Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



**Kait’s POV**

“I’m off,” I said to Niall, pulling a hat over my head. “Where to?” he asked. I bit my lip. “Um, nowhere in particular…” I said. He rolled his eyes and said, “Don’t get lost. Have your phone?” I nodded and waved as I exited the flat and out of the building. I walked down the street and into the cafe where I worked. I got the job; apparently Lilli likes me a lot so… yeah. “Hi,” I said to Lilli when I walked in, taking off my hat and my scarf. She smiled and showed me to the back. She handed me an apron which I put around my waist like hers was. “I’ll be training you today.” She told me with a smile. “It’ll only take an hour, and then Ryan will be here to help you out if you need him.” She said, winking a bit. I smiled and nodded, following her out to the front where she told Ryan to come back in an hour. He happily obliged. He waved and climbed the stairs two at a time up to where he and Lilli lived.

An hour later I knew how to work all the machines and what all the pastries were and how to do everything. It was actually quite fun. My phone vibrated in my pocket as soon as Lilli left to get Ryan down. I took it out after checking to make sure there were no customers and it was a text from Niall, “When are you coming home? Want anything from that new cafe down the street?” I cursed under my breath and answered. Ryan was soon beside me, introducing himself. “Hi, I’m Ryan.” I smiled and waved. “Kait.” I responded, looking up at a customer. “Hi,” I said to the customer. They ordered and I quickly hurried over to make her coffee while Ryan got her Danish. I took her money and thanked her as she left. “Kait?” I heard a voice ask. I gasped and turned. “Shit.” I said. I saw this coming. I knew he’d come anyway. “What are you doing?” He asked, walking up to the counter. “I’m… working.” I told him. He looked at me weirdly, then at Ryan. “… Why?” he asked me. I laughed a bit. “I can’t just… use your money forever, Ni.” I told him. He sighed and rested his elbow on the counter. “Hey, pretty boy, get me a tea?” He asked Ryan. Ryan nodded and I sighed. “Anything else?” I asked him. He pursed his lips. “We’ll talk later.” He told me, taking the tea and handing me a five and leaving.

“He’s your boyfriend?” Ryan asked. I shook my head. “Oh, no. Not… Not at all. He’s just… I got in an accident, and he’s just looking after me. I had some serious head trauma.” I told him. He nodded and smiled at me. “If you say so,” he responded, turning to a new customer.

After working for another few hours I said goodbye to both Ryan, who I became friends with, and Lilli before putting my coat, hat and scarf on and walking out the door and towards potential death.
“So, how long have you been sneaking off to your job?” Niall asked when I walked in. I sighed and followed his voice to the living room. “Today was my first day; I snuck off to the interview though.” I told him. He turned to me, looking sincerely upset. “Did you really… not want me to know that badly? You could have just talked to me if you really wanted a job,” Niall said. I sighed and sat next to him. “Niall,” I said. “I… I didn’t know that I could. I wanted one, because I don’t want to use up all of your money.” he laughed a bit. “I have too much,” he told me, smiling at me. I smiled back and laughed. “But still, I need to be able to take care of myself. What happens when I leave? And I have no job?” I saw a flicker of shock cross the features of his face but it was gone. He shrugged. “You know that… that if you ever need anything… you can come to me. I won’t judge, and… I’ll help as much as I can.” He told me. I nodded and smiled at him. “I know,” I said, leaning over and pulling him into a tight hug. “You’re the best friend I have, Niall. Thank you.” I said, he nodded and I pulled away, stood up and waved a bit before going to my room.

**Niall’s POV**

“What happened to winning her back?” Zayn asked, walking into the room as soon as Kait’s door closed. I sighed, leaning back into the couch and closing my eyes, begging the tears to stay back. I just shrugged. “She… moved on.” I responded. Zayn scoffed, “She doesn’t know any better, Niall. You need to win her back, you two belong together. Don’t sit here and be stupid, go set something up! Next thing you know she’ll be going to that pretty boy’s apartment for the night and bam! It’s all over.” My eyes snapped open and I looked at him, shocked. That… that is what would happen. Unless I win her over, and soon. He’ll probably try to take her away from me; I know I can win her back. I won her over once, right? Oh, who am I kidding? I just barely won her over, I was lucky that Tammie timed that game of Truth or Dare perfectly and that she got aggravated quickly. I didn’t win her over with some fancy dinner, or with a cool movie, I didn’t even take her out anywhere nice. Mostly because we both never liked those things, I tried doing some of the things we used to but… she never seemed into it.

