Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



**Jackie’s POV**

I tried to go to the hospital every day to visit Kait. It’s hard, having twins. There’s the emotional stress, then the actual physical stress and the lack of sleep. I have to make sure they eat and that they get their nutrients, and Harry knows absolutely nothing about anything. So I need to teach him everything as well.

So yeah, going to visit Kait is hard sometimes.

Today, however, I made sure I could visit. I let Harry dress Darcy and Alec and I added their little booties and then we were off. Harry drove and I smiled, holding his hand and looking back at Darcy and Alec in the back every once in a while. We pulled into the parking lot and I jumped out, grabbing Alec and walking ahead of Harry.

I knocked lightly on the door and opened it, seeing Niall seated like he usually is in the chair next to her bed. I smiled, walking over and grabbing a chair, sitting next to him. He turned to me and smiled a little. “Her heart beat is weaker.” He told me softly. I felt tears come to my eyes. “She’ll be okay.” I told him, putting a hand on his shoulder. He smiled a bit, a tear falling from his eyes. “She was mad at me when.. We had a fight.” He told me, turning back to Kait. “I just want to.. at least give a proper goodbye.” I frowned at him.

“You won’t need to say goodbye to her for a long time, Ni. She’ll make it out of this.” I told him, he just nodded, taking Kait’s hand in his. The door opened and Harry walked in with Darcy in his arms. He smiled at us, grabbing another chair. “How’re you doing, mate?” He asked, sitting down. “Her heartbeat’s weaker.” he whispered again. Harry pursed his lips and looked over at Kait’s pale body. “She’ll make it. She’s Kait. She’s not going to just.. give up.” Harry said, smiling over at Niall. Niall smiled back a bit and nodded, still tightly grasping Kait’s hand.

After an hour we left. We updated Kait on everything. We put the babies in the car, and were about to leave when it hit me that I forgot my bag. “I’ll be right back, I forgot my purse.” I told Harry, smiling a bit as I climbed out of the SUV and back into the hospital.

I was outside the door when I heard a voice. Not just any voice, Niall’s. Singing. “I can’t win, I can’t reign.
I will never win this game without you…
I am lost, I am vain. I will never be the same without you, without you.” I heard him continue. I didn’t open the door, I just stood by the crack, my eyes watering as I listened to him sing. I took out my phone and started to record it.

“I won’t run, I won’t fly.
I will never make it by.
Without you, without you.
I can’t rest, I can’t fight.
All I need is you and I,
without you, without you.” He continued and the tears continued to cascade down my cheeks. He skipped the next little verse and just went straight to the next one.

“Can’t erase, so I’ll take blame.
But I can’t accept that we’re estranged.
Without you, without you.
I can’t quit now, this can’t be right
I can’t take one more sleepless night
Without you, without you.” I kept a hand over my mouth as I imagined what he must be going through right now.

“I won’t soar, I won’t climb
If you’re not here I’m paralyzed.
Without you, without you.
I can’t look, I’m so blind!
I lost my heart, I lost my mind,
Without you, without you…” He trailed off and I turned the recording off. I wiped my eyes and opened the door. Niall jumped a bit, standing up and looking over. His eyes were brighter than usual and the skin around them were red and puffy. “I’m sorry,” I said to him, walking over to the chair I was in. “I.. forgot my bag.” I said to him. He nodded, still not sitting down. I put the bag back down and rache out, hugging him tightly.

He burried his head into my shoulder and let out a sob. “Shh,” I said, rubbing his back and wrapping him into my arms. “It’s okay.” I whispered, kissing the side of his head. My motherly instincts have kicked in and I had to make Niall feel okay again. “What if..” He started, but was cut off by another sob. “I can’t.. I can’t.. I won’t.. Jackie, I refused she has to..” He tried to make coherent sentences but was always cut off by his own crying. Seeing him like this just made the tears fall faster from my eyes.

“I promise.” I whispered to him. “I promise she’ll be okay.” I said and kissed the side of his head.


**Kait’s POV**

I groaned, sitting up in my bed. “Kait, hey! Kait!” Someone shouted. I wrinkled my nose, opening an eye to see Lex above me. “Kait, come on! We’re going to the lake today!” She shouted, now that got my attention. Lake? I opened my other eye at her and she smiled widely. She was in a bathing suit and she had a towel draped over her arm. She wore a floppy hat and huge sunglasses. I laughed a bit. “Go get dressed, I’ll wait for you!” She said, smiling at me. I nodded, getting out of bed and heading to my closet to find a bathing suit to wear.

“So, this is the lake?” I asked softly. Lex smiled brightly, nodding. I hugged my towel to me, the only bathing suit I could find was a black string bikini and I felt.. naked. “You look fine. Gorgeous.” Lex told me, smiling. I rolled my eyes, looking around me as I set my towel down. I threw my hair into a ponytail and remembered the time Niall tried to braid my hair. I fought back the tears, noticing Jake and Liv in the water. I walked into the water, it was surprisingly warm. I swam over and noticed Liv splash Jake.

“Hey, you can’t just splash Jake!” I said, feigning a hurt expression and swimming over to Jake. Liv gave me a look, her floaty keeping her above the water. She splashed me and I spluttered a bit, “You’re on!!” I shouted, grabbing her and walking out of the water, holding her by her ankles. “You’re going down!” I said, smiling as she giggled. I put her down in the sand and watched Jake waddle over. “You alright there, pumpkin?” He asked her. She nodded, smiling brightly. “Are you?” She asked, looking up at him with concerned eyes.

The sight brought tears to my eyes. I miss Jen. And Brandon. And my mum and dad, and Tam and Jackie and the guys.. and Niall. I waved a bit before walking over to my towel and sat next to Lex. I laid back, tears stinging my eyes.

“Babe? You okay?” She asked. I shook my head, slipping a huge pair of sunglasses on my face. “Want to talk about it?” She asked, I shook my head again, closing my eyes and begging for sleep to take me.

The next morning I woke up in bed. “Kait.. We have news.” Ali said with a small smile. I sat up, rubbing my eyes. “Yeah?” I asked her. She bit her lip. “Lex made it out, she’s okay.” She told me. I smiled brightly, jumping up. “Really!?” I asked jumping up and down. She nodded, showing me the ball again and there she was, in the hospital bed. There was a boy with her, kissing her face every chance he got. I smiled at the sight. “Their not soul mates, she doesn’t meet her soul mate unless you make it out.” She told me softly. “Who’s her soul mate?” I asked her, curiously.

“Zayn Malik.” She said with a small smile. I smiled, I could see them together. “So.. if I make it out, she gets to meet her soul mate?” I asked. She nodded, smiling at me. “No pressure.” She said with a light laugh. I laughed as well, smiling at her. “Yeah, no pressure.”

♠ ♠ ♠
What do you guys think? Please let me know! I’m ending Moments at Chapter 60.. so 18 more chapters left. I don’t think I’ll be doing a sequel.. but I have another story idea. It may or may not be a fanfic, but let me know what you think of this chapter to get me motivated to write chapter 43:)

And if you want to know anything about the new story that I’ll start when I finish ISHKY, ask away! :D
