Status: Currently writing, working hard!:)




**Jackie’s POV, day after wedding**

I woke up and smiled up at Harry. He kissed my cheek and I heard yelling from the bed next to ours. We decided that they’re too young to stay away from us for too long, so we brought Alec and Darcy along with us for the honeymoon. It won’t be the proper romantic honeymoon, but for now it’s perfect. We’re in America, California. Disneyland to be exact. We flew in late last night and just crashed in the hotel room as soon as we got here.

“Daddy!” Darcy whined. I heard movement and soon felt a body climb in between Harry and I. “Alec keeps poking me.” She said, probably pouting. “Stop poking, Alec.” Harry said sternly. “But dad, she kicked me!” Alec exclaimed. I sighed, leaning my head back on the bed.

“I was asleep!” Darcy exclaimed. “STOP! ALL OF YOU!” I shouted, my eyes closed as I felt a headache starting. I heard Harry whisper something to Darcy and she got up and pulled Alec to get clothes and change in the bathroom.

“Babe,” Harry said, wrapping his arms around my waist. I rolled over and rested my head on his chest, sighing deeply. “Okay, let’s get ready. We’re in Disneyland.” I said, smiling widely up at Harry. He smiled, kissing my lips lightly before getting up and walking over to the suitcase. I watched him make his way over in a pair of pajama pants that hung low on his hips and smiled to myself.

“Mommy, staring isn’t nice.” Harry said, throwing me a wink over his shoulder. I laughed, rolling my eyes and getting out of bed and over to our suitcase. I grabbed a summer dress and made my way to the bathroom and opened it to see Darcy and Alec changed and fighting. They both looked up at me and smiled sweetly before running out of the room.

I changed quickly before walking out of the room to see Harry, Darcy and Alec on the bed. Harry had Darcy wrapped in between his lap and Alec in his arms. I raised an eyebrow at them and Harry immediately let them go, smiling innocently at me. “We weren’t playing rough house.” Alec said, smiling at me. I put a hand on my hip, giving them that motherly look that makes every kid crack.

“Okay, maybe we were a little…” Harry said, his smile falling a little. “One of you guys are gonna get hurt. It’s all fin and games until someone loses an eye…” I said, putting my dirty clothes in a bag in the suitcase.

“COME ON!” Alec shouted, tugging on my arm. I smiled, laughing as he tried to drag me through the park. “Calm down,” I said, my other hand tangled in Harry’s large one. “C’mon, bud. Slow down we’re not as fast as you.” Harry said, smiling. Darcy sat in his arms. It’s crazy how much they look alike. The same curls, except hers were longer, same green eyes and when she smiles she even gets a dimple in her left cheek.

“Can we get some!?” Darcy asked, pointing at the candy apples. We made our way and bought two candy ones, and two caramel. I took a caramel one, taking a bite out of it. I kept Alec’s hand in mine while he ate attempted to eat his. Harry took a bite of his candy apple, laughing as he watched Alec. I rolled my eyes, pulling him into my arms and walking over to a table and putting him down so he could sit.

We finished eating and continued our way through the park, going on rides and eating plenty of food. Just enjoying my honeymoon with my family.


A week later we returned home. The kids got back into their pattern of running around, playing and such. Danielle and Liam’s kids visited for play dates often. Two weeks went by with nothing special, except Harry started to act kind of.. weirdly. He went out of his way to do things for me, little romantic gestures. As if he was building me up for something. Something bad. Kait and Niall were planning their wedding, still working hard. It should be beautiful.

Another few days went by and I started to feel sick. I started to become more… sexually frustrated, I guess. I often woke up in the early hours of the morning to throw up everything in my stomach, which wasn’t ever much since I usually didn’t have any appetite. I decided I should get it checked out, so I called Anne, my mother-in-law, to help me out. I’d call my mum, but she’s in America.

One morning Anne showed up to pick me up, I kissed Harry goodbye and told him I’d be back in a few hours. Harry said a quick hello to his mum before we drove out and down the road. “So, what do you think is wrong?” I asked Anne after explaining everything.

“I think you’re pregnant.. again.” She said, smiling at me and pulling into the hospital parking lot. “I didn’t even think of that..” I said, smiling. “Wow,” I added, laughing a bit.

We checked in and waited for a little bit before I was called. Anne couldn’t come, sadly, but there were a lot of tests done. And lot’s of questions, like when the last time I was sexually active was. Which was last night. I’ve been extremely horny for the past few weeks.

I peed in a cup for testing, they took blood. They did other things as well, and about half an hour later a doctor came in and told me I was pregnant. I walked back out and told Anne, earning a huge hug of congratulations. She drove me home, but didn’t stop to talk with Harry since I had to tell him the brilliant news. I waved, walking through the door to my house to see Harry sitting on the couch nervously.

“You’re okay, right?” Harry asked, his eyes darting up to mine. I nodded, and noticed that the house was eerily quiet. “Liam and Danielle took D and Al.” He told me, standing up and rubbing the palms of his hands on his pants. I nodded, smiling widely at him.

“I have to tell you something,” We both said at the same time. Mine was excited and happy while his was.. nervous? He sounded kind of upset. We both sat down on the couch and I nodded to him. “No, you go.” He said, smiling at me. I smiled and nodded.

“I’m pregnant again.” I told him, the smile growing wider on my face. A smile broke across his face, his dimples showing as he jumped up and pulled me into a hug. He lifted me off the ground to twirl me while I giggled and laughed. He put me back down and lifted my shirt to look at my stomach. He kissed it lightly, putting his hands on it before kissing my lips, smiling against them.

“I can’t believe it.” He said, smiling. “I’m gonna be a daddy again.” He whispered happily. He kissed me again, and I happily wrapped my arms around his neck. “Guess what?” I asked him, smirking as I reached up to plant kisses down his jaw. “What?” He asked, his hands tightening around my waist. “The doctors told me it’s normal to feel horny often.” I said against his neck, smiling and kissing it lightly.

He sighed, smiling contently. He suddenly dropped his smile and looked at me. “Jackie, I have to tell you something.” He said. I moved away from his neck, looking up at him. His eyes held sadness and I got confused.

“What’s wrong?” I asked him. What could possibly be wrong right now? Nothing. We’re having another baby, another beautiful baby. This is perfect. Everything is perfect.

The words left his mouth and I closed my eyes tightly. “No, not again.” I whispered, the tears leaving my eyes. “After Kait and Niall’s wedding and honeymoon..” He whispered, wrapping his arms around me. “How long?” I asked, looking up at him. Please, just a few months. Please.

“A year. One Direction is going on tour for a year.”

♠ ♠ ♠
Oh. My. Gosh. A tour? For a year? What’ll happen? What about the baby? What about Kait and Niall? Does Kait know? What about Darcy and Alec?

Wow. Plot twist, huh? ;)

Let me know what you guys think!! :D
