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The Look Alike

Okay, this one's been swirling around in my noggin for awhile.
Some of it may seem a little cliche/read before, but hey, I'll write it anyway.
Not sure how long it'll be, so we'll just have to see. xD



Imagine seeing someone who looked eerily familiar, but in no way, shape, or form were they related to you.
How would you react? Most of all, what would happen?
  1. The Art Freak
    Nicknames suck...
  2. Shattered Lifeline.
    Whoa, he looks like Gee.
  3. She's like THEM.
    Bully in disguise?
  4. The Rockstar's Double
    With one picture, comes bad consequences.
  5. Pile up, Aisle Three
    Never seen him this pissed...
  6. Pity Party?
    That's not helping.
  7. Fist Fights and Offers
    You hit one of us, you get the rest.
  8. Happy Travels, We Hope
    Like he knows me too well.
  9. Beware-- The Used?
    What's going on....?
  10. Best Friends!?
    Well, this was unexpected.
  11. My Greatest Agony
    Like a deer in the headlights...
  12. Punching a Rock Star.
    Things just got interesting...
  13. Can Anyone Say-- Awkward?
    What else can go wrong?
  14. The Talk.
    Erm, okay?
  15. Three Cheers For Aggravation!
    Lady Luck needs to die.
  16. Wake Up Calls Suck
    How the hell...!?
  17. Short-Lived
    Just let Frank kill him already!
  18. The Bus Ride
    Well, isn't this just wonderful?
  19. Take A Shot, I Dare You!
    The Used and MCR, just love to hate eachother. xD
  20. Geeto?
    This is the best you could do!?
  21. You're Not Listening!
    Don't ignore the truth.
  22. Apology?
    Beware the consequences...
  23. Tender Ears
    Hell hath no fury like...well, my mom.
  24. Back-Seat Lurker...?
    How the hell did you get back there!?
  25. So He Fell On The Knife Again
    Old habits die hard...
  26. Don't Tell The Guys
    Your mom's got a great right hook.