Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)




**Jackie’s POV**

I woke up and looked around. Harry was gone, and I realized that today is the day of my bachelorette party. I smiled a bit to myself. I’m marrying Harry tomorrow. Then I frowned, Kait planned all of today. Which means it’s bound to be fun.. but also crazy. “Finally, you’re up.” A voice said. I laughed, smiling at Kait who sat at my computer desk, my laptop open up to Twitter.

“C’mon, my mum already stopped by and got the kids. They’re at the hotel with her playing hide and go seek and tag and.. yeah.” She said, waving me off. I nodded, biting my lip as she went to my closet and pulled out some clothes for me. “I have a whole day planned!” She told me happily as she handed me my clothes and turned.

“You’ll be utterly shocked that I could come up with this stuff.” She said, giggling. Kait and Niall decided that it would be best if they did separate parties for us. So, Kait secretly planned mine and I have no idea who planned Harry’s. All I know is that both of us have no idea what we’re doing today. “We’ll be back for you to change again later.” She said, taking my hand and dragging me out of the room.

I smiled a bit as I got into the car, filled with my friends. There was me, of course, Kait, Danielle, my sisters, Tanya (not really a friend but..) and my and Harry’s mums. I smiled and said hi to everyone as Kait put the car in drive and began to drive somewhere.

She stopped the car in the city, smirking and putting something in the dashboard. She grabbed a plastic bag and got out of the car, waiting for us to join her on the sidewalk. “Okay. So, here’s the plan.” She said, smiling at us. Apparently she didn’t tell anyone. Although, my mum looked excited.

“We each get a tiara.” She said happily, handing out tiaras. “Jackie gets a mini veil on hers.” She added, handing me mine and winking. I laughed, putting it in my hair quickly. “And we’ll be doing a scavenger hunt!” She exclaimed, throwing her hands into the air happily. Everyone cheered and she threw the car door open, throwing the bag in. “Everything’s in London.” She told us, handing out lists. “We’ll be in teams of four. One team is Jackie, me, Anne and Joanne.” Kait said, smiling widely. “The other team is Danielle, Tanya, Cat and Christen.” She finished and handed out the lists.

“We each have different items on our lists. We have to do the things on the list, take pictures of them with our phones, and make it back here in three hours. Which ever group does the most stuff, wins.” Kait stated, holding the lists out. “I had a third party member make the lists.” She added, rolling her eyes.

“Niall screwed us all over.” She added laughing and checking her watch. “Perfect, meet back here at 4:00 for dinner! Good luck!” She said, winking. We formed our groups and we each looked at our lists.

“This is close by.” Anne said, pointing at one of the items on the list. I laughed, nodded as we made our way to the nearest convenience store to get the clerk to sing a song with us.

Three hours later, we were back at our car with 25 things done. The other team was back, smiling widely. “Finished the list, bitches!” Cat yelled, laughing. I pouted and Kait threw her list at the ground. “Fuck you, Nialler!” She shouted at the sky, causing everyone to laugh.

We went to a restaurant for dinner, which lasted about two hours. 6:00 came around, and Kait ushered us all to her car and drove everyone home, telling all the other people to get ready and meet us ‘there’.

“Where’s there?” I asked when it was just us. She smiled, but didn’t say anything. I sighed, watching her drive to my house. We both walked in and up to my room where she got me a dress, and one for herself.

“Why the dresses?” I asked, looking at myself in the mirror. I looked good. She just smiled at me, placing my tiara for tomorrow in my hair. “Just cause.” She said, her left eye lid dropping into a wink.

I sighed, walking out of the house with her and to her car. She started it and drove. And drove, and drove. “Where the fuck are we going!?” I asked after half an hour. She chuckled, pulling into a parking lot. “Here.” She said, smirking and stepping out of the car. She locked the door after I got out and fixed her dress she smiled widely and practically ran inside the building.

A strip club. She rented out a strip club for my party. Which, in my opinion, is utterly embarrassing. I got over it soon enough, and enjoyed myself. Every single girl I’ve ever been friends with was here, considering Harry and I decided on a big wedding. All of our families flew out here, and the boy’s immediate family as well as Kait’s. As soon as I got there, Kait started to flit around, being the amazing host she is. I just sat at a table with the rest of the bridal party and enjoyed the show.

Kait is my maid of honor. I mean, she’s my best friend. I know it was the right decision, she’s helped me so much. Just this party alone helps to relieve stress. I could see her talking to Niall’s mum and I laughed to myself, I can’t believe she invited her to this. And that she came. A guy in a cop costume thing came out onto the stage and I heard a ton of cheers and wolf whistles from the girls.

“I heard we have a bride-to-be in the house?” He asked, walking up to my side of the little catwalk. Everyone at my table cheered and I blushed, sinking into my chair. I felt an arm on me, pulling me up and looked in horror to see Kait giggling and laughing as she pushed me up onto the stage.

“I’m sorry ma’am, but you’re under arrest.” He said once I got up nervously. He ripped his shirt off and started to dance around me. Everyone around me was laughing, cat calling and being insane as I started to dance with him.


“That was crazy.” I said to Kait once we were back in her car. I got into the driver’s seat since I didn’t drink. Kait, however, drank a bit too much. She giggled loudly, falling into the seat of the car. “That was fun! We should do it again sometime!” She exclaimed, her words slurring together. I rolled my eyes, putting the car into drive and pulling out of the driveway. She’s a silly drunk. Never gets mad, makes everything funny. Her and Niall are the same way, both silly drunks.

Apparently they played rock, paper scissors to see who would drink tonight, and who would take care of the drunken mess. Kait won and now she’s absolutely smashed. I pulled into her driveway and beeped twice. The front door opened and Niall walked out, in a white button up shirt and black pants. His tie undone and resting on his shoulders.

“NIALL!” Kait exclaimed, jumping out of the car and over to him. She hugged him. “You’re alive!?” She asked, looking at him in shock. “I KNOW!” He said, smiling at her. “Whoa,” She said, poking him. “Thanks, Jackie. Hope you had a fun night.” Niall said, winking at me. I blushed but smiled, nodding.

“Make sure she’s up early tomorrow so she can get some pills into her system before she gets to me.” I said, smiling a bit. He nodded and I pulled out of the driveway, and down to the hotel I was staying at for the long night ahead of me. Kait can get her car back later.

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Okay, so I hope you guys like this one.. next one will be the wedding and maybe part of the honey moon:)

Message me with what you guys think! :D
