Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



**Niall’s POV**

The next day, Jackie’s water broke. She had her babies, they’re safe. A boy and a girl. She tried to make Kait and me the godparents of the girl, but I turned it down. Mostly because we still weren’t sure if she’d wake up. She did it anyway, typical Jackie. Harry agreed, saying that she’ll make it and that we’ll be perfect godparents. “She’ll be okay.” Liam said to me every time I let my emotions slip.

Darcy Anne and Alec Michael are two beautiful babies. Alec was born first, then six and a half minutes later Darcy was born. It killed me to know that they could get their happily ever after, and right after I saw the babies I was back in the other waiting room. Waiting for the okay to visit Kait. “Go ahead, Mr. Horan.” The nurse said to me, smiling. I nodded and walked to her room, taking a deep breath and opening the door; somewhat expecting to see her awake, smiling at me and telling me how much she missed me. I didn’t. I saw her the same way as she was before, shallow breathing, soft heartbeat, paler skin, eyes closed and her body limp. I sat down in the chair next to her bed again, taking her hand in mine and kissing it lightly before starting to talk to her. The doctors said she might be able to hear us, and comprehend what we’re saying at some point. So, I’ve been telling her everything.

“Jackie had the twins. She named them Darcy Anne and Alec Michael.” I said softly, my eyes on her face. “They’re gorgeous.” I whispered. “Jackie wants us to be the godparents… but I said no. She did it anyway.” I chuckled a little, but it died away. Kait would have laughed, and then told me that she wanted to. I felt tears prick my eyes and I took a deep breath. I heard the door open and turned quickly and saw Ryan - Yes, the Ryan who caused the accident - come in on crutches. I gritted my teeth, standing up.

“You have no right to be in here.” I told him harshly. He scoffed. “I have every right to visit my girlfriend in the hospital.” He told me bitterly. “So, could you leave my girlfriend and me alone?” He asked again, glaring. I glared back, but decided that I should leave anyway so that I wouldn’t kill him. I left the room and went down to the cafeteria, grabbing a bottle of water and heading up to Jackie’s room.

“Harry! You made him cry!” I heard a voice scold and a baby’s soft crying. I opened the door and poked my head in. “Niall!” Lou said, smiling over at me. It didn’t reach his eyes, but he didn’t want to put a damper on anyone’s day and neither did I. “I thought you’d still be with Kait,” Liam said, smiling over at me hesitantly. “Ryan visited… and I left before I um…” I started but trailed off. Danielle chuckled, as did Jackie. Jackie now held Alec and was calming him down, while Lou was holding Darcy. I took a deep breath before sitting down next to Lou, he passed Darcy to Harry and Lou smiled a fake smile at me before pulling out his phone and texting someone.


**Kait’s POV**

“Ali,” I said, noticing her start to walk towards the magic door. “Just come with me.” She called over her shoulder. I bit my lip before scurrying behind her and through the door. “Do you know when I’ll go back home?” I asked her softly when we appeared in a completely different place. In front of a mansion, it was beautiful. “I have no idea when… or if you’ll be going home.” She told me softly. I bit my lip and nodded. “So… where are we now?” I asked, starting to get used to the randomness. She smiled. “This is our mansion.” She told me, casually strolling in through the main entrance. “EVERYONE! We have someone new!” She yelled, smiling. “This is where all my buddies stay. There are other angels who watch over other people while they’re injured, but this is where all of mine stay. I stay here, too. To keep an eye out.” She said to me, explaining things slowly. I nodded, my eyebrows knitted together. I then heard footsteps and looked up to see about five people walking down the stairs. I smiled a bit, nervously playing with my fingers. “Oh my gosh… I know you!” One girl shouted, pointing at me. I blushed a bit. “You’re Kaitlynn Long!” She said, smiling widely at me. “Niall Horan’s girlfriend!!!” She said. I blushed again and nodded. “Kind of.” I told her. Ali just smirked; she must have known this would happen. “Okay, everyone! We’ll all be having lunch together so we can all introduce ourselves to Kait.” Ali said, smiling widely and leading us through the mansion to the kitchen and dining room.

“I’m Jake.” One guy said, smiling at me. “And this is Liv.” he said, he was holding a little girl’s hand. She hid her face behind his arm. “Hi, I’m Kait.” I said to the both of them, smiling a bit. “I’m Luke.” Another guy said, he was older than everyone clearly. The next girl was the one who knew who I was, “I’m Lex!” She said, smiling brightly and shaking my hand. I laughed a bit, “Hi! I’m Kait.” I told her, she smiled and nodded. “Trust me, I know!” She told me. I smiled and then turned to another guy. “I’m Beck.” he told me with a sweet smile. “Kait.” I responded, nodding at him. He chuckled and I smiled, turning to the last person. A girl who looked to be about my age. “I’m Kit.” She said no smile. No welcome, just that. “I’m Kait, nice to meet you.” I said to her, she nodded, brushing me off and taking a bite out of her food. I sighed, moving my food on my plate. “Eat hun.” Ali said from next to me, smiling. I nodded, eating a little.

