Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)




**Kait’s POV**

“Niall,” I said, sitting next to him. I changed out of my wedding gown, into a different white dress. He chuckled, taking my hand in his. “How much longer until the jet gets here?” I asked him, resting my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead and shrugged. I laughed, closing my eyes.

He kissed my lips lightly and I kissed back a bit before pushing him away. “There are children around.” I scolded him, smiling lightly. He ignored me and his eyes flicked down to my dress. “My, my. I got to see my beautiful wife in two white dresses today.” He said, smiling widely at me. I blushed a bit, returning the smile.

“So? How does it feel to be Mrs. Horan?” he asked, winking at me. I laughed, rolling my eyes. “I’ll answer that in the morning.” I told him, winking. “Flight 5399, now boarding.” An announcer said. Niall stood up, grabbing our carry on and my hand, leading us to the gate and smiling at the attendant before walking right on. I followed behind him, smiling brightly. “We actually have two stops on our honeymoon.” He told me, winking at me and taking the window seat.

“I don’t get the window seat?” I asked him, pouting. He rolled his eyes. “There’s a little tv area we can sit at once the plane leaves.” He responded, tapping the seat next to him. I sighed, sitting down and buckling up.

An hour and an episode of Cake Boss later Niall and I were seated back down, waiting for the plane to lane. “Honeymoon stop number 1: The Romantic Getaway.” Niall said, smiling widely at me once the plane came to a stop. He jumped up, letting me unbuckle before pulling me up and running out of the plane.

He ran, clinging to my hand so I followed over to a window. I looked out and gasped at the sight in front of me. The Eiffel tower. “You brought me to Paris!?” I asked, smiling widely at him. He nodded, smiling proudly. I jumped up, wrapping my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist. I laughed as he spun me around. He let me down and we went to baggage claim, where we were meet with paparazzi.

“How did they know we’d be here when I didn’t even know?” I whispered to Niall, smiling lightly and reaching for my princess suitcase. “Memories..” He said, taking it from me. I laughed, reaching for my other, bigger suitcase. He took that one instead, leaving me with my and Niall’s small cases. “Come on, we have a car waiting.” Niall said, smiling at me. I nodded, following him out of the airport.

We dropped our cases in the hotel room, smiling brightly. “I’m going to take a quick shower,” I told Niall, reaching in and grabbing the gift bag that held the gift from Jackie. Yes, Jackie. She had gotten me lingerie. I guess now is as good a time as any to use it, right?

About twenty minutes later I stepped out of the shower and brushed my hair before ruffling it up again. I put on the all black lace lingerie, using some mouthwash real quick. I poked my head out of the bathroom door, smiling.

My smile fell when I saw Niall’s sleeping body on the bed. Our wedding night, and he’s sleeping? I sighed, opening the door and turning the light off. All the other lights were off, so I grabbed a tee shirt from Niall’s bag, taking off pieces of the lingerie and shoving them into my bag and slipping into bed next to Niall.

I barely slept. No matter how jet lagged I was, even just an hour kills me. Does he not want to have sex with me? No, we haven’t had sex. Every time he tried I just imagined Blake and I’d start crying. He hasn’t tried anything in over a year, respecting the fact that I wanted to wait now. I thought about it, and decided to wait until marriage. And now? He’s asleep. Does he not want to have sex with me? I immediately let me hands fall to my stomach and I felt it, it is getting big. I looked at my abnormally large boobs. Too big? I thought about every single flaw, physical and not. There are a million reasons why he wouldn’t want to have sex with me.

After about three hours I fell into an uneasy sleep, waking up every hour when Niall moved. At some point in the night his arms ended up around me and I pushed them away lightly, getting up and out of bed. I slipped on a pair of his boxers and walked out of the room. I sat outside, staring at the wall. “Babe?” I heard a husky voice ask.

I wiped the tears from my face and looked up at him. “Go back inside, I’ll be right in.” I said. I tried to mask my feelings, but I’ve always been an open book. “What’s wrong?” He asked, sliding down the wall next to me, now suddenly more awake. I just turned to him, wrapping my arms around his neck and crying into his chest.

“Shh,” He said over and over, rubbing circles onto my back. “Baby, you’re okay. I promise.” He said, his arms wrapped around me. I just shook my head in his chest.

