Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



**Before the story**

Okay, now we’re back to normal time. I just wanted to put last chapter in to show you guys how Kait’s doing with this stuff:) Sorry for the time jump again, this is part of chapter 26 in Kait’s POV then it’ll pick up after:)

*Kait’s POV*

For the past few days Lou’s been kind of… in a depression. He stays in bed all day, only gets up to go to the bathroom. Doesn’t eat, doesn’t drink. Doesn’t shower, doesn’t do anything besides sit in his bed in tears and sobs. Occasionally we might hear him singing ‘Tell Me A Lie’ or ‘Moments’ from his bedroom, but nothing more than that. Maybe a different song, maybe ‘Not Over You’ by Gavin DeGraw. I’d go in every morning, try to get him up, try to get him to eat, to get him to talk. I got him to talk yesterday, but all he said was that he wanted me to leave him alone. So I did.

Today, I woke up to find the usual text from Tammie, asking me to come home. To come back and help her. I got my stuff yesterday and moved in with Niall and Zayn. Thank God Liam and Danielle got their own little flat, down the hall from the others. It’s cute. Tammie cried, but I don’t think I’ll be able to forgive her for what she did. I thought she was better than that, there’s no excuse for breaking someone’s heart like that. She should have put more thought into it, or given Louis a choice. Not just leave him, carrying his child without telling him anything. This is something that I feel very strongly about. I won’t go against Tammie and tell him… although I think I should. I decided to talk to Jackie about it sometime, and see what she thinks.

After deleting the messages from Tam and getting dressed, I scribbled a quick note for the guys and left it on the fridge like every morning. I slipped my sneakers on, walking out of the door and across the hall where I put my key into the door and opened it quietly. Just like every morning. I walked through the house, waving to Jackie and Harry, and to Lou’s room.

I opened the door and closed it behind me as I walked in. I poked Lou and softly told him to get up. I’m determined, today’s the day. I’m going to get him off his ass and out of bed. “No.” He mumbled. I glared at him as he put the blanket over his head. “LOU!” I yelled loudly, finally fed up with him lounging around. We’re going to do something today. Anything. “GET YOUR ASS UP AND OUT OF BED!” I yelled again, still glaring. I saw him pull the blankets over him more and sighed. “Get up!” I yelled, I slipped my shoes off and started to walk towards him. “No, let me stay in bed.” He said, causing me to roll my eyes. I reached over and pulled the blanket off his body. He looked up at me and I glared. “Lou, get up.” I said and took a step back to let him up. He got up slowly, keeping his eyes on me. I took his hand, telling him to follow me and shoved him into the bathroom, telling him to shower.

I went into the living room to see everyone there, talking and dressed and everything. “Hello! We’re gonna do something today!” I said, skipping in. “Like?” Jackie asked me. I shrugged. “I don’t know, laser tag?” I asked them. I saw Harry smile, Jackie just pointed to her stomach. “Hmm… We can go to the park!” I said, smiling widely. “… The park?” Liam asked. I sighed and sat on the arm of the couch. “What about a movie?” I offered. “Ooh! We can go see Gone! I heard it was good!” Danielle said. I smiled and nodded, looking around for the agreement of the others.

Lou walked out about 20 minutes later and saw us, walking over to us. “Okay, I’m up. I showered, I even shaved for you. What do you want?” He said, looking at me. I smiled at him and said, “I want to go out with the guys, Jackie and Danielle are coming.” He ran a hand through his hair and asked, “Can’t I just go back to bed?” I felt my face fall and I said, “You don’t want to come with us?” I thought I’d actually be able to get him to get out and about today. Guess not. I thought of reasons why he wouldn’t want to come, oh right, I can’t remember half the stuff they talk about. “I’m trying,” I said to him, tears brimming my eyes. “I’m sorry that I can’t remember, I’m so sorry…” I’ve been over-emotional lately, I can’t control it. The doctor said it might be a problem, but to just let everything out. He said keeping it in hurt me more, so whenever I’m sad… I cry. Mad, I yell. Happy, I smile. “It’s not your fault Kait…” He said to me, looking stuck. I wiped the tears from my face quickly. “Okay… well… I guess you can go back to bed… I just wanted to help you get back outside! You need some sunlight and… food and water. I’m scared for you.” I said, and sighed. “Alright,” I continued. “Let’s go.” I grabbed Niall’s hand and headed for the door. “Alright,” I heard Lou say, making me smile. “I’ll come.” He added. “Yay!” I yelled, running over and hugging him as he walked over to put his shoes on to come with us.