“And this is your room.” Jake told me, I had just gotten a tour from him and Liv, and Jake and I became close friends. Liv is a cutie, and she’s grown on me. We both really like each other. Her being about three, she seemed too cute to be here. “Thank you.” I told him, opening the door and looking inside. It looked just like my room at Niall’s. I felt tears brim in my eyes and I closed them quickly. “You okay?” Jake asked. I heard him take a step closer to me. I nodded, “Fine. Could you guys…?” I didn’t know how to word it without being rude. “Yeah, sure. We’ll see you at dinner.” I nodded and felt Liv hug my legs before running out with Jake following close behind her. I heard the door close and walked over to my bed, sitting down on it and fingering the material on top of it. I wish I could talk to him. Just one last time, and let him know that I remember and that I love him. I was so stupid…

I soon got myself under the covers and eventually fell asleep; I was woken up by Lex, telling me it was dinner time. I didn’t move, just laid in the bed. I’m not hungry, so why go down there and have to pretend to not be as upset as I am? I remember loving Niall… finally, and I’m not with him. I might never be with him again. Tears welled up in my eyes and I closed them tightly. I heard the door open and someone walked in. I heard bare feet on the hard wood floor and soon enough someone was sitting on the bed, rubbing my back as I silently cried. “It’s okay, you’ll be fine. Trust me.” Lex said, soothing me. “I’m not worried about me…” I whispered, picturing how Jen would take it if I didn’t make it, how Niall would take it. And Jackie and Harry, Lou and Zayn and Tammie and Liam and Danielle… My mum and dad, aunts, uncles, cousins… I sat up and pushed the tears back, walking to my closet and finding clothes before going into the bathroom and changing quickly since my clothes were extremely wrinkled. I walked out and smiled at Lex a bit. “You okay?” She asked me. I shook my head and followed her out the door. “No one is when they start out here… but it’s not too bad. And if you get here, there’s a huge chance that you’ll make it out.” She told me. “Ali tells us all these numbers often. But, trust me… you’ll be okay.” Lex finished, squeezing my arm reassuringly.

A week went by. Still stuck here, missing Niall and my family. Another week, when would I go home? That’s all I want. Lex became one of my best friends, along with Jake and Liv. I learned that they are siblings who got hurt during a robbery. Beck and Kit are together, which is cute, but they were in a motorcycle accident together. Ali told me that they’re soul mates, which is adorable yet awful since they’re stuck here. Kit opened up to me a bit… to tell me that she hates me. I’ve decided to stay out of her way. Beck, though, is funny and a fun guy. Luke is another great guy; he taught me some things about the place. He’s been here the longest, besides Ali. Three years. They haven’t taken him off life support yet, but he wishes that they would.

“Hey, Kait,” I heard Lex call, waltzing into my room. “I have a question for you…” She said, sitting down next to me on my mini couch in front of my TV. I turned it down and smiled at her. “Shoot.” I said. I was expecting this at one point, she’s a huge directioner. “What’s it like?” She asked me, her eyes growing wider in excitement. “What’s what like?” I asked her with a smirk. “What’s it like dating Niall freaking Horan!” She asked me, practically jumping off the couch. I laughed. “We’ve actually went through quite a bit… have you heard about my memory loss from my last um… incident?” I asked her. She nodded, staring at me shocked. “Is it true that you thought he was your brother!?” I shook my head. “I had no idea who he was. And I… didn’t fall in love with him again. But I guess the car crash I was just recently in knocked some sense into me… literally.” I said, laughing a bit. She smiled. “So…?” She asked me, still waiting for my answer. I rolled my eyes. “He’s amazing.” I told her. “He’s sweet, cute, funny… hungry.” I told her, laughing. “He’s… perfect for me.” I blushed a bit, playing with my fingers. I saw tears rim her eyes and she hugged me. “You just have to go back… trust me. You’ll go back. It’s not your time.” She whispered, clinging tightly to me. I hugged her back. “Same to you, and if we both make it out of here… I want to keep in touch.” I told her with a smile. She smiled back. “And I know you’ll want to meet the boys…” I told her. She squealed and jumped up, bringing me with her. “I LOVE YOU!” She shouted happily before running out of the room, calling for Luke

**Niall’s POV**
Three weeks. That’s how long it’s been since I’ve talked to Kait. That’s 21 days, 504 hours, 30240 minutes and 1814400 seconds since I’ve held a conversation with the love of my life… and I was being sassy while I did it. If I knew what was going to happen, it would have went differently. I clutched her stone cold hand in mine, watching her face. Hoping for it to move, to twitch. Anything to show me she would respond to my touch. Nothing. Her heart rate stayed the same, she didn’t heat up, and she didn’t move a muscle… “Kait…” I whispered, the lump forming in my throat like it did every day. “Please…” I choked out, closing my eyes tightly. I can’t do this. I can’t do this. I need her. I need her in my life… I can’t live without her. I sighed, my racing thoughts taking up my time. She probably won’t make it. What will I do without her? Die. Of course, I wouldn’t be able to do this every day for the rest of my life… Never. But, of course, I’m too much of a wimp to take my life. Besides, Kait would kill me if I did. Literally. She’d find a way.

I guess I fell asleep, because next thing I knew there was a loud beep. Not the same one as before, this was just one long ass beep. I tried to roll over, and then remembered where I was. I jumped up just as the doctor and nurses rushed in. I looked at the screen and my eyes widened as I heard someone say, “Clear!” And everyone let go of Kait, including me, and the doctor put the pads onto her chest. I watched her body arch as the shock flowed through her body. The beeps started up again for a few minutes but then she flat lined… again. “Clear!” The same doctor said and I still let the tears run freely down my face. “No… No, Kait. Please no…” I whispered, watching her back arch again. The horrible sight before me, the love of my life dying. I watched in horror as the doctor did this one more time and I involuntarily shivered. She was still flat lined as a nurse noticed me and shoved me out of the room. “Clear!” I heard again from behind the closed door and I pictured Kait’s body arching like it did and a chill ran through my spine. This would be something that I’ll never forget.

♠ ♠ ♠
Wow.. Has anyone ever seen anyone shocked? I haven’t, I hope I described it in a good way.. If I didn’t please let me know! :)

Tell me what you think!!
