Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



**Kait’s POV**

“Hey,” I said, walking into the apartment after a long day of work, after which Ryan asked me out. On a date. For tonight. “Hey, Kait!” Niall said, smiling widely and bounding into the hallway. “You seem happy…” I stated, smiling a bit at him. He nodded and shrugged. “Yeah, I’ve gotten a pretty positive attitude lately.” He said. I smiled and hugged him. “That’s great!!” he nodded and said, “I’m also going to visit some family next week.” I smiled at him, knowing how much he missed them. “That’s awesome!” I said to him, taking off my scarf and hat, putting them in the closet. “Yeah, um… my mum wants me to… well, would-you-like-to-come?” He asked me kind of quickly. I took off my coat and turned around, unsure of what he said. “Um, what? I couldn’t understand you.” I said, putting my gloves in my coat pocket. “Would you like to come with me to Ireland?” he asked slowly, making sure he was clear. I smiled, I’d get to meet this family he always talked about. That he loved so much. I nodded, “Yeah, that’d be fun!” I said. He smiled and took my hand, pulling me to the kitchen and to the calendar. “We’re leaving on this day,” He said, pointing to a week from today. A Monday. “And coming home two weeks later. Sound good?” He asked me, looking into my gray eyes. I nodded, smiling a bit. “Sounds perfect. I can probably get those days off if I go talk to Lilli now..” I said, biting my lip. “Want me to come?” Niall asked, his head tilting to the side. I shrugged. “If you want,” I said walking to the closet with him to get dressed up to go outside and back to the cafe.

“Lilli,” I said, walking into the cafe again and smiling at the warmth. “Kait! What are you doing here?” I smiled and walked up to the counter. I licked my lips. “Can I have a tea with milk and three sugars, and ooh! A cookie!” I said, smiling brightly. She laughed and nodded, “I’ll have the same, please. Except no milk in my tea.” Niall said from beside me. She nodded and I went to grab my wallet, but by the time I have my money out Niall was getting his change. “Would you quit that?” I asked, glaring at him. He smirked at me, shaking his head. “I also have reason to be here,” I said to Lilli, as Ryan got our teas. “Really?” She asked, feigning surprise. I laughed a bit and said, “In a week I’m going on a mini vacation for two weeks, would I be able to get those days off?” She smiled and nodded. “Where are you going?” I smiled and said, “Ireland. With Niall, I’m going to meet his family.” She smiled and nodded. “I mean, he’s my best friend. So I’m really excited to meet his family!” I said, smiling widely. Ryan handed over the teas. “Thanks, Ry!” I said excitedly taking a sip. “Shit, that’s hot!” I said loudly when I burned my tongue. He laughed and said, “We still on for seven?” I nodded, smiling at him. “Of course, we just made the plans what? Half an hour ago?” I asked and laughed a bit. He shrugged, “You never know.” He said to me with a smile. “I’ll see you in a few hours, Ry.” I said, taking my cookie and smiling at Niall as we walked out. He looked tense.

“You okay?” I asked Niall, taking a sip of my tea as we stepped outside the cafe. “Yeah, I’m… fine.” He said, smiling at me a bit. I took a bite of my cookie. “I don’t believe you.” I responded. He shrugged and said, “I’m fine.” I sighed and shook my head. “Fine, when you want to talk about it let me know.” I said, taking another sip of my tea. He nodded and took a sip of his own. “How do you drink this without milk?” I asked him, looking at his cup in disgust. He laughed and said, “How do you drink it with milk?” I raised an eyebrow and said, “Touche, touche.” Laughing with him as we walked into our apartment building.

I walked out in my outfit for the date a few hours later, at 6:30. “Hey, Niall, do I look okay?” I asked, walking into the living room where I could hear him plucking his guitar. He looked up and his eyes widened. “Uh… y-yeah. You look great.” He said, giving me a smile. “What’s up?” I asked, noticing how fake the smile seemed. “Playing my guitar… you know…” He said, I rolled my eyes and sat next to him. “What’s really up? Are you okay? You know you can talk to me if something’s wrong or bothering you, right?” I asked, looking into his eyes to show him that I really cared. He’s my best friend, for crying out loud. “Yeah, I know.” He said and smiled at me. “And I think you know what’s really bothering me, Kait.” He said, shooting me a teasing smile. I didn’t return the smile, but instead stood up and nodded, a bit confused before saying goodbye and going back to my room, where I grabbed my makeup bag and went into the bathroom to do my makeup.

