Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



**Kait’s POV**

**Two Days Before Niall and Kait Leave For Ireland**

I smiled, holding Ryan’s hand as he guided me home. “Kait?” Ryan asked as we walked into the lobby of my apartment building. “Yeah?” I asked a smile on my face. “I love you.” He told me, smiling down at me. Shocked I stared at him. After realizing what he said, I smiled widely. “I love you too.” I told him, pecking his lips. He smiled and held onto my hand tighter as he walked me to the elevator. “Then…” He said once we got in. “Will you move in with me? I moved out of my parents…” He told me, rubbing the back of his neck. “And it’d be cool if you’d move in with me.” He finished. I smiled widely; this is the best day of my life. I nodded, kissing his lips deeply. He smiled into the kiss and pulled away. “When do you want to move in?” he asked me. I smiled. “As soon as possible!” I told him, he chuckled and wrapped an arm around my waist, walking me to Niall, Zayn and I’s apartment. I unlocked the door and walked in, Ryan following behind me. “Guys! I have news!!” I shouted happily, practically jumping. “What’s up?” Zayn asked, coming out of his room with Niall following close behind him. He shot a quick glare to Ryan and I smiled, ushering everyone into the living room. “I’m going to move in with Ryan.” I told them, smiling widely. “That’s cool.” Zayn said a smile on his face. He stood up and hugged me, and shook Ryan’s hand. They never really got along. “You’re… what?” Niall asked, standing up. A frown set on his face. “Niall…” I said, frowning as well. “We won’t be that far, right Ry?” I asked him. He nodded. “Right down the street.” He said with a smile. Niall looked at me and I smiled, he returned it and hugged me. “I’m happy for you guys.” He said to me. “When are you moving in?” he asked me. I turned to Ryan. “… Today?” I asked him. He smiled, nodding and Niall nodded. “I’ll help you… pack.” He told me. I nodded, hugging him again before going to my room with Ryan and Niall hot on my heels.

“Are you still going to come home with me?” Niall asked when Ryan left to go to the bathroom an hour later. I rolled my eyes at him. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world! I’ve been looking forward to it!” I told him, a huge smile on my face. He smiled back a bit, folding another of my shirts. “I’ll visit often.” I told him with a smile. He nodded, but didn’t say anything. “Are you mad?” I whispered, putting my stuffed animal into my suitcase and zipping it closed. He looked at me and shook his head. “I just want you to be happy. And to not get hurt.” He told me. I nodded and walked over, hugging him. “So when- What are you doing with my girlfriend, Horan?” I heard Ryan say, walking in. “Oh, calm down Ry.” I said to him, rolling my eyes and pulling away from the hug. “I just don’t like the idea of another guy’s hands all over my girlfriend.” He said, walking over and wrapping an arm around my waist. Niall sighed and continued to help me pack. “He’s my best friend, Ry. Get over it.” I said, glaring at him. He pecked my lips and said, “I’m just a bit jealous.” I rolled my eyes and whispered, “Over nothing. Trust me, I love you and you know that.” He smiled and I looked over at Niall, who was looking at us in shock. He closed the suitcase he filled and said, “I’m going to head to my room. Make sure to let me know before you leave…” He walked out quickly, but silently and I bit my lip.

“Niall, I’m leaving.” I said, poking my head into his room. He had his guitar in his lap and he was strumming it lightly. He nodded and stood up, walking over and hugging me tightly. “Call me when you get there so I know you’re okay.” He told me. I nodded, kissing his cheek. “I’ll see you soon; I’m right down the street.” I said with a laugh. He nodded and smiled at me. “Then I’ll see you later.” He told me, sitting back down on his bed and strumming more chords.

