t take this. I didn’t press pause though, I continued to watch. To see me confessed my love to him. He did the same thing, asking if I loved him more than Jupiter, the stars, Nando’s and Tammie. Me being the funny bitch I am said that I loved him more than everything besides Tammie.

“I love you so fucking much.” TV Niall said and kissing TV me. I could see myself pull him closer, more tears fell. “I fucking love you too.” I said back to him, then the screen cut after hearing Jackie freak out over us. I didn’t get up to turn anything off; I just sat there clutching my pillow. Crying into it. I can’t believe I can’t remember that… I want to, so bad.

“Because you kept my heart, and you still keep it. And you’ll always keep it, because it’s yours.” He told me at the airport. I still have his heart, my heart responded by fluttering a bit but I ignored it. Stupid video making me cry… stupid… lovey gooey us before my accident… stupid accident ruining everything I had.


The next few days were pretty… well, pretty much nothing. I didn’t do much; I kind of just sat around being upset with myself. Niall tried to get me to do different things, tried to get me to go out. He tried to get me to play games, sing, eat… but I just didn’t want to. The only thing I wanted was to remember. I sat around doing nothing, really. I went to sleep every night and had the same dream, the video. Over and over, adding to my paranoia of me never remembering. Ever.


And now, here I am. I woke up at about 5:00 in the morning and sighed. I felt so… alone. Like, someone should be with me. But while I slept? Maybe it was usually Niall before the accident that was with me? Or Tam? Maybe Jackie? I sighed and shook my head, pulling a sweatshirt on over my head then grabbing my slippers and walking out of the house. I let my feet take me where they wanted and found myself in the lobby of an apartment building. I don’t know why I was here, but I felt like it’s where I belonged. I don’t think I know anyone who lives here, and I don’t remember how to get home. I sat down on a couch in the lobby, looking around a bit. I checked the time on the clock hanging on the wall across from me, 6:00 in the morning. It took an hour to get here? Has it always? Did I really go that far? I checked my pockets for my phone and realized I don’t have it. I took a deep breath and heard footsteps. I closed my eyes and pulled my legs to my chest. I hid my face in my knees and tried to remember why I was here.

Where the hell am I!? Who lives here? Do I know anyone who lives here? I don’t even know what part of London I’m in! Oh God, what if I’m in some random apartment building? What if someone finds me and they know me, but I don’t remember them? That would be awkward. What if someone finds me and tells me they know me when they really don’t and I go to their apartment with them? What if I get raped? Or, or what if I just stay here forever? Not knowing how to get myself home. Tears started to fall from my eyes and my body started to shake as I started to sob.

“Kait?” A voice asked. I jumped, looking up quickly fear quickly taking over everything in my body, ready to run if needed. I saw Niall and I let out a sigh of relief. “I-I woke up and needed to get out… so I left the house and I-I started walking. I ended up here and… I don’t know where I am.” I told him, tears falling out of my eyes again. I launched myself forward, wrapping my arms around his neck and crying again. “I was so scared!” I said, clutching onto the back of his shirt. “It’s fine, Kait. You’re okay. This is our apartment building.” Niall said to me, rubbing his hand over my back, soothing me instantly. “Really?” I asked him, releasing his shirt and falling back onto the couch. He nodded and smiled at me.

“Thank you for finding me.” I said and wrapped my arms around him again. I heard the door fly open and looked over to see Tam. She sighed and walked over to me. “I woke up,” She said loudly. “Empty bed, no note, no anything, cell phone on the counter… Do you know how scared I was!?” She looked at me and put her hands on her hips. “I’m sorry, Tam. I… I just needed to get out. I’m so sorry, I won’t do it again.” I said, tears forming in my eyes. Her eyes softened and she pulled me into a hug. “Just… don’t get lost again.” I chuckled and nodded, “Yes ma’am.”