“What’s wrong?” Niall asked, using a finger to make me look at him. “I-I just..” I started, trying to find the words to say. “I figured that tonight..” I said, blushing madly. “That um, we wouldn’t be…” I continued, still blushing madly. “You know, sleeping.” I said, still blushing madly. I wiped my face, moving away from Niall’s embrace and into my own, wrapping my arms around myself.

“Babe, why didn’t you just say so? I was just giving you the space I thought you still needed,” Niall said, chuckling a little. I looked over at him, raising an eyebrow. “Really?” I asked, my voice cracking. “Of course, what did you think?” He asked. I blushed, wrapping my armstighter around myself.

“I though it was… me.” I said softly. He looked at me like I had five heads before laughing. “You are absolutely gorgeous. And funny, and sweet and.. the list goes on. It wasn’t you, it would never be you.” With that, he stood up, holding a hand for me. I put my hand in his and stood with his help before we both walked into the honeymoon suite together.

Niall looked at the clock and sighed. “I had a lot planned for tomorrow.. well, in a few hours.” He told me, rubbing the back of his head. “Well, I know I’m up for good..” I said, shrugging and walking into the living area.

“So, where do ya think you’re going?” He called out, the smirk clear in his voice. I let out a laugh, turning to him. He was now right behind me, his hands on my waist. He kissed my lips lightly, both our eyes fluttering closed as we blindly stumbled towards the large bed.


I heard the alarm go off after falling asleep for three hours. I groaned, burying my head into my pillow. Except it wasn’t my… pillow? I opened one of my eyes to see a pale chest. “Ugh, fuck. It’s too early.” I said, reaching over Niall’s body to hit the alarm. I sighed happily, letting my head fall onto my pillow as I let sleep take me again.

“Babe, we have to get ready.” A groggy voice said. I sighed, stuffing my face into my pillow. “Where the fuck is my pillow?” I asked, frowning but not moving from Niall’s chest. I opened an eye to see Niall awake, his bright blue eyes shining down at me. “I just want to sleep.” I said, closing my eyes again.

“No, get up Kait! I have the whole day planned!” He said, smiling and jumping out of the bed, he grabbed some clothes before running to the bathroom. I heard the water start to run and smiled to myself, closing my eyes. “You coming?” I heard a voice call from the bathroom. I felt a blush rush to my cheeks as I rolled out of the bed, grabbing my clothes and heading to the bathroom, joining Niall in the shower.

“If you’re in such a rush to leave..” I said to him, raising an eyebrow when he tried to move himself closer to me and kiss my neck. He pouted a bit, grabbing my shampoo and squirting a bit into my hands. I smiled at him, rubbing it and lathering my hair with it.

“Ready?” Niall asked as soon as I finished blow drying my hair. I looked over and nodded, unplugging my hair dryer and putting my headband in as I walked over to him. I put my shoes on and grabbed one of the room keys, putting it in my small black bag and running out of the hotel door excitedly.

“A diner?” I asked, smiling at him. He nodded, smiling cheekily as he led me into the little place. “I found it.” He told me. I scoffed and he sighed. “Lou told me about it.” He said, rolling his eyes. I laughed, smiling as a waitress told us to sit anywhere. We took a smaller, two person booth and sat down.

The same waitress dropped off our menus and told us she’d be back in a few minutes to take our orders. I looked over everything, smiling and putting my menu down. Niall’s eyebrow were furrowed as he concentrated on the menu. I giggled lightly, smiling at him. His eyes flicked up to me, smiling. “What?” He asked. I laughed this time, bringing my hand up to cover my mouth.

“You just look so.. concentrated.” I said to him, smiling. He smiled before turning back to the menu. “You guys ready?” The waitress asked us, smiling. I turned to Niall and he smiled, rattling off what he wanted. She turned to me and I told her what I wanted.

“Um, could I get a hot chocolate? With whipped cream?” I asked, smiling at her. She nodded, writing it down and taking our menus. “Why hot chocolate? It’s June.” Niall said, laughing. I stuck my tongue out at him. “When I was younger every Saturday morning my dad would take me to this diner down the street from me and we’d get omelets and hot chocolate and race to see who could finish first.” I told him, blushing a bit.