She never seemed to… enjoy it. When I took her to Nando’s, she seemed like she didn’t want to be there. The park, like it was boring. She’s different. She’s a completely different person, I guess Jackie was right. She was completely different before her brother died. That changed her in so many ways. Which means… that she’s there, we just have to get it out of her. But how? Maybe I can recreate it? I smiled and jumped up. “Thanks. See you Zayn!” I said running out of the room down the hall to Kait’s room. I knocked on the door before entering and smiling at her. She was sitting on her bed in front of her laptop. “Y-You should have… waited.” She said to me. I looked over and noticed the tear stains on her face. “Kait? What’s wrong?” I asked, walking over to her and sitting next to her on the bed. I put my arm around her and looked at the screen; she’s on twitter looking at her mentions. I looked at some. I closed the laptop and hugged her tightly. I felt her start to shake, her sobs racking her body. “Oh, please don’t cry…” I said, brushing my fingers through her hair. “They’re just jealous.” I whispered, kissing the top of her head. “Of what, Niall!? A girl who had everything she could want and lost it all? Who forgot everything important to her?” She looked up at me and started to cry again. I kissed her forehead and used my thumb to brush the tears from her face. “You couldn’t lose me if you tried.” I told her, pulling her back into a hug.

**Kait’s POV**

I skipped off to my room, feeling… excited and happy. I changed into some pajamas, put my hair in a bun and grabbed my laptop, logging into Facebook and Twitter then going onto YouTube and putting on some music. I checked Facebook first, chatting a few friends from back home and then checked Twitter. I haven’t been on in a few weeks; I usually don’t come on too often. The first thing I noticed is a lot of new followers, so I followed them back, singing along to the music as I went. Then I checked my DMs and mentions. I gasped, looking at the different things. Some were just, “Stay strong!” “Hang in there!” and “Get better soon!” but others were… awful. Calling me a whore, slut, bitch, user… the worst was someone telling me that I deserved to lose my memory. Some told me I didn’t deserve Niall, which I agree with. I’m just some bitch who fucked up his life. What sucks is that it’s true. I closed my eyes and did what Danielle told me to do, take a deep breath and count to ten. I did that and opened my eyes again to see new mentions, I clicked on some. Reading them to myself. This is true. This is all true. I wiped the tears from my face and moved my cursor to exit; Danielle told me to if it gets to be too much. “Don’t continue to read them, it never helps.” I remember her telling me. But, I just couldn’t stop. I think I’m just… hoping for something good. I refreshed the page to see newer ones. I heard a knock on the door and was about to call out for the person to stay out when Niall opened the door and strode in with a huge smile on his face until he looked at me.

“Y-You should have waited…” I told him, frowning more at him. “Kait? What’s wrong?” He asked, walking over and sitting next to me on the bed. He wrapped his arms around me and I cuddled into him. I heard him close the laptop and he hugged me tighter. I couldn’t help it from there, I let everything out. Everything I was feeling. Sad because of the tweets from the fans, sad because of myself, sad because all of it is true. Most of all, sad for hurting this boy here. This… sweet, innocent boy that was helping me, even though I forget everything we had and have yet to return his love. He started to brush his fingers through my hair, calming me a bit. “Please don’t cry,” He whispered. “They’re just jealous.” He finished and kissed the top of my head. Jealous? “Of what, Niall!? A girl who had everything she could want and lost it all? Who forgot everything important to her?” I said, looking up at him. I felt the tears start to fall again, but he just brushed them away with his thumb and kissed my forehead. “You couldn’t lose me if you tried.” He told me and hugged me again. I wrapped my arms around him and could feel what he felt for me. He seemed to keep it somewhat at bay, as to not make me uncomfortable. But I see it now, and it’s always been here.

