Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



**Tammie’s POV**

I opened my eyes and immediately cringed, closing them due to the bright lights. Something felt different, and I realized what it was when I opened my eyes again. I was in the hospital, and my huge belly was gone. The memories flooded my mind and I remembered that I had given birth to my beautiful baby boy. What to name him, though? I sat up slowly and looked around me. Lou was in the chair next to me, his head leaning back onto the wall. His mouth open and he was sleeping soundly. I smiled and immediately thought, “Wow. I just had his baby.” But then I remembered who it was… The Louis Tomlinson. And then I remembered that I can’t have the best of both worlds, and therefore would be staying in America with my boy while Lou would go home to London with his music and band. I saw a button next to me and pressed it lightly, soon enough a woman walked in, smiling at me. “What do you need, hun?” She asked. I smiled and tried to ask for water, but my mouth was too dry. “Water, got it.” She said, leaving the room and returning quickly, handing me my water.

“How is he?” I asked softly after chugging the water. She smiled. “I’ll get you more water, and then go get him okay?” She said. I nodded, excitedly and sat up straighter. She came back with my water and I sipped on it before putting it down next to me and feeling a dull pain in my hips. Of course. And my back. Duh. And everywhere else. I was just in labor for how long? Seven hours? Yeah. A few minutes later the nurse returned with a bundle of blankets in her arms. I felt my eyes start to water as she got closer to me and held him out to me. I quickly took him in my arms and the tears fell, a huge smile on my lips. He was sleeping soundly and I leaned back, so I could wipe my face. The nurse patted my shoulder before leaving soundlessly. I just rocked my baby back and forth as he slept, trying not to wake him or Louis. Soon enough I heard my boy start to move a bit and his eyes opened slowly, looking back up at me. I smiled down at him and poked his nose. He smiled and my heart melted. He has his father’s eyes and his smile as well. It looked like his hair was peeking out of my boy’s head as well. I immediately knew that he would grow up looking exactly like him, and I’m not sure if that’s good or bad.

I spent about half an hour talking to my boy before Louis woke up from his sleep. “Look at you?” I was cooing at my boy. “You adorable little boy,” I said, smiling when he reached his hand up. I offered him my finger and he grabbed it. I giggled and he smiled up at me. I heard chuckling from next to me and jumped a bit, looking over at Lou smiling at us. I smiled back before turning to my boy. “I have no idea what to name you.” I told him, he clung to my finger still. His chubby fingers wrapped around my thin one. My hair fell into my face and I blew it back, but my boy had let go of my hand and grabbed onto a strand of my hair, mesmerized by it. He pulled gently, causing me to laugh. Lou chuckled as well, reaching over and poking his nose, getting him to let go of my hair and try to grab his hand but he was too slow. I saw tears brim in his eyes and I looked at Lou. He started to cry and I glared at Lou. “Give him your hand!” I said to him, he looked at me, shocked before offering our boy his hand. Who stopped crying and took it, shoving it into his mouth.

After a little while, ten minutes to be exact, everyone showed up. “Auntie Kait’s here!” Kait whisper shouted, running in and over to me. My boy looked at her, his eyes following her curiously and letting Lou take his finger back. “Was he eating Louis’ finger?” Kait asked, her accent has become something very weird. I’m guessing since she’s spent so much time with the boys and especially Niall, it was somewhat British/Irish, as well as her normal accent. I nodded, smiling down at him. “Oh! Sleeping beauty’s awake!” Jackie said, walking in and smiling, everyone else following behind her. “Why did you have to run?” Niall asked, walking up to Kait and wrapping his arms around her waist and resting his head on her shoulder. “I’m excited!” She said, smiling brightly and walking out of his arms and over to me, sitting on the bed next to me.