“Hey,” Ryan said when I answered the door at exactly 7:00. “Hey, Ryan.” I said, smiling. “Ready to go?” he asked. I nodded and said, “Let me just grab my bag and my jacket.” He nodded and I let him in while I went through the closet. I heard footsteps and sucked in a breath. “Hey, Kait. You going?” I heard Zayn’s voice ask. I breathed out a sigh of relief. “Yeah,” I said, turning to smile at him. “Ryan, this is Zayn. A really close friend of mine. Zayn, this is Ryan. I work with him.” Zayn walked over and shook his hand, leaning in and whispering something in his ear. I noticed Ryan go pale and I sighed, “Zayn, stop that!” I said, pushing him off a bit with a chuckle. “I won’t let him hurt you or anything,” I said to Ryan who smiled and laughed a bit. “Remember what I said.” Zayn said as we walked out.

“So, I thought that we could maybe just head back to my place and watch a movie? I made dinner too.” Ryan said as we walked out of the apartment. I smiled widely and nodded. “Sounds fun!” I said to him. He smiled and offered me his arm right before we walked out of the building, I smiled and took it, walking down the street with him to the cafe where we walked up to his apartment on the second floor, Lilli was working in the cafe with a man who looked to be Ryan’s dad. “We’ll be watching a movie in my room,” Ryan said as we hopped up the stairs. “Have fun!” Lilli called, “But not too much fun!” The man called as well, causing me to laugh and blush a bit.

“You up for something scary?” Ryan asked as he set up his massive television. I shrugged and smiled. I was never a really big fan of scary movies, but I deal if I have to. We both sat down on the couch before he jumped up and claimed he should make popcorn, leaving the room quickly. I laughed a bit and tucked my feet under my body and watched the previews. I reached the home screen by the time Ryan came back. “Welcome back,” I said smiling. He smiled back and sat next to me. “I only have one blanket,” Ryan said, holding it over his arm. “So we’ll have to share.” He told me. I laughed a bit, how sly of him. “Of course we will, don’t want to be cold right?” I asked, smiling as I scooted over and sat right next to him. He placed the blanket over both of us and the popcorn in between us. “Ready?” He asked, grabbing the remote and pressing play. “As ready as I’ll ever be.” I replied, laughing a bit.

About five minutes into the movie, this crazy monster thing jumped out and killed someone, causing me to jump a bit, but I for some reason expected it. I don’t remember ever seeing this movie, but it felt like I did. Maybe it was just like every other movie. The next time, I pretended to be more scared than I was so Ryan would wrap his arms around me and ‘protect’ me. The time after that I was still in his arms from last time, so I just hid my face in his perfectly sculpted chest.

By the end of the movie I found out that it wasn’t that scary, but it was fun. “That was a good movie.” I said, laughing a bit when the ending credits rolled. He laughed as well. “Yeah, it was. Want something to eat?” Ryan asked. I nodded, smiling and followed Ryan out of his room and to a sort of kitchen. I looked at the time, 9:30. “Oh, shit!” I said, looking at my phone to make sure that time was right. “I have to go, I’m so sorry.” I said to Ryan, running back to grab my bag and jacket. “Why so soon?” Ry asked, following. “I promised I’d be home by 9:30 and I’m already late, I’m so sorry Ry! But I had a lot of fun, we’ll have to do this again sometime!” I said, smiling. He nodded, smiling at me. “Let me walk you home at least?” I nodded and let him grab his jacket as I put my shoes on and he did as well.