He’s always loved me, and I can see that. I see it in his eyes when he smiles at me, when I say something. When we hang out I can see the longing in his eyes, I just never knew what it was. I never knew all of it was… real. Not until now, as I sobbed into his polo, my arms wrapped around his middle. He ran his fingers of his left hand through my hair; his right hand rubbed my back in slow, steady circles. “I can’t… I can’t do this anymore, Niall. I can’t handle it! Why can’t I just… Why can’t I just remember!? If I could remember everything would be better…” I said, clinging to the back of Niall’s red polo. He kissed the top of my head. “It’s okay, you’ll remember someday.” He whispered. “What if I don’t?” I whispered back, biting my lip to stop the sobs from escaping my lips. “I know you will.” Niall told me. I sighed and closed my eyes again, counting to ten. “Niall?” I asked him, looking up. He looked down and said, “Yeah?” I sighed and rested my head on his chest. “Did they like me before… before the accident?” I asked him. I closed my eyes and listened to his heartbeat. “No,” He replied, causing me to bite my lip. “They adored you,” He finished, causing me to laugh loudly.

“I highly doubt that,” I said. He laughed and kissed the top of my head. “Really, you used to spend hours talking to fans on Twitter; you used to go on Tumblr to be one of the fans, too.” He told me with a huge smile. “I swear, more fans wanted pictures with you than me.” I laughed a bit and rolled my eyes. “Riiiiight,” I said, pushing him a bit and laughing.

A few days later I was at work again, Niall made it his job to come and visit every time I was working. “Ry!” I called, laughing loudly as he poked my side. “No, I’m ticklish!” I told him laughing loudly. He smiled and reached out, squeezing both my sides. I squealed a bit, laughing loudly and squirming. “Let me go!” I shouted, laughing loudly. “Never!” he shouted, causing me to laugh more. We’ve gotten a lot closer over the past few days; he’s one of my best friends. We text, and we almost always work together so it’s hard not to be friends. The door opened, causing the bells to chime. I looked over and smiled at Niall. “Hiya!” I shouted, pushing Ry’s hands off of me and walking over to the cash register. “What can I get ya?” I asked, leaning on the counter. “The usual?” He asked with a smile. I nodded, letting Ryan take care of the money while I got him his tea with three sugars and a doughnut. “There you go.” I said, handing him the tea and food. He smiled and leaned on the counter. “Hey, the guys are coming over for dinner. You wanna make it or should I?” He asked me. I smiled and rolled my eyes at him; I knew he would just put bowls in front of them and buy some cereal. “I’ll make it,” I told him. He smiled and said, “Good, because I would’ve-” I cut him off with a laugh, saying, “You would’ve just put bowls in front of them and cereal boxes. You probably wouldn’t even give them milk.” He smiled and nodded. “What time do you get off? I’ll come pick you up and we can go shopping.” He said, looking in his bag and pulling out his doughnut. He licked his lips and I looked at the clock. “At about noon.” I responded, noticing someone else come in. He turned and then smiled at me. “I’ll pick you up in a few hours then!” He said, moving away and out the door.

“He likes you, you know.” Ry said to me as the little old lady walked over. She ordered a tea and he got it for me. I handed it to the lady after taking her money and handed her change back to her. She dumped it into our tip bin and I thanked her as she left. “I know. We… We went out before my accident.” I told him. He looked at me weirdly and I bit my lip. “I… I lost three years of memory during the accident.” I told him. His eyes widened but he said, “Oh… that… that’s awful.” I nodded and shrugged. “I mean, I’m not interested in him like that. He’s more like… like an older brother.” I told him. He flinched and said, “Dude just got friend-zoned.” I laughed and rolled my eyes at him, pushing him a bit. He smiled and went to wash something.

“I’ll see you, Ry!” I said when I realized my shift was over. I saw Lilli coming down the stairs and she smiled at me. I smiled and joined her to the back room. I took off my apron and hung it up, grabbing my jacket and my hat. “I’ll see you later, Lilli.” I said, waved, and walked out to the front where Niall was talking to Ryan. Both glaring at each other. “Ready to go?” I asked Niall, trying to seem oblivious to the tension in the air. “Yeah,” Niall said, holding his arm out to me. I smiled and hooked mine through his and we both walked out.

“Where to?” Niall asked as we walked out into the chilly air. It’s started to get a little nicer out, but I was still bundled up in a coat and a hat. I tapped my chin and shrugged, walking in a random direction, pulling Niall with me. “Somewhere random?” I asked him, smiling widely. He smiled back and nodded.

