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The Look Alike

Take A Shot, I Dare You!

*Gerard’s POV*

I had been waiting for hours to see The Used’s tour bus pull into the arena parking lot. It only took three hours to get here, so where the hell had they been!? Frank, Bob, Mikey, and Toro were all standing next to me when the bus had pulled to a stop. Finally! We began to walk over The Used’s bus, I for one was eager to get Zane back and away from Bert. Don’t get me wrong, the rest of The Used is fine…it’s just Bert I have problems with at the moment.

I noticed the bus door open and to my horror, Zane came streaking out covering his mouth. Had Bert hit him or something? I could feel the corners of my mouth curling downward and was pretty sure everyone else mirrored my expression. I saw him pause for a minute, trying to breathe maybe, before hurrying to a bush to vomit. The group quickened their pace; I could feel Frank seething…looks like Bert’s death wish was coming true. Bob cracked his knuckles, Toro rubbed his arms, and Mikey took a pre-fight puff from his inhaler—got to give it to my little brother, he planned to really get into the fight.

I saw Bert come out and say something about “laundry”. I didn’t know what the fuck that meant, but he was in for a world of hurt. I glanced at Zane for a brief second; he caught my eye—maybe trying to mentally calm me down and failing. My eyes zoned in on Bert’s face, he had this coming the minute he ridiculed Zane on stage. I’m not going to pretend I’m much of a fighter, but give me a solid reason and I’ll gladly punch any mother fucker who messes with, or anyone around, me. Bert turned his head…too late, I was half airborne and let loose a punch to his face as we tumbled to the ground.

*Zane’s POV*

Oh. My. GOD!! I had been vomiting in the bushes when I caught Gerard’s eye. He was pissed to the max—no I take that back, he was ANGRY. I’ve never seen him this angry, EVER. Every picture, every interview, every performance, and every moment I’ve hung out with him he’s always been his usual self—but he was docile. This was…definitely not something I thought he was capable of doing. Gerard had thrown himself at Bert, punching the whole way down. While the two bands merged and combined into an all out fist fight. Bob had taken his jacket and thrown it over Dan’s face before body slamming him into the bus, Frank tag-teamed with Toro and chased after Jeph, and “sweet” Mikey had jumped onto Quinn’s back. This is not to say The Used were wussies, they too were fighting back like hell. Bert and Gerard had the other in a head-lock, Dan used the jacket to trip Bob, Jeph grabbed Toro’s fro and shoved him into Frank, and Quinn back slammed Mikey into the bus.

I ran out from the bushes, I had to stop this before the sponsor came out and ejected the bands from the roster. Not to say I would want The Used to actually get into trouble for once, but the guys of MCR didn’t need anymore trouble thrown at them. It didn’t help that I’d spotted a news van after hurling in the foliage either. Needed to create a diversion so the two bands wouldn’t be tonight’s top story.

“GUYS, STOP IT!!” I screamed, desperately trying to break through their violent mind set. Nothing…and the news crew were inching closer and closer by the minute.

“Mother-fucker! You had this coming!!” Gerard hollered, gripping his neck lock tigher.

“Oooooh, I’m so scared of the wuss who thinks he’s tough!” Bert rasped, also squeezing tighter.

“SHUT UP!!” Gerard screamed, pulling him back onto the pavement.

If you look up the definition of chaos odds are you’ll find something that would describe the scene in front of me. Me yelling my lungs out at them wasn’t working and all this noise was definitely attracting the news group…so time for plan B. What is it, you ask? No idea, but I had to think fast.
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Le gasp, another update?
It's a little on the short side, but it'll do for now. xD
For some reason I enjoyed writing the fight scene.... ::shifty:
Haha, enjoy!