He smiled widely at me. “No one would ever race me as a kid, sadly.” He said, frowning. I raised my eyebrow. “And..?” I asked him. He smiled. I noticed the waitress coming and Niall turned, smiling back at me. “I’ll race you.” He said, grinning as the food was placed in front of us. I rolled my eyes, taking a bite of my pancakes. “You’re on.” I said, chewing kind of quickly while I watched Niall try to swallow everything whole.

“I’m so full..” Niall whined ten minutes later. I rolled my eyes, taking a sip of my hot chocolate. “You should have gone slower.” I said to him, putting a piece of pancake in my mouth. He closed his eyes, putting a hand on his stomach. “That’s not what you were saying last night.” He retorted, a small smirk forming on his lips. I blushed and looked down into my food.

I took a bite of my potatoes and the different spices danced on my tongue. “I love eating new food.” I said, taking the last sip of my hot chocolate. Niall never finished eating since he practically shoved it down his throat, so I won since I finished. “Yeah, yeah.” He said, dropping some money on the table and standing up. I joined him, a smile on my lips as he took my hand in his and we walked out, thanking our waitress.


Six days later we boarded another plane, to another unknown destination. We did everything anyone could have thought of while in Paris. We saw the Eiffel tower, we fed ducks and different animals in parks, we walked around, shopped, plenty of different things. We went out to dinner almost every night. One night would be extremely formal, and the next we’d walk into a fast food place in tee shirts and jean shorts. It was perfect, to say the least.

“One more week left,” Niall said, smiling at me as we boarded the jet. “How long with this ride be?” I asked him, sitting down in the window seat this time. “About 8 hours.” He told me. My eyes bugged out of my head. “8 hours!? Are we going to America? Or Australia? Ooh! Tell me we’re going to California!?” I said, jumping lightly in my seat. He chuckled, resting his head back.

“It’s late where we’re going, try to sleep. We’ll be landing at midnight their time.” He said, smiling lightly. I sighed, pouting and sitting back in my chair and pulling a blanket over my cold body.

I woke up to someone carrying me. I opened my eyes, and noticed that I was in Niall’s arms. He was carrying me through an airport. I heard screams, which woke me up. I noticed a big guy holding my pink backpack on his back as he pushed people back. I giggled to myself and looked up at Ni. “You can let me down, now.” I told him. He let me down and I pecked his lips, pushing him towards some fans.

He took my hand, bringing me over. “What are you guys doing in Florida!?” A girl asked, I snuck a glance at Niall. Florida? “We’re on our honeymoon.” Niall said, smiling widely and signing some pictures. I heard a crowd full of awh’s and I blushed, smiling goofily. Niall waved to the hundreds of girls and we walked over to where some guys had our bags.

Niall took my hand and led me through the crowd of people getting onto and off planes, looking for something. He found it, then started happily pulling me along. We got to the end of a line and I looked up at the front of it. We’re going onto a bus. A Disney bus.

“WE’RE GOING TO DISNEY WORLD!?” I asked loudly, jumping up and hitting Niall’s shoulder. I let out a scream of happiness, getting weird looks from people around us. I continued to jump happily, smiling. I noticed people take pictures and videos but I couldn’t care less. I hugged Niall tightly. “Thank you, thank you!” I said happily.

“WE’RE IN DISNEY WORLD!” I shouted as soon as we got into the hotel room. I jumped onto Niall, hugging him tightly and wrapping my legs around his waist. “I’ve never loved you as much as I do now!” I said, smiling widely. It’s about 3 in the morning, and I have way too much energy. He pouted and flopped down so I was underneath him on the bed.

“Never ever?” He asked. I nodded and kissed him passionately. A smile graced his face and I smiled widely, grabbing his face with my hand and planting another kiss on his lips which led to a few other things, if you catch my drift.


♠ ♠ ♠
Chapter 52:)

Eep, so a few people have read this and one brought to my attention that I don’t really say that they had sex. So, here I am, saying that they have sex. In Paris, they have sex like crazy. That good? You can imagine how many times, how it was, all that. I’m not about to go writing maturely (again) since I said this story would be pg-13. So… if you have any questions, feel free to ask.

God, that was awkward.

So, I hope you guys liked this:) Next chapter is a Jackie/Harry one! Yay! :)