Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



So, for those who read my story I bet you are confused. I’ve decided that for this story, I’ll be taking three of my story ideas (Louis, Niall and Harry) and making them into one story. So, it’s the same story but from a different point of view (this one’s in Kait’s pov) and the Harry one will be from another girl’s pov. Each will have two chapters. The first two were for Tammie and Louis, the second for Kait and Niall and the third for (girl’s name here, I don’t want you guys to know of her yet;)) and Harry. Now, I know where this story is going and it might not be what you all expected so, I hope you’re ready for one hell of a story!


*Kait’s POV*
I sat down on the plane from Boston to London and smiled, I’d be seeing my best friend again. I took out my iPod to see that I forgot to charge it and sighed, grabbing my backpack and searching for my book. I pulled out Hunger Games and smiled, starting and not tearing my eyes off the page until I finished, then moved on to Catching Fire and Mockingjay. I read for 6 hours and 30 minutes, only stopping when the plane landed. I fumbled to get everything together and ran off the plane way behind everyone else.
I came across a closed door and tried to open it. “The hell?” I said, banging on the door. “HELLO!?” I shouted, just wanting to get out. “I’M STILL IN HERE! LET ME OUT!” I shouted and soon enough someone opened the door. I glared at her as I walked through the doorway. “I’m flying with Southwest on the way back to Boston.” I said to her, glaring. She sighed and I saw Tammie. I smiled widely and started running towards her, I dropped my bags right before I jumped and tackled her.
“I MISSED YOU SO MUCH!” I yelled as I hugged her tightly. “It’s so boring without you!” I said and got up, fixing my outfit. I re-rolled up the sleeves of my blue, plaid shirt and took out the wrinkles in my ripped, light skinny jeans. I found my headband on the floor and took it, putting it back in my hair smiling. ( I realized that Tammie was with someone other than her brother and smiled at them, picking up my white purse and my backpack. Shocked, I said, “Oh, um, hi!” I put a smile on my face quickly. “I’m Kait.” I said, putting my bags back down. The guys went around introducing themselves. “I’m Zayn,” one said, with dark skin, dark eyes and black hair styled in a very nice manner. He flashed me a smirk and hugged me. “Hello, I’m Louis!” a guy said with a striped tee shirt on with suspenders. He hugged me and I hugged him back before he was pushed away by a guy with curly hair. Harry, for sure. “Hey Kait, I’m Harry.” he said, sending me a charming smile. I smiled back and hugged him. “Hello, Harry!” I said, still bubbly as ever. —-“I’m Liam.” Liam said, coming up and smiling at me. I hugged him, seemingly catching him off guard and hearing him chuckle. “Hi Liam!” I said, giggling with him. After Liam there was only one left, Niall. “Niall.” Niall said, smiling a bit. “It’s nice to meet you, Niall.” I said, probably shaking from nerves as I hugged him like I did with the rest of the guys.

“Tamra!” I shouted, using her nickname for her. Her name’s really Tamara, but I like Tamra better. “I only have one suitcase so we should probably go get it.” I said, smiling. She nodded and we hooked arms, leaving the guys to go get my suitcase. “Ah hah!” I shouted as I spotted my princess suitcase and grabbed it. Tammie started cracking up. “What?” I asked, looking around a bit. She looked at me, and then the suitcase and I frowned.
“It’s not funny! This is my favorite suitcase, don’t be such a meanie face, Tam…” I said, pouting a bit If I could, I’d run way, but I have no idea where I am. She finally calmed down and we started heading back to the guys who were eating.
I gasped and ran over. “Did you guys get me anything!?” I asked; excitedly look at all the food. I frowned and said, “Everyone’s so mean to me today!” I was probably being obnoxious, but who cares? I dropped my suitcase and walked over to stand in line. After a few minutes I could hear Tammie laughing and I turned to look at them. I saw the guys chuckling a bit and Niall stood up. I quickly looked back to the menu when I realized that I only have dollars. “Crap…” I muttered. I started to turn to walk back and get money from Tammie when I noticed Niall. I smiled at him, getting nervous again. “Hey Niall!” I said, probably sounding way too excited. “I know you live in the U.S, so I thought I’d come help you out with paying?” he said, smiling sweetly at me. I sighed with relief. ”That’d be lovely.” I said and laughed a bit.
“I can’t believe I didn’t bother to transfer my money…” I said after he paid for me. He chuckled and I smiled. “I’ll pay you back as soon as I do, though.” I said to him. He rolled his eyes and said, “Nah. It’s fine, you don’t have to.” I looked at my feet then back up at him, into his blue eyes. They’re so damn blue! “You sure?” I asked. He nodded and smiled brightly at me. “So, what part of America are you from?” He asked me, his accent thick. “Massachusetts. Boston, actually.” I said, smiling sheepishly. He smiled and said, “Is that a bad place…?” I laughed a bit and said, “We’re kind of known for um, not being so nice.”