“The movies?” He asked when Harry stopped in front of the theater. I nodded happily, jumping out and taking Zayn’s hand. “C’mon! C’mon!” I said, dragging him in, everyone else following. “Um…” I said once we got to the front. I turned around and counted. “Eight tickets for Gone, next showing, please.” I said, smiling widely at the girl behind the counter. Zayn took out his wallet next to me and passed over the money. “Thanks, love. I’ll pay you back when I get a job.” I said to Zayn and smiled brightly at him. He just rolled his gorgeous little eyes at me. “Guys! Come on! Food time!” I said brightly, grabbing Lou’s hand and pulling him towards the concessions stand. “Lou,” I said to him and held my arms out. “Pick anything out, I’ll pay you back.” I winked at him and he cracked a bit of a smile. “Oh! I see it! It’s coming!” I said, pointing at his face, he laughed at me and I cheered in victory. “I got him to smile first!” I said to Niall with a smirk. He rolled his eyes at me with a smile. “What was the deal?” he asked. I tapped my chin then smirked at him. “I believe it was the biggest of hugs for the winner!” I said and held my arms out for him to come and hug me. He did so, and it was by far the best hug I’ve ever received.

“That movie was so good!” I said as we walked out. “Oh my gosh, it was just… brilliant.” Jackie said, clutching Harry’s hand. “It was okay,” Liam said. He never likes these kinds of movies, he’d be happy if Toy Story came back to theaters. “We’ll have a Toy Story marathon next time.” I told him with a smile. He smiled back and I looked to Lou. “Did you like it, Lou?” I asked him. He shrugged and said, “My favorite part was seeing you almost pee yourself during the kind of scary parts.” I scoffed and held Niall’s hand tighter. “I didn’t… I wasn’t scared.” I said to him, glaring a bit. He smirked victoriously.

A few hours later I sat alone in the living room, some books in front of me. Apparently these are my favorites. I hate reading. So much. I sighed as I picked up the first one, Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone. Apparently, my favorite series. This one, Twilight, and the Hunger Games Trilogy. I still hate reading. I looked at the books in front of me and read the backs, trying to decide which to read first when Niall walked in. “You read the Twilight Series first, it’s what got you into reading.” He said and walked out to the kitchen; I shrugged and picked up Twilight, looking at it. Sounds okay, but I heard a lot of bad things about it. I guess I can give it a try. Niall came back in after a few minutes with two pints of ice cream, one Cookies and Cream and the other Death by Chocolate and two spoons. I licked my lips happily and reached for the Cookies and Cream ice cream and a spoon, throwing the lid off and shoving some into my mouth, letting the ice cream melt on my tongue. “I have some new music to work on, so I’ll let you read. See ya,” He said, hugging me quickly before shuffling out of the room with his ice cream. I frowned, watching him leave, and put the ice cream on the table in front of me, picking up Twilight and starting to read.

Just two hours later, with no potty breaks and eventually putting my ice cream away, I finished with Twilight and moved on to New Moon, addicted to the book. The story, a vampire falls in love with a human; she falls in love with him as well. She finds out, what’ll happen to them? She’s not allowed to know that he’s a vampire! Oh, it’s so dramatic and overdone, but I love it. A few minutes after starting the second book Niall came out of his room to throw out the ice cream bucket and sat next to me. “Like it?” He asked me, the smile clear in his voice. “Uh huh,” I said, not taking my eyes away from the page. “What’s happening?” He whispered, leaning over and looking at the book. “I think…” I said and started to tear up. “I think that Edward’s leaving Bella.” I said, trying to bite back the tears. But, they can’t! No, no he can’t leave! That’s just… No! “Oh… Sorry,” Niall said. I laughed a bit and flicked my eyes to look at him to see him in his boxers and a tee shirt, his hair all messy. “Took a nap?” I asked him, putting my book mark in the book. He nodded and smiled at me. “You should too; you’ve had a long day.” He told me. I shook my head and tapped my book. “Must read!” I told him and opened the book again. With a chuckle he stood up and left.

Just ten minutes later I stared at the page in shock, I didn’t think he’d actually leave her! “How… How!?” I shouted and glared at the book. I hate this book! I took it and threw it at the wall, pulling my knees up to my chest. “Stupid Edward!” I shouted at the book. “Leaving… How could you do that to Bella!?” I yelled at it. I heard footsteps and soon Niall and Zayn were both looking at me weirdly, curiously looking around. “Edward friggin left Bella! How could he!?” I said and glared at the book. Zayn rolled his eyes and left. Niall laughed and picked up the book, walking back over to me. “You did this last time too, you end up liking the book.” he told me with a small smile. I sighed and took the book, getting back to my place. I heard his footsteps start to fade away and I called out, “Can you stay with me?” I heard the footsteps stop and I looked up at Niall.