“No, no no no! I have money!” I said, pushing Niall away from the counter as I took my wallet out of my purse and fished out some money for my new clothes. Before I could fish anything out, I was being tickled and carried somewhere else. When I calmed down I noticed Niall handing money to the cashier, who took it. I ran over and lightly hit Niall. I pouted, shoving my wallet back into my bag. He chuckled and winked at me. I rolled my eyes and stuck my tongue out at him. “Hey, next time you stick that thing out at me I’m going to… I’m going to… eat it.” He told me, with a mock stern voice. I bit my cheek, trying not to laugh but couldn’t hold it. I let out a loud laugh, quickly covering my mouth with my hand and giggling behind it. I took my bags before Niall could and continued to laugh as we walked out together.

“So, anywhere you wanna go?” I asked Niall, looking over at him once I calmed down. He shook his head and I nodded. “Then, why don’t we stop and get food for dinner?” I asked him. He nodded and smiled, falling into step with me as we started to head home.

“Okay, so…” I said, standing in the kitchen. “You,” I said, pointing at Niall. He stood up straighter and saluted me. I giggled a bit, but stopped quickly. “Go boil some water.” He nodded and was off. “Zayn!” I shouted, calling him over from his room, wherever he was. “What?” He asked, shuffling in. “Come help, pretty please?” I asked, smiling at him. He sighed and nodded, pulling up his pants before they fell and asked me what he should do. I smiled and told him to cut up the vegetables.

I leaned against the counter, and smiled at the food that wasn’t quite cooked yet. “I’m gonna get dressed!” I called, rushing out of the kitchen and to my room where I slid on a white skirt with a loose fitting navy blue shirt, with matching converse. I quickly brushed out my hair and threw on a few accessories. I flew out of my room and into the kitchen to make sure everything got in the oven okay, and that nothing was burned and no one died. I sent the boys to get ready, and checked the time. Dinner starts at 6:00, so everyone will probably be here by 5:45. Why is everyone coming here for dinner…? What’s the date? It’s only November, I mean… it’s not Thanksgiving. Oh, I’m not in America. Wow. They don’t celebrate that here, I’ll have to do something with them. I shook my head and decided that it was just something random. I checked the time again, 5:40. I sighed and checked the steak; I should have put it in sooner. It’ll be done right at 6:00, poop.

Someone knocked on the door and I smiled, peeking my head around the mini wall to see the door open and Jackie walk in, her stomach leading the way with Harry close behind her, watching her carefully. “Awh, look! It’s the love birds!” I said, jumping out and hugging Jackie quickly, moving onto Harry. “Where’s Lou?” I asked, looking out the open door. Harry sighed. “He doesn’t want to come.” I glared a bit and said, “Make sure the steak gets taken out of the oven when the timer goes off, and tell Niall to take care of the vegetables in ten minutes.” Harry nodded and I walked out of the door and over to the apartment across the hall.

“Louis!” I yelled, opening the door. “I slaved over a hot stove for God only knows how long,” I said, walking in and looking around. “You get your ass out here right now!” I shouted, putting my hands on my hips and stopping, tapping my foot. I heard a door open, and Lou’s head popped out from his room. “Yes?” He asked, innocently. “Get dressed. You can’t keep yourself in there again. Please…” I said, walking over. He shook his head and closed the door again. “I can’t… I can’t go.” He said. I sighed and knocked on the door lightly. “Please, Lou? We want to help.” I whispered, hoping that he’d hear me. “You can’t, Kait.” He said back. I sighed and leaned my head against the door. “I wish I could. I wish I could knock some sense into her.” I told him. “Please open up; we’re here for you, Lou. Shutting us out won’t help anything…” I finished and sighed when he didn’t answer for a few minutes. “I’ll save you some food.” I said, standing up and walking out of the apartment and across the hall, where I found Liam and Danielle had joined the party and Niall and Zayn were presentable, the table was set and everyone was waiting on me and Lou. “No Lou?” Danielle asked. I shook my head and took the seat next to her. “No Lou.” I replied softly. Taking her hand and squeezing a bit. “I can’t stand to see him hurting this much.” I whispered and looked down at my empty plate. “Neither can we.” She responded and reached her arm over to hug me. I hugged her back before putting a piece of steak on my plate and began to eat with everyone.

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Hope you guys like it:) Enjoy!!!
