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The Look Alike

Shattered Lifeline.

*Zane’s POV*

I awoke to a soft poking to my shoulder, blearily opening my eyes; I spied my mother standing excitedly next to me. Great, she either wants something or she bought me some crappy clothing…meaning they were size XXL.

“Come on Zane, I want you to try this on. I need to know if it’ll fit for that speech you have to go to,” She smiled, holding up a nice black jacket with black pants, a shirt, and white tie.

“Mom…” I moaned, why did she insist on making a stupid speech seem like it was for royalty?

“Zane!” She said firmly, tugging his sleeve hard.

Surprisingly the clothing wasn’t baggy, it actually fit naturally and made me, gasp, look thinner. It wasn’t long before my mother was tugging at my hair, smoothing it until it lay flat and sort of shined. Hm, didn’t think my hair was tame able.

“There! Now you look like a little gentleman!” She laughed, dusting my shoulders as I bent for my things and the finished picture.

“Come on mom, it’s just a stupid speech!” I stated, walking into the kitchen to get my carrot stick. Yummy…not.

“Yes, well, the mayor’s going to be there and the school’s says it’s mandatory everyone look nice!” She shrugged, watching as I opened the door.

“Whatever, love you mom,” I said walking out the door to the bus.


I was walking down the hallway, like I usually did except I noticed everyone kept glancing my way. Must be the tie, white on black screams “Hey, look!” Marcy came up behind me and tapped my shoulder expectantly.

“So do you…whoa,” Marcy started before staring at me hard.

“What?” I asked, confused.

“You know you look A LOT like the lead singer to my favorite band,” Marcy said wearing a devilish grin.

“And I care why? Look here’s the picture, I’ve got to go before all the parents steal the back seats,” I grunted, shoving it into her hands and walking away.

The speech given was so dry, even the most devoted listeners just about keeled over. I won’t lie, I’m pretty sure the guy giving the “important” talk died and then prerecorded his speech. Oh and let’s not forget the Mayor! He showed up for five minutes before disappearing backstage, where I’m pretty sure he got the hell out of here. Then there’s Marcy, who wouldn’t stop smirking at me. Aggravated, tired, and bored out of my skull I was one of the first that literally ran out of the auditorium to save my sanity.

Since the speech had taken up half the day, I thought I was home free. However, the jock squad saw differently. All hyped up on getting out of that lame speech, they sped up when I was spotted. Ben was leading the pack, wearing a large scowl…damn, I was a dead man. I clutched tightly onto my art notebook and colored pencils, sprinting for the front door. Screw this, I was getting my ass home and FAST.

I body slammed the metal door open, the thudding of Ben Taylor and friends closing in on me. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted Marcy talking to that singer and his buddies. I shouldn’t have looked because at that very moment gravity chose to bitch slap me to the ground, sending my notebook and pencils sprawling. It took Ben two seconds to get to me and snatch up my art book wickedly.

“Come on fat ass! Beg for it!” Ben taunted, his friends watching from the cement stairs.

“The hell I am! Give it back!” I screamed, that book had all my pictures inside…it was literally my lifeline.

“Gonna cry? How’s about I smoke a cigarette?” Ben cackled, pulling out his lighter and putting its flame next to the fragile paper.

“Please don’t…” I gasped, watching in horror as my most cherished possession was lit with the hungry flame.

*Gerard’s POV*

The guys and I had been chatting with the winner to our contest. She seemed like a nice girl, a little stuck up, but still pretty nice. Frank was chattering with her while Bob, Toro, and Mikey cut in every now and then. I was too absorbed in this picture she’d given to say anything at the moment. It was of one of my favorite super heroes: Batman. A small grin played on my lips, the detail and color was amazing, it seemed to really jump out and karate chop you.

All that was broken when I heard a distant slam of a metal door and a running figure dressed in a nice black outfit. He must’ve glanced our way because moments later he tripped and kissed pavement. Furrowing my eyebrows, I took a small step to see if he was okay…when all the sudden a jock, I’m assuming, came running up to him and taking his notebook. When I came in closer I heard the words that made my blood boil.

“Come on fat ass! Beg for it!” The jock said, waving the book.

But by that time the jock had set the poor teen’s notebook alight and started stomping on the color pencils lying nearby. That’s it, this is enough.

*Zane’s POV*

I watched as the man came up and jerked Ben’s arm, sending the jock backwards. After that, I tuned out their conversation…I just kept staring at the ashes of my art book and the shattered rainbow that had once been my pencils. Ironic, really, because that book, as pathetic as it was, had been my life. Which was now a pile of ash and broken dreams, sad really. I got up and walked away slowly, maybe there was a bus I could step in front of or something…nah, too drastic.

I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I turned to see who it was…that lead singer Marcy drooled over constantly. Creepily enough, it was like looking in a mirror except I didn’t wear eyeliner and this guy looked a little older than me. He must’ve felt the same way about the similarities because his mouth froze mid-sentence.

“Do you do this often or am I just stunningly gorgeous?” I joked dryly, shaking his hand off.

“No, I just…you look like…” He started, at a loss for words still.

“I look like shit, but thanks for yanking that asshole off. Ben always cracks jokes at my weight, which for the record I’m not fat anymore!” I smirked, glancing over his shoulder to spy his buddies and Marcy beginning to come towards us.

“That’s not what I meant…ah, never mind. I’m Gerard Way,” He said sticking out a hand.

“Zane Towers,” I replied, giving him a quick handshake before backing off.

I could feel Marcy’s eyes drilling a hole in my head, so I began to walk off slowly. However, his buddies seemed to be just as fascinated with me as Gerard was…that or they just loved to talk to people. The shortest of the group was Frank, the guy with a frizzy fro was Toro, the intimidating quiet guy was Bob, and finally the guy with glasses was Mikey—Gerard’s little brother.

“Cool, you two are sort of like twins! Except Gerard may be an inch taller and WAY older!” Frank laughed, earning a soft punch from Gerard.

“Yeah, come hang with us and Marcy! It’ll be fun,” Mikey said, wearing a big grin.

“Nah, that’s okay…I got to get home and do stuff,” I said, taking Marcy’s furious glare to heart.

“Pity, well see you soon?” Gerard asked, still concerned.

“Yeah, soon…hope you liked the picture,” I said, whispering the last bit to myself as I walked off.

“Whoa, hold it! You drew this?” Gerard said, eyes dancing.

“Mmm,” I replied softly.

“This fucking rocks, Zane,” Gerard said, eyes scanning the picture once more.

“Okay,” I said, this time actually walking faster to the safety of my home.

*Gerard’s POV*

Wow, that kid could draw! This was one of the best I’ve ever seen. Maybe we’ll see him again. I hope so, the kid reminded me of myself at this teenage stage…minus the drinking and smoking. Wearing a grin, I turned back to the group who were still chattering about the striking similarities between Zane and I.

“Come on guys, let’s go,” I laughed, glancing once more in Zane’s direction.
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It's a double whammy tonight, so enjoy.
I'll have more soon.
Thanks to those who commented. :001:

Comments=Awesomeness. xD