“Ryan,” I said, giggling. “Keep your eyes on the road!” I told him as he moved his eyes from me to the road for a second before looking back at me. “But you’re too pretty.” He told me. I rolled my eyes. “Watch the road.” I scolded him. He nodded and turned to the road, but not before placing his hand on my thigh. I smiled a bit, putting my hand over his. “You excited?” He asked me, turning to face me, his eyes sparkling. I nodded, and looked out of the window to see that our car has turned and we were on the wrong side of the road. “RYAN!” I yelled, reaching over and trying to move the car back to the other side of the road. “Fuck!” Ryan said, pushing my hands away and trying to move us. He looked around and I heard a honk and a crash.

I felt my body jerk forward and then sideways. I felt pain in my head and spine, “Kait!?” I heard Ryan’s voice ask. I felt cuts along my face and skin, and tried to turn my head to look around but there was too much pain. Why didn’t the air bag go off? Was it turned off? Why? Fucking dumbass… I moved my eyes a bit, just in time to see that we crashed head on with another car. I almost groaned and then heard another honk and felt more pain in my side and more glass hit my face before everything went black.


**Niall’s POV**

I took a deep breath, in the emergency room. Pacing back and forth worriedly. I looked over at the seats and saw Jackie and Harry both cuddled up together, her stomach huge. She was due any day now. I felt my eyes start to water again; I might never get to see Kait pregnant. I ripped my eyes away from them and continued to pace. “Niall… come sit down. You’ve been doing that for hours.” Liam said, standing up and putting an arm on my shoulder. I turned to look at him and it reminded me of the last time I was here. “Miracles don’t happen twice…” I whispered, then continued to pace. As soon as we found out that Kait was in a really bad accident we came rushing here. All of us, well, besides… Tammie. She’s in America, but she knew what was going on. Lou was keeping her updated. What’s going on with them is so… confusing. They love each other; I can see it in their eyes. Why is she running away? But anyway, everyone was waiting, and Kait’s family was on the way. Ryan’s family was with us, it’s just his mum and dad.

Kait’s family showed up an hour later and this time, Jen ran up to me for comfort. I hugged her. Her cheeks were puffy like Kait’s whenever she cried. I started to cry with her.


“The loved ones of Kaitlynn… Long?” A doctor asked, looking at a clipboard. Her mum, dad, sister and I jumped up, and then I realized that I’m just her best friend and sat down, grumbling. “Come on,” Jen said, taking my hand and dragging me over to where they were. “Okay,” The doctor said. “We checked Kaitlynn out, she’s still unconscious. And she will be for a while, she’s in a coma. We don’t know when or if she’ll wake up.” He said. “She has a few broken ribs, she fractured her skull, and she broke her arms and… pretty much this entire side of her body.” He indicated which side on himself and I winced a bit. “We suspect she’ll be okay eventually, but only time will tell. You can see her, but only two people can go in at a time to visit her and you need to keep it down.” He said. “She’s in room 713.” He finished. I nodded; going back to the waiting room while Kait’s mum took Jen in with her to the room. “What’s up?” Jackie asked as soon as she saw me. I explained everything to her and she nodded. “So… she should be okay?” She asked. I pursed my lips. “They don’t know for sure. Anything could happen… They never said if she was stable or not… so she’s probably unstable if they’ve worked so hard on her for this long.” I remember than two hours ago a doctor came out asking for Ryan’s mum and dad. They all nodded and I sat down, bouncing my leg.

When Mrs. Long and Jen came back, Mr. Long went in alone. He came back, and then Harry and Jackie went. Then Liam and Danielle, then Zayn and Louis. They came back in pairs of course, always looking paler than when they went in. I stood up when I saw Zayn and Lou, striding through the hallway to room 713. I took a deep breath, pushing the door open and walking in to see Kait lying on the white bed, her skin paler than usual and monitors taking everything in. Her heart beat was normal, I could hear the beeping.

Seeing her just… laying there. Her chest barely even going up and down, her heart sounding so faint… I shook my head; no, Niall. You can’t. Stay positive, she’ll be okay. I took her hand in mine and kissed it, hoping that she’d get better soon.

