Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)



**Louis’ POV**

“Tanya,” I said as soon as she opened the door. My eyes flicked down to her body, she looked great. I smiled at her. “You look beautiful,” I told her, holding out the bouquet of flowers I got her. She smiled and took them.

“Thanks Lou.”

She let me in while she searched for a vase to put the flowers in. She turned once she got them sorted out and smiled at me. “What do you have planned, Tommo?” She asked, it sounded weird to hear her say Tommo.

I smiled at her, holding my hand out for her to take and leading her down the steps and to my car. “Something.” I told her, a huge smile on my face. She laughed a bit, slipping into the car when I opened the door for her. I ran around to the drivers side, slipping in and starting the car.

She played with the radio while I drove down to the restaurant Liam suggested. “So?” Tanya asked once she stopped at a pop station. “Where are we going?” She asked, smiling brightly at me. I smiled to myself, not answering her. I kept my eyes on the road, Kait getting hurt again effected us all while driving.

“Won’t you look at me once?” She whispered to me, taking my hand. I sighed, not looking at her. “I have a friend who almost died in a car crash.” I told her, keeping my eyes on the road and my lips pursed. “She was in a coma for a few months. Once we get out of the car, trust me. I won’t be able to keep my eyes off you.” I told her honestly, intertwining our fingers in between us.

“Alright,” She said, sighing again. I continued to drive in silence except for the annoyingly poppy music flowing through the speakers of my car. I pulled into the parking lot and parked the car, turning to smile at Tanya. She looked out the window and her smile faltered a bit.

“What?” I asked her, starting to feel nervous. “Nothing, I’m excited.” She said, smiling and getting out of the car. I quickly scrambled out and meet her at the back of the car, putting a hand on her opposite hip and leading her into the restaurant.

“Reservations under Tomlinson?” I said to the host. He looked through his papers and smiled at me. “Mr. Tomlinson, please, follow me.” He said, grabbing some menus and leading us down to a secluded area for us to dine.

It was a nice night. Well, it would have been if I didn’t keep comparing her to Tam. The way her hair moved when she laughed was like Tam’s, the way she laughed at all my jokes like Tam did. Her laugh was cute, but not anything like Tammie’s at all. Her blue eyes sparkled whenever I smiled at her, like Tam’s did. She didn’t eat much, unlike Tam. Tam never held back anything. Tanya only ordered a salad, I insisted she get real food, but she insisted that she had to watch her figure. Unlike Tam, she wore very tight clothing, showing off every curve of her body.

She wore pounds of make-up, unlike Tam who wore eye-liner sometimes. Tanya wore the tallest heels I’ve ever seen, coming to be as tall as I am unlike Tam who his her Toms and converse under the table. Tanya talked a lot, while Tam always loved to hear my stories. Tanya loved to talk about herself, whereas I had to pry stuff out of Tam sometimes to learn more about her.

It’s been five years. Five years, and I’m still not over Tammie. Not one bit. “You okay?” Tanya asked. I plastered a fake smile on my lips. “Yeah, of course.” I told her, taking a bite out of my brownie sundae. I handed the fork to her.

“Try it, it’s delicious.” I said to her with a smile. She looked at it skeptically. “I’m sure your figure won’t blow with a bite.” I told her playfully. She glared at me. “Oh, really? Once bite will lead to two, and two leads to three, which leads to getting myself a plate.” She told me. I sighed, taking the fork back. It felt.. awkward eating alone.

“You ready to go?” I asked after a few more minutes. She nodded, smiling lightly at me. I dropped a bill on the table and stood up, taking Tanya’s hand as we left the restaurant and back to my car where I drove her home.

I need to get over Tam. I have to. She’s moved on. Why can’t I? I need to get over her. I pulled into her driveway, and told her to stay there while I ran around and opened the door for her, smiling widely. She smiled back, taking my hand and together we walked up to her porch.

“I had an awesome time.” Tanya said, reaching into her purse and grabbing her keys. She fiddled with them and I smiled at her. “I did too,” I said, putting my hands on her hips and moving her closer to me. I kissed her lips lightly and felt nothing. Absolutely nothing. She, however, probably felt something because she threw her arms around my neck and pulled me closer to her.

“Call me?” She asked, pulling away with a huge smile on her face. I nodded, smiling as she opened the door and walked into her house. I turned and walked down the steps and to my car. I pulled out of the driveway and started to drive down the street. Wiping on my lips and face which now had lip stick all over it. Yuck.

I walked into my empty apartment and immediately felt alone. I live with Zayn and Lex, but they’re so lovey-dovey all the time it’s disgusting. I never bothered them, though, because I was once like that with Tam.

I shook my head, trying to get her out of my head. I went up to my room and opened up the shoe box and looked through the pictures. “Austin’s 1st birthday” was scrawled over my favorite where he was trying to to touch the fire and Tam looked shocked while she had her hand out to stop him.

I took out my laptop and opened up my favorite video, watching as Tammie described a lot of things. Her voice so clear, it seemed like she was right next to me again. She turned the camera and I saw her beautiful face in front. “Yeah, things are tough.” She said, reaching up and the video ends at that.

I went to scratch my cheek and it was wet, so I wiped it angrily, pulling my phone out and texting Tanya. “Had a great time, can’t wait to do it again soon! -L xx”

I smiled to myself, closing the video and the shoe back. I shoved the shoe box back under my bed and got up to change into my pajamas before opening my laptop to do a quick twit-cam.

I almost never do these any more. I never told any of the fans what happened to Tam, so every time there are a million questions asking me what happened, but she didn’t need everyone to know. I ignored those questions and smirked to myself as someone sent a joke over, which I repeated with a laugh.