He chuckled and said, “Well, I think you’re nice. Very nice.” I smiled at him and thanked him quickly. “So, what part of Ireland are you from?” I asked him, leaning on the counter. “Mullingar.” He said, smiling. “It’s inland.” He added, then started talking about it. I guess he must really miss it there. Our food came up and we walked back as he continued to talk. I liked hearing all this, his accent is cool and he’s ridiculously funny. I sat down and got my food out. I gasped at the sight.
“What?” Niall said after I gasped. I looked at him then back at the burger. “It looks…” I said then smiled. “Absolutely GORGEOUS!” I said and took a huge bite out of it. He laughed and smiled widely at me. I couldn’t help but laugh when he did, it was so contagious! “Don’t laugh!” I said, still trying to laugh with food in my mouth. He just continued to laugh. Eventually we both calmed down and I was able to swallow my food. “Don’t laugh, Niall seriously. It’s so contagious! You’re gonna make me choke and… die or something!” I said and laughed a bit. Of course, he laughed. I laughed as well and barely saw Louis kiss Tammie. I whistled and said, “Get it in, girlie!” Kind of loudly. She looked at me, horrified and blushing while the guys laughed a bit. I smirked at her and winked, taking another bite out of my food.
“Dude…” I said, still laughing. “Oh my gosh! That…” I said, starting to laugh again. “That was so funny! I think I’m gonna pee myself!!” I said, causing Niall to laugh even more. We’re on our way back to Tammie’s house, and Niall and I are sitting in the very back of the car. Laughing our asses off. “Damn…” I said once we calmed down, wiping the tears off my face. I turned to him and looked at him until he turned to me. I looked up at Tammie and back at him. Then I looked around a bit and whispered. “I have a secret!” He gasped and moved closer. “What is it!?” He asked, smiling widely. “You are the funniest person I’ve ever meet! Please be my new bestest friend forever?” I said, smiling widely at him. He laughed a bit and said, “Same goes to you, Kait.” I cheered and did a little dance. “So you’ll be my new bestest friend forever?” I asked, jumping in my seat a bit. He nodded and said,
“Only if you’ll be mine!” I nodded and I screamed. “I HAVE A NEW BEST FRIEND!” I yelled loudly, dancing a bit in my seat.
Zayn sighed, “We know, Kait. We’re right here and you’re an awful whisperer.” He said. I gasped and held a hand to my heart. “That hurt…” I said, wiping a fake tear from under my eye. He laughed a bit before getting back into his conversation with Liam and Harry.
Tammie let the boys in and I ran in and hugged her mum. “MOMMA!” I yelled happily. She chuckled and hugged me back. “Hey, Kait.” I smiled at her and ran around, getting the feel of things. “Hi Tee J!” I said when I saw him. “Hey Kait?” He said, confused. “I’m visiting!” I said excitedly and ran back to the kitchen to see Tammie sitting down with Louis and her mum, Liam in the living room with Harry, and Zayn nowhere to be seen. Niall was in the kitchen trying to find something to eat so I decided to join him.
“Mmm, food!” I said when I was close enough to him, making him laugh. I smiled, jumping up on the counter on my knees and opening up a cabinet. “Do we really need more food?” I asked him, sitting down. He tapped his chin then shrugged. I laughed and grabbing his hand and pulling him to the living room where we sat on the floor and played the question game.
“What’s a Nando’s?” I asked. Okay, so I’m not that big of a fan. Sue me! I only really listen to their music, I don’t know too much about them. It’s too hard to figure it out, in the US. He gasped and looked at me in shock. “You don’t…” He started then wiped a fake tear from his eyes. “You don’t…?” He asked, not able to say it. I smiled sheepishly. “No, I don’t. Sorry?” I said. He bit down on his hand and stood up, leaving the room. I watched him go, confused. “Uh… Harry?” I asked, turning to him. “Yeah?” He said, smiling at me. “Nice dimples.” I said, laughing then saying, “What’s a Nando’s? And why should I know what it is…?” He gasped loudly and stood up. “No wonder he left! Nando’s is a food place. It’s Niall’s favorite, once he calms down he’ll probably demand that you go with him.” He said and sat back down. “Oh…” I said and put my hands in my lap.