“Come on, I’m gonna get killed!” I said, taking his hand and running down the street. He laughed behind me and caught up quickly. We got to the building quickly and walked to the elevator. “I really did have a good time.” I told him with a huge smile. He smiled and squeezed my hand that he was still holding. “I did too.” He told me. I smiled and when the elevator stopped, we got out and walked down to my apartment. “Well… here I am..” I said, biting my lip, debating on whether I should just say goodnight and go right in or… “Kait?” Ryan said, making me look up at him. His face was right next to mine, causing me to jump a bit, but I laughed it off with him and smiled up at him. “Yeah, Ry?” I asked him. He smiled and said, “Can I kiss you?” I smiled and thought about it. Hah, yeah right. I nodded and let him softly place his lips on mine. He pulled away after a second and smiled at me. “Can I take you out to dinner tomorrow night after our shift at work?” He asked. I nodded and smiled. “Wear something nice.” He told me with a wink. I laughed and took my key out of my bag, but the door opened before I could put the key in to show a hard faced Niall. “Oh thank God,” He said when he saw me. “You’re late, we thought you died or something.” He told me, hugging me tightly. “Niall, can’t breathe!” I said, gasping. He let me go and turned to Ryan. He shook his hand before saying goodbye. I waved as he left and walked into our apartment. “Did you have a good time?” Zayn asked from the living room, putting down his book. I nodded, smiling.
“We watched this scary movie, I feel like it should’ve been a lot scarier than it was, I guess I just got over scary movies… finally.” I said, laughing a bit and sitting next to Niall. “Hey, Ni.” I said with a smile. “What’s up?” I asked. He shrugged and sat back, his guitar in his arms. He plucked the strings randomly. I sighed and rubbed the bridge of my nose. “You’re going to have to talk to me.” I said to him. He just looked at me. “You were happy a minute ago when I got home,” I said to him. He just shrugged. “Would you stop being such a… such a girl, Niall!? TALK TO ME!” I shouted, standing up. He looked up at me and sighed. “Talk about what?” He croaked. Zayn took this as the time for him to leave, and he got up with his book and left to his room. “What happened? Why are you so upset?” I asked softly, sitting down next to him and taking his hand in mine. “This!” he said, yanking his hand from me. Hurt flashed through my features as I looked at him, he stood up. “I…” I said but he shook his head. “Kait…” He said and looked at me, I saw tears building up in his eyes. “I can’t… I can’t keep doing this. I know that you don’t realize it, but you’re leading me on. I know it, you like Ryan and… and I’m in love with you, Kait, and I know that you forget sometimes because I’m your best friend, but when you do stuff like that it gets me to hoping that I can have you back someday and I know that’ll never happen, Kait.” He said, closing his eyes and pressing his palms into them.

I stared at him in shock, I didn’t know I was leading him on. If I did I would have stopped. “I am so sorry, Niall!” I said, standing up so I was almost at eye level at him. Well, I was a good three inches shorter than him. He shook his head, ‘You didn’t know and I never told you.” He said sighing and scratched his head. “I guess I’ll have to change the way I act then. I’ll… I’ll pay more attention to what I’m doing. I’m sorry Niall, if I knew that you felt that way…” I said and bit my lip to stop my own tears, I can’t believe I hurt my best friend this much. And caused him to doubt himself and think that he’ll never win me back, because there’s a chance that I’ll get my memory back. He just doesn’t believe.

He nodded and rubbed the back of his neck. “I mean, I don’t… I don’t not like it..” He said, blushing a bit. I laughed and sat down on the couch. He joined me and I sighed a bit, leaning my head back and closing my eyes. “Tell me what you want, please. I don’t want to be guessing, really, and I don’t want to hurt you.” I said, opening my eyes and looking over at him. He bit his lip and looked at me again. “Do… Do you think that we… we have a chance? That we might get together again some day?” He asked, looking into my eyes. I stared back, unable to do much else. “I think that anything is possible.” I told him with a nod. He smiled a bit and sighed. “So, you don’t believe it then.” I laughed a bit and said, “I just said that I do. I think it could happen, I guess.” He looked up at me and bit his lip. “It could, anything is possible.” I said to him. “Anything.” I finished, a small smile forming on his lips. “I’m gonna go to bed,” I said, standing up. I hugged Niall before walking out and to my room, looking at myself in the mirror. Why is life so difficult?

♠ ♠ ♠
You guys still love me, right? Even though I screwed up and it took me forever to write this and it’s shit? I’m sorry! D: The next one will be better I promise:)

Well, I promise to try:D