After a few hours I said goodbye and goodnight to everyone, closing my laptop and slipping under the covers and into another uneasy night.


I woke up the next morning and looked around, confused. All the guys were around my bed, looking at me weirdly. “What?” I asked, sitting up and rubbing my eyes. “Who’s this?” Harry asked, shoving the laptop to me. It was on sugarscape, there was a picture of me kissing Tanya on her doorstep and there was an article about my delayed rebound. I cursed to myself, jumping up and taking the laptop with me to the other room where I read the article. I checked other sites which were talking about us as well. I grabbed my phone, calling Tanya.

“Tan,” I said when she answered. “It’s Tanya, Lou.” I rolled my eyes and smiled a bit. “Can you come over?” I asked her, looking back at the screen. “Now? I just woke up,” She told me. I sighed and said, “Seriously, Tanya. Someone saw us last night and I just want to talk to you about all of this.” I heard her sigh and she said, “Fine. I’ll be over in twenty.” And the line went dead.

I hung up and closed the laptop, heading upstairs past the boys to get changed. Soon, Kait, Jackie and Dani joined us, all in the living room hanging out. Kait thought it would be funny to try and crush me since there were no seats on the couch. “Kait,” I said when she still was trying to crush me. “You’re not as heavy as you think, babe.” I said, laughing. She pouted at me a bit, slouching to try and put more weight on me. I just laughed, smiling at her.

“Ni!” Kait said randomly, jumping up and walking over to him. “I’m gonna make popcorn. I’ll only share if you come help.” She said to him, smiling at him. He jumped up and smiled, both of them running to the kitchen. Everyone else laughed, hearing them in the kitchen. The doorbell rang and I heard Kait shout, “I’ll get it!”

I heard the door open and Kait said hello to the girl in front of her. “Who are you?” Tanya asked, grumpily. “I’m Kait, hi nice to meet you! Lou -” She was cut off by Tanya just walking past her and into the living room. “Louis?” She asked, smiling and walking into the living area. I smiled at her. “Hey, babe. Come with me for a minute,” I said, taking her hand and leading her upstairs to talk.

**Kait’s POV**

“I’ll get it!” I shouted once I heard the doorbell ring. I pecked Niall’s lips before running to the hall and pulling the door open. I don’t care that I’m still in my pajamas and my hair is in a bun and I have no make-up, neither do the guys so it’s a win-win. “Hi!” I said to the girl in front of me. I looked over over quickly and instantly felt self conscious.

The girl was tall, she had blonde hair and pretty blue eyes. She was tan, and she had a huge rack. She was wearing a tight shirt that stopped above her belly button and a pair of skin tight skinny jeans. “Who are you?” The girl asked me, raising an eyebrow.

“I’m Kait! Hi, nice to meet you. Lou-” I started to say, but was cut off by her passing me, bumping her shoulder on mine and just walking straight in. I gaped at her as she continued to walk past me as if nothing happened and I heard Lou ask her to go upstairs with him. I closed the door lightly, walking back into the kitchen and silently helping Niall with the popcorn.

“She’s a bitch.” I muttered when I walked back to the living room and sat on the floor in front of Liam. He ruffled my head and rolled his eyes. “She isn’t so bad,” He said. I raised my eyebrow at him. “She’s a bitch, trust me. Have a conversation with her, she’s a dumb, blond bitch.” I replied, rolling my eyes. He sighed and Niall sat next to me, pulling a blanket over our legs. I rested my head on his shoulder as Zayn started the movie. I smiled at him and Lex tangled up in each other and looked to the screen.

“FINDING NEMO!” I screamed when I saw the title screen. “YES!” I shouted, smiling and shoving a handful of popcorn into my mouth. Everyone laughed and soon enough I heard people coming down the stairs.

“We’re watching Finding Nemo, you guys are welcome to join!” Dani called out, smiling widely at Lou and What’s-Her-Face. I nodded, snuggling closer to Niall. He wrapped his arm around my waist and kissing the side of my head. I laughed a bit, watching Nemo and his friends talking about touching the ‘butt’.

Lou and the girl stepped in front of Niall and I and Lou went to sit down. The girl, however, stayed in front of us. “Yes?” I asked, looking up at her. Her eyes flicked down to Lou then back to mine. “I’m sorry for being a bitch.” She muttered before sitting next to Lou on the couch. I smiled and turned back to her. “It’s okay, no worries.” I said to her before turning back to the movie.

“Why are we watching Finding Nemo?” I heard the girl ask quietly during one of the most intense parts. When the whale comes. I gripped Niall’s hand, did she not grow up with this movie like the rest of us? “We’re watching Toy Story next.” I replied softly, my eyes stuck on the screen. I heard her scoff lightly and I turned to her with my eyebrow raised.

“If you don’t want to join us you’re not forced to stay for the movie day.” I told her, she looked at Lou and sighed, resting her head on his shoulder.

The movie ended and Niall and I offered to go get some pizza for lunch. “Get it out, Kait.” Niall told me, smiling at me as he climbed into the car. As soon as the door closed I hit my head on the window. “I hate her.” I said.

“Who the fuck doesn’t like Finding Nemo and Toy Story!?” I asked, he chuckled. Starting the car up and taking my hand in his. “Losers.” He replied, pecking my lips lightly and pulling out into the freeway.

♠ ♠ ♠
I know guys, no Tam. I’m sorry, I wanted to get you guys up to date on Lou and Tanya! So, let me know what you guys think! How about some questions for you guys to message me your answers?

Do you like Tanya?
Do you think she’ll grow on the guys and the girls?
Do you think Tanya and Lou will last?
Will Kait get over how she feels about her since she makes Lou happy?
Is this the end for Tam and Lou?
Let me know what you guys think, please! :D