“I don’t know if we have those in the US.” I said and shrugged a bit, grabbing a chip. “KAIT!” I heard Niall’s thick Irish accent yell. “‘Sup?” I asked when I got into the kitchen. I saw him with a jacket on and holding out my shoes and my jacket. “C’mon, we’re going to Nando’s!” he said excitedly. I raised an eyebrow but put on my shoes and jacket nonetheless. “I think I’ll be back, Tam…” I said as Niall grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the house. I waved before closing the door and he continued to drag me. “Whoa, slow down tiger!” I said, trying to catch up. He stopped for a minute and smiled at me. I smiled and looked down at our hands, realizing he was still holding mine. He let go immediately, a slight blush on his cheeks.

“Let’s go eat food.” I said, nudging him slightly. Smiling as he led the way down Tammie’s street and then to a Nando’s that was close by.
I walked in first and giggled a bit. “This is a cute little place.” I said, looking around. Niall chuckled behind me and I could imagine him rolling his eyes at me.
“What should I get?” I asked him, looking over the menu. I peeked at him over my menu to see him watching me, a smile on his face. “Aren’t you going to look for something?” I asked, my eyebrows furrowing. He shook his head and chuckled. “Nah, I know what I want.” I put the menu on the table and continued to read it. “What’s good?” I asked him, looking up at him. “Everything.” He said. I laughed a bit and looked at the menu again. “How’s the Peri Peri Chicken?” I asked. He smiled and held a hand to his stomach. “Amazing.” He replied. I laughed and decided I’d get that.
“THIS IS SO GOOD! HOW CAN THIS PLACE NOT BE IN AMERICA!?” I shouted after my first bite. Niall laughed at me as people gave me weird looks. “Sorry… No Nando’s in American… quite tragic.” I said to the people. They chuckled a little and I continued to eat. “Oh my gosh…” I said, taking another bite. “THIS IS SO GOOD!” I yelled again. Once again, more weird looks. Niall ate his food and laughed at me before I got used to the awesomeness and could have conversation.
“Thank you.” I said when we were leaving. Niall chuckled. “For?” He asked, smiling at me. I hugged him, wrapping my arms around his neck. “For taking me to Nando’s! And for paying for me. Sorry about that.” I whispered, still hugging him. His arms snaked their way around my waist and I smiled. I pulled away and said, “I’ll race you to Tam’s!” We both started running at the same time.
“Niall! You were supposed to let me win!” I yelled as he laughed at me. I frowned and said, “You’re such a meanie face!” He laughed harder and I stuck my tongue out at him. He calmed down and I looked over at the door to see Tammie and the guys crowded around the window. I frowned at them and they disappeared. “What are they doing?” I asked as I hopped on Niall’s back. “What are you doing?” He asked as he started walking. I rested my head on his back. “Being lazy.” I said. He went up the stairs and I started to slip so I wrapped my arms around his chest so I wouldn’t.
He walked into the house with me on his back and he stopped. “Okay, off you come.” He said. I shook my head. “Never!” I said. He sighed and jumped, trying to get me to fall off. I gasped and clung to him. “Fine I’ll get down! Don’t make me fall!” I said, still clinging to him. He nodded and stopped jumping. I slid off him and found the guys and Tammie watching a movie. “Hey! Didn’t see that you guys got home!” Harry said, smiling at us. I rolled my eyes at him. “Uh huh, sure.” I said, sitting on the floor in front of Harry. “What movie is this?” I asked him. He shrugged and said, “Some horror movie.” I nodded and saw Niall walk in with popcorn. I smiled and patted the floor next to me. He smiled at me and plopped down, offering me some popcorn.
“You both just ate!” Tammie said, taking the popcorn away. I frowned at her and stuck my tongue out at her. I turned back to the movie just in time to see some sort of monster jump out and kill someone. I screamed at the top of my lungs and hid my face in Niall’s chest. He wrapped his arms around me and rubbed my back. “It’s over.” He whispered. I looked out to see that he didn’t lie. I blushed a bit when I noticed I was still in his arms. I pulled back and pulled the spare blanket over my legs.
Yeah, not hiding during the movie didn’t work out so well. The monster thing did the same thing. Two more times so I just stayed with Niall for the rest of the movie. “Oh. My. Gosh. I’m never gonna sleep ever again.” I said quietly while the ending credits rolled. Everyone laughed. “Hardy har har, Kait’s easily scared!” I mocked them, sticking my tongue out at them and curling up against Niall. “Damn, that was a scary movie.” I whispered, closing my eyes shut tightly. The monster flashed behind my eyelids. I looked at the time and sighed, “It’s getting really late, guys.” I said. “Oh, wow! We should probably get going,” Liam said, standing up and bringing Zayn with him. I got up too and hugged them, then Harry and Louis then Niall. “If you have any nightmares, call me.” He said, slipping a piece of paper into my hand. I nodded and waved goodbye to them.