“Can I hold him?” She asked, her eyes twinkling. I looked at my boy, who was still staring at her curiously and nodded, handing him over. He smiled up at her and I saw her smile widely down at him as she skirted away from the bed, and over to a chair. Sitting down and cooing over him, she looked up at Niall and said, “How are we going to compete with them? Junior and Alli are too cute… and now him? We can’t make babies this beautiful!!” She looked around anxiously, then down at the baby boy in her arms who was playing with her hair. “Look! Awh! He’s playing with my hair! Niall! Come look!” She shouted, smiling brightly, practically jumping out of her chair. “If you drop him…” I said, sounding quite motherly. “I’ll buy you another!” She shouted happily. Everyone laughed, except me. “Kait! No! Just… be careful!” I said, laughing. She smiled and said, “Of course I’m being careful! I wouldn’t want to drop this bundle of— OW!” She glared down at him as he pulled on her hair; he still smiled up at her, continuing to play with it. Niall had made his way over to her and she passed him off. “Trying to pull my hair…” She said, pushing it behind her ear. Niall laughed, making silly faces at the baby. Kait, giggled, joining in with him. “I want to hold him! I wanna hold him!” Harry said, jumping up and walking over. “You have two of your own!” Kait said, glaring at him. “They’re with Auntie Gemma…” He said, frowning at her. “Share, guys.” I said, rolling my eyes. Lou chuckled from next to me, sitting on the bed with me and kissing my forehead. “Yeah, share Kait!” Jackie said, causing her to pout and Niall pass my baby over to Jackie who played with his fingers. He continued to smile at all the faces. “This will be one of the most spoiled babies ever…” Louis whispered into my ears. I chuckled nervously, when would I tell him? That I don’t want him to be around his baby? That I want my baby to have a life of his own? I yawned and soon enough Lou had the baby in his arms and he was shooing everyone out so I could sleep.

I woke up and looked at the clock, realizing I’ve been asleep for a few hours. I noticed Lou by the window, talking softly to the baby cradled in his arms. “Wow, you must be really hungry, bud…” I heard him say and chuckle. I smiled and sat up silently, listening to Lou continue to talk to our boy. “Want some more?” I heard him ask then he turned, an empty bottle in his hand and our boy in the other. He smiled at me and then his smile fell. “How long have you been awake?” I laughed a bit and said, “Long enough.” He smiled before walking over and kissing my cheek before grabbing another bottle and trying to feed him. “He needs to burp.” I whispered to Lou, taking him out of his arms and grabbing the cloth, putting it over my shoulder and lightly patting my boy’s back.

“Nap time for the baby boy! Have you guys decided on a name yet?” A nurse said, walking in and taking my boy from me. I let her and smiled, shaking my head. “Not yet.” I whispered as she nodded and left the room with him. “Lou… we need to talk.” I said softly, looking at my hands in my lap. He reached over and took them in his. He smiled at me and said, “What’s up?” I bit my lip, looking into his eyes. His smile fell and I closed my eyes. “I’m so sorry…” I whispered. “No, Tam please…” He said, his hold growing tighter on my hands. “Lou, it’s not good for either of you. It’ll ruin your image and I don’t want him to have that kind of life…” I said, tears building quickly. “Tammie, please. This is our kid…” He said, tears flowing freely down his cheeks. I reached up and wiped them. “Lou, I know… I want what’s best for both of you, and I think this is it.” I said. He closed his eyes. “So, you want me out of my kid’s life?” He asked softly. I nodded. “Yes.” I whispered. He took a deep breath. “Are you sure it’s best for him?” He asked. I nodded. “All of us?” he asked, his eyes darting to the door. I bit my lip. “Not all… Just you boys. I’ll allow Kait and Jackie if they don’t bring you guys up often. I’ll let them come often and bring pictures… videos…” I said, having thought this through. He deserves to see how his kid is doing, at the very least. He nodded. “Okay…” He said. I took a deep breath. “You should move on, Lou.” I told him, looking up into his eyes. “Find a nice girl…” I told him. He laughed, but it wasn’t whole-hearted. “I only love you.” He whispered, standing up and kissing my cheek before leaving.

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Oh my gosh. I bet you guys didn’t see this coming, huh? Did I ruin it? Let me know what you think:)