“Yeah, sure. Let me just grab my guitar.” he said, smiling at me. I smiled back and turned back to my book, reading on. “He’s such an ass…” I muttered to myself, shaking my head. I heard laughter and blushed, looking up to see Niall. “Oh, hush you!” I said, smiling and turning back to my book. He sat on the couch, I felt it sink in and he started to strum different chords.

“How do you remember them all?” I asked him after he played a few different ones. He shrugged. “Practice.” He told me with a smile. I smiled back and turned to my book. “Kinda the same as remembering them on the piano.” He told me. “See,” He said and strummed, making a C chord. “C chord.” He told me, I nodded and looked up at him. “Will you..” I started to ask but shook my head turning to my book. “I’d do anything.” He told me softly. I blushed a bit and looked up, “Will you play a song?” I asked him, putting a bookmark into my book and setting it down on the table. He smiled and nodded.
“How do you remember them all?” I asked him after he played a few different ones. He shrugged. “Practice.” He told me with a smile. I smiled back and turned to my book. “Kinda the same as remembering them on the piano.” He told me. “See,” He said and strummed, making a C chord. “C chord.” He told me, I nodded and looked up at him. “Will you…” I started to ask but shook my head turning to my book. “I’d do anything.” He told me softly. I blushed a bit and looked up, “Will you play a song?” I asked him, putting my bookmark into my book and setting it down on the table. He smiled and nodded, adjusting the guitar in his arms as I put my book on the table and sat Indian style, facing him now.

He started playing familiar notes, looking at me with a smile. “Will you count me in?” He sang a bit, smiling when my face brightened. Bubbly by Colbie Caillat is one of my favorite songs. He looked down a bit, changing the chord, and looked back up. “I’ve been awake for a while now,” He sang, his voice sounding sweet and smooth. “you’ve got me feeling like a child now, cause every time I see your bubbly face I get the tingles in a silly place” he smiled and moved a bit. “It starts in my toes” He lifted his feet and wiggled his toes, causing me to laugh a bit, “and I crinkle my nose,” He crinkled his nose a bit, causing me to put a hand over my mouth to hide my laughter. “Wherever it goes, I always know that you make me smile please stay for a while now, just take your time. Wherever you go.” He smiled at me as I found myself mouthing the words along with him. He paused and jerked his head at me, starting to sing the next part, “The rain is falling on my window pane, but we are hiding in a safer place. Under covers staying dry and warm you give me feelings that I adore,” He stopped playing and looked at me cutely. “Sing with me?” he asked. I shook my head quickly. “Please?” He asked me, jutting his bottom lip out and looking adorable. “Don’t do that!” I said, covering my eyes with my hands. I spread out my fingers and stole a look at him. I sighed and said, “Fine!” he smiled and played a few chords, “you give me feelings that I adore.” I can’t believe I’m doing this, but I joined in and sang with him for the rest of the song.

“You could’ve jammed with me on the piano, but no. You sent it home.” He said to me with a frown. I rolled my eyes at him, “I can’t play that song.” He rolled his eyes at me now, “You probably could.” He said. I shook my head and picked up my book, opening it to the right page and continuing to read as Niall strummed his guitar lightly, sometimes singing a small part of a song.

“I’m going out for a bit,” I called into the house a few days later as I slipped my shoes on. “Have your phone?” Niall called back. “Yup, call if you need anything!” I yelled and opened the door, walking out of the apartment and closing it behind me. I buttoned up my coat as I walked through the apartment building, tightening my fuzzy scarf as well. It’s gotten a lot colder, and the warm weather is far behind us. I exited the building to the cold, chilly air of London and pulled my scarf over my mouth and nose, pulling my hat to cover my forehead as I walked through the crowded streets to get where I needed to go.

I’m going to a job interview, I turned in some applications to work at different places and a small cafe down the street from the apartment building called me, and now here I am. Going to an interview to get a job for some money. I entered the little cafe and shook myself out, smiling at the few amounts of people there. I went up to the counter, pulling my scarf down and telling them that I was here for an interview. “Oh, yeah! Kaitlynn?” The guy asked. I nodded and said, “You can call me Kait, everyone does.” He nodded and lead me to the back where there was a nice looking woman sipping some coffee and looking at a magazine. “Kaitlynn’s here.” The guy said, causing the woman, probably the woman who called me, Lilli, to stand up and smile at me. “Kaitlynn!” She said happily and came up and hugged me. “H-Hi.” I said and hugged her back a bit. “Come, take your coat, hat and scarf off. Come sit.” She said and gestured to the small closet with a coat in it already. I walked over, putting my coat, scarf and hat in it before walking back over and sitting in the chair across from Mrs. Lilli Eve.

♠ ♠ ♠
So, here’s chapter 28! Enjoy:)