Tammie ran out and I heard her run back. I looked over to see her with a ton of blankets and pillows. “Fort time?” She suggested. I nodded and went to get the rest of the blankets and chairs and pillows. We finished our fort and we got nail supplies to do each other’s nails. “Let’s go to bed, night Kait.” Tammie said, lying down. “I’m gonna go sit outside for a bit, okay?” I said, crawling out. “Don’t stay out too late.” She called out, making me chuckle a bit as I noticed that Niall left his red sweater on the couch. I smiled and pulled it on, it smelled like him. Wait, what does he smell like? He just smells like Niall. Why do I care!? I don’t. I don’t care. It’s just fuzzy.
I went out on her porch and sighed, sitting on the edge and looking up at the stars. I instantly thought that the monster from the movie would come out and attack me and I started shaking. I pulled out my phone and added Niall into my contacts before calling him. “Hello?” I heard his thick Irish accent through the phone. “Niall… I can’t fall asleep.” I said quietly, directing my attention to the stars. I laid down on the porch and sighed. “Want me to stay up with you?” He asked. I shook my head and said, “No. I just need you to tell me that it’s not real and that if the monster comes to eat me you’ll save me.” I heard him chuckle which brought a smile to my face.
“It’s not real, Kait. You’ll be fine, I promise. And if somehow the monster comes to eat you, I promise I’ll save you.” He said. I sighed and shut my eyes, I still saw the monster. “I don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep… I shouldn’t have watched that movie.” I said and I opened my eyes again, looking back at the harmless stars. I heard movement in the background and a voice asking that Niall was doing. He replied with, “Stuff.” I laughed. “What?” He asked into the phone. “You’re doin’ stuff?” I asked, a huge smile on my face. I heard him chuckle and say, “Yup. I’m moving to the living room so I don’t wake anyone up.”
“You don’t have to stay up with me. I’ll just suck it up.” I said. “No, I’ll stay with you.” He said back. I smiled a little and nodded. “So, what’s up?” I asked. He laughed and I couldn’t help but chuckle a bit. “What’s up? Well, I was woken up by my bestest friend who’s scared to death because of a movie.” He said. “Wow, this bestest friend sounds so cool!” I said and laughed a bit. He laughed and said, “Oh yeah, she’s the bomb diggity as she’d say.” I laughed even harder, hearing him say bomb diggity in his accent just made my life. “What?” He asked, laughing a bit. “Oh my gosh! Say it again!” I said excitedly. “What?” He asked. “Bomb diggity!” I said, anxiously waiting for him to say it again.
“Why bomb diggity?” He asked, causing me to explode into a fit of giggles. “It sounds so funny with your accent!” I said, still laughing. He laughed with me and said, “Yeah? Well, I bet there are some words that sound weird when you say them.” I rolled my eyes and said, “Yeah, probably. We’ll find them eventually.” He chuckled and I looked back up at the stars. A breeze flew by me, making me shiver a bit. I brought my knees up to my chest and rested my head on my knees. “Cold?” I heard him ask. I shrugged and said, “Eh, kind of.” I could practically see him roll his eyes. “Don’t you have a sweatshirt or jacket or something to wear?” He asked. I blushed bit, pulling his sweatshirt closer to me.
“Um, yeah. I kind of stole yours. Since you left it here, I’ll bring it by tomorrow just text me when you wake up with your address, I’ll use my phone’s GPS if I can get it to work.” I said. I could hear the smile in his voice when he said, “Okay!” I laughed a little at his giddiness and looked at the stars. “The stars are so beautiful…” I said sighing. I heard him move a bit and then he said, “Yeah. I don’t usually pay attention to them.” I gasped and said, “You should. They all have stories; all have ways of coming to be. They each are a part of a pattern, kind of like they live, you know?” I could hear him breathing on the other side of the line. “Yeah,” he said and took a deep breath. “It’s like; they’re a part of something bigger than themselves. Something that makes them… whole.” I smiled and nodded. “Yeah, exactly.” I replied.
Niall started to fall asleep at about 2:00 so I let him go to bed and I crawled back into the fort. Tammie stirred and checked her watch. “You were gone for a while.” She said, closing her eyes again. “Uh, yeah. I was talking to Niall.” I said, laying down and pulling a blanket up to my chin. “Do you like him?” She asked, opened her bright blue eyes to look at my dull ones. I closed mine and shook my head. “As a friend.” I said. She sighed and said, “I know you like him as a friend. What about… you know, more than a friend? Like, do you like like him?” I opened my eyes to see her still looking at me. I shook my head and said, “No. I don’t like like him.”

That was the first time I ever lied to my best friend.

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Did you like it? I hope! Message me please! :)