I guess I fell asleep next to her, because next thing I knew, a nurse was asking me to leave for a few minutes so she could give Kait some stuff. I nodded, walking out. I walked to the waiting room and I told her family that I’d spend the night and call them if anything happened. Her mum and dad were, reluctant but they eventually left. Jen refused to leave me here alone, so she decided to join me and I wouldn’t mind her company.

“I remember…” Jen said, tears still rolling down her cheeks. I rubbed her arm, encouraging her to continue. We’ve spent the last few hours sharing stories since we couldn’t sleep. “… A few years ago. Well, I was in the third grade so five years ago actually…” She said and chuckled a bit. “Kait was reading a book. She was in fifth grade… she got mad at me and went to pretend to throw the book at me but it slipped. She hit me right here.” She said, pointing to a scar on her forehead. I smiled and she wrapped her arms around me. “I’m so scared.” She whispered. “I don’t want her to…” She said, no one has said it yet. “I don’t want her to leave. It’s not her time.” Jen whispered. I sighed, wrapping her in my arms tightly. Unlike Kait, Jen was very tall and she was the same height as me. You could still see her child-like features, nothing in common with the way Kait looked. “I know, she’ll be fine.” I whispered, kissing the top of her head. She started to sob and I rubbed her back, trying to calm her down. “Jen… trust me.” I told her with a small smile. She looked up and wiped her eyes. “She’s my best friend…” Jen said. I nodded. “She’s my big sister, what am I supposed to do if she doesn’t make it?” I hugged her tighter. “Don’t think about that.” I told her. She started to sob again. “I can’t help it…” She told me. I rubbed her back and she continued to cry, eventually she fell asleep, as did I.


**Kait’s POV**

I groaned, opening my eyes. Where am I? I looked around me, I was in a forest. On a path, laying on my back. I stood up and looked down at me. It was a dream? But… then why am I in the forest? I bit my lip and noticed something appear out of thin air in front of me; a door. I gasped, jumping back. There’s no way in hell this is real. I’m just dreaming. I closed my eyes and counted to ten, then opened them again. I pinched my arm. A person showed up. Okay, this is real apparently… A gorgeous girl came out from behind the door, smiling at me. She had strawberry blonde hair and bright blue eyes. “You must be Kait.” She said, holding her hand out. I reached out hesitantly, shaking her hand. “Yeah… and you are?” I asked her, looked her up and down. She was wearing a pair of nice jeans and a white top with some cute accessories. “I’m Ali.” She told me with a sweet smile. “I’ve been watching you, wondering when you’d be visiting me. I guess now is the time.” She said. I looked at her weirdly. “Oh shit, I’m sorry… this is my first time! I’m your guardian angel.” She told me. I laughed loudly, rolling my eyes. “I know you don’t believe me,” She told me. I scoffed. “Really?” I asked sarcastically. “Here,” She said, holding out her hands. Soon enough, I saw something kind of like a crystal ball appear and there was an image. It was a picture of a girl in a hospital. She looked like me, except I’m here… right? The picture change, and there was my sister, Jen, in Niall’s arms both crying. Then it switched to my mum and dad, and Liam and Danielle, Harry and Jackie, Zayn, Lou, Tammie… “… Where am I?” I asked her.

“Your body is currently at St. Phillip’s Hospital.” She told me. “But, your soul is here. Since you’re in a coma… sometimes your soul will leave the body for a brief period of time, you have no control over when you go back. But, I get to watch over you while you’re here! Introduce you to everyone and such. I guess I’m your buddy.” She said, giggling. A frown was set on my features. “Did you say a coma?” I asked her. She nodded. “Yes, a coma. You were in a car accident, don’t you remember?” She asked. I nodded, yes. I remember everything. I bit my lip. Remember how stupid Ryan was, but didn’t really feel anything besides hatred. My mind changed my thoughts to Niall. Suddenly, it hit me.

How could I have forgotten everything about the love of my life?

♠ ♠ ♠
I cried while writing this. Three times. Each time I had to take a break. Like.. omg. So intense, and dramatic! I hope you guys like it!