“You should spend the night with Lou tonight,” I said to Tammie with a smirk. “I don’t want to leave you,” She told me with a roll of her eyes. I just scoffed and told her I’d have a sleepover with the guys, Jackie and Danielle. “Go” I told her, pushing her out the door and watching her stumble before running towards the black car. Soon enough, the rest of the guys piled out of the car and started running towards me screaming. I laughed loudly as I stumbled backwards, running away from them.

“NOOO!” I screamed when they caught up with me, tackling me to the ground. I laughed loudly, snorting a bit, causing the guys to laugh. “I called Danielle!” Jackie called, waddling into the room. I smiled at her and jumped up, running over to her and feeling her belly. “Hey,” She said, stepping away from my probably cold hands. “Leggo my preggo.” She said, causing the guys and me to start laughing obnoxiously.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about!” I shouted, trying to hide my laughter. “Bull shit!” Liam shouted. I looked at him, my mouth gaping. “What a language you have there, Li!” I said and laughed a bit, “Don’t change the subject!” Harry said, pointing a finger at me accusingly. I rolled my eyes at him, peaking at Niall out of the corner of my eyes, to see him looking quite smug sitting on the floor next to me and Zayn with a smirk on his face. “Oh, wipe that smirk off your pretty little face!” I said to him with a small smile poking his cheek. He laughed and rolled his eyes at me. I smiled even wider. “See!? There it is! ‘The Look’!” Zayn said, pointing at me. I dropped all the emotion from my face to turn to Zayn. “What look?” I asked him, playing stupid. “You’re easier to read than a book,” Jackie said with a giggle. I frowned, pouting a bit. “Awhhh….” Niall said, cocking his head to the side. “You look sad…” he said, putting an arm around me. “I am.” I said and crossed my arms over my chest. “They won’t stop picking on me…” I whined, putting my face into his shoulder, causing everyone to laugh, including Niall. “Not you too!” I shouted, crawling away from him. “Don’t go!” he called, holding his arms out to me. “Nope, I’m staying here.” I said, sitting next to Danielle.

“I miss you!” Niall said to me for the 10th time that night. “Shh,” I whispered loudly, looking around at the sleeping bodies on the floor in sleeping bags around me. Niall on the other side of the room in his. “Come join me? I have a big sleeping bag,” He said to me with a wink. I rolled my eyes at him. “I want to sleep, Ni.” I said to him. He sighed and stood up with his sleeping bag, walking/hopping over to me and plopping down next to me after moving Zayn. I laughed a bit as he smiled at me. I rolled my eyes at him. He held an arm out. “C’mon, you know you want to.” He said and did this weird eyebrow thing at me. I covered my mouth to stop from laughing over and scooted closer to him. “Only because you did that thing with your eyebrows, do it again?” I asked him, looking up into his eyes. He did it again, causing me to stuff my face into his neck to muffle my laughter.

Half an hour later, Niall stood up and held his hand out to me. “What are we doing?” I asked him, smiling and putting my small hand in his large one, letting him pull me up. He smiled and didn’t let go of my hand. “Trust me,” he said and pulled me out of the house after grabbing two of his sweaters, handing one to me and throwing the other on over his head.

He led me up the stairs of the apartment building and to the roof, where he then led me to some blankets on the ground. “Tam told me that you got your liking for stars during your tenth year of high school and don’t remember.” He told me with a huge smile. I smiled back and we both lay down on the blanket, staring up at the stars. “You told me everything you knew about them,” Niall whispered after we sat in a comfortable silence for a few minutes. “Like?” I asked him, looking over at him. He smiled at me and pointed up, telling me about the stars and their shapes, what they mean and everything.

♠ ♠ ♠
OMG. Thanks for those who messaged! I LOVE YOU!

**Insert GIF of Louis saying 'Love you!' here**

You rock. You guys are the reason I still write, and am planning to write an ACTUAL story (not a fan-fic). Based off a nightmare I had, it was scary as shit. Anyway, so I won’t be working on that for a LONG time, in the meantime… I have Moments and Gotta Be You:)

