Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



**Jackie’s POV**

“Am I the last one up?” I asked groggily, slowly coming down the stairs to the main living room. Harry looked up and when he saw me struggling. He told my sister he’d be back in a second and ran over to help me down the stairs. “Thanks,” I said, rubbing my eyes a bit. Harry chuckled, kissing my cheek before joining my sister again on the couch, grabbing his cards and looking at her accusingly. “Is that pancakes I smell?” I asked, waddling into the kitchen. My mum and dad both stood at opposite sides of the kitchen making different things. I laughed a bit, waddling over to my mum and looking at the pancakes. I tapped my chin and sniffed a bit. My stomach lurched and I crinkled my nose up, backing away and moving to where my dad was making some eggs and toast. I licked my lips and asked if he could make me some. “You hate eggs… Right, pregnant.” He said, smiling at me. I laughed a bit, putting a hand over my stomach and nodding. “The babies are due in about a month, daddy. Isn’t that great?” I asked him, still smiling widely. He nodded, moving to the fridge to get more eggs. “Yeah, hun.” He said. My mum looked over and asked, “What are you guys going to name them?” I smiled and looked at my stomach.

“Harry’s choosing the first name for the girl; I’m choosing the middle name. I’m choosing the first name for the boy and he’s choosing the middle name.” I told her, smiling. “So, Darcy Anne and Alec Michael.” I finished. She smiled widely, “Those names are beautiful!” She told me. I nodded, smiling down at my stomach. “Eggs are up!” My dad shouted, startling me a bit. He handed me a plate with bacon, eggs and toast on it. I waddled over to the silverware drawer and grabbed a fork and a knife, waddling over to the table.

Before I got there, the plate was out of my hands and a hand was wrapped around my waist. Harry placed a kiss on my cheek, smiling widely before putting my plate down and pulling a chair out for me. “Thanks, Harry.” I said, smiling thankfully at him. He nodded, walking over to my mum where he offered to finish up the pancakes for her. She agreed, smiling at him and grabbing drinks for everyone. “So, Darcy Anne and Alec Michael.” Cat said from next to me. “Cute names.” She finished, shoving a piece of egg in her mouth. She started to talk but I stopped her. “Don’t talk with your mouth full, it’s rude.” I scolded her, taking a bite of my toast. She laughed a bit, “You’re good at that motherly shit,” She told me. I glared at her. “Don’t swear, Catherine!” I said to her. She rolled her eyes at me. “I almost took you seriously for a minute, Jackie.” She told me, putting more food in her mouth. “But you aren’t that scary.” She finished the food still in her mouth. “Cat! That is absolutely disgusting!” I said to her, covering my eyes with my hand and trying to subdue the rage that I felt. I heard people start to take seats around me and took a deep breath, looking over at Cat. Who hasn’t talked yet. “Sorry.” She muttered, looking down at her plate. I smiled a bit and let out a laugh.

After breakfast, since it’s our last day, we spent the day doing different things. Cat convinced all of us to go bowling, I don’t know how she did that but… I ended up at the bowling alley, attempting to bowl with my huge stomach getting in the way. “I’m done.” I said, putting the bowling ball back and sitting in between Harry and my dad.

“You did great.” Harry said, kissing the top of my head. I laughed, rolling my eyes at him. “Yeah, yeah. I’ll be better when these babies decide it’s ready to come into the world.” I said with a smile. He smiled as well, holding my hand tightly in his own.


“I can’t believe it’s been two weeks!” I said, hugging my sister tightly. “I’ll miss you, Cat.” I said to her, kissing her cheek. “I’ll see you in about a month.” I told her, poking her nose. She nodded, smiling a bit. I hugged my mum and dad, then my older sister and brother. Harry saying his goodbyes as well. I’m glad to say that he’s been accepted warmly into my family. My dad even told me that he loves him. “Last call, boarding flight number 64 to London.” A voice called. I grabbed Harry’s hand and waved to my family, walking onto the plane after handing the lady my ticket and finding our seats. “So,” Harry said once we were all situated. “Your dad asked me to wait until we were on the plane to tell you but…” He said with a smirk. He leaned over and kissed me softly. “He gave us his blessing.” He told me, his face still right in front of mine. I smiled widely, looking into his green eyes. I felt tears brim my eyes and I hugged him. “This is perfect.” I told him, laughing a bit.

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