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The Look Alike

You're Not Listening!

*Gerard’s POV*

Motherfucker, who knew Bert could fight for a long period in time. God, I think I’ve lost the ability to breathe properly…but on the bright side, he’s flopped onto his back panting, so I feel like the victor. I heard footsteps approach, judging by the scuffling they were Zane’s—hopefully he stopped vomiting. I turned my bleary eyes towards a flushed Jared Leto and a stunned Zane. Oh god, why do I feel like something bad just happened?

“Um, hey, Gerard. I see you guys have stopped fighting,” Zane started out casually, eyes still stunned.

“Yeah…where have you guys been? Better yet, Zane, are you feeling okay? I saw you vomiting awhile ago,” I groaned, standing slowly while the rest of the band inched into sitting position.

“I’m fine, it was just a tragic run-in with a pile of dirty laundry. Nothing horrible, but…um, something happened while you guys were fighting…” Zane nervously half-smiled, I guess he feared I’d be angry.

“Yeah, don’t freak out…I’m pretty sure no one will care!” Jared cut, gesturing calmly while his face turned a darker shade of red. Okay, what the hell?

“No one will care about what? Did someone record our fight?” I asked, bewildered.

“No we made sure the news crew didn’t see you guys because we—,” Zane started hurriedly.

“Hey! Check out the Gee-clone tonguing Leto! Haha, I’ve got to get home and record this!” Bert shouted, laughing hysterically while pointing at a TV monitor.

Trust the stage hands to have a television. Please, let it be Bert being his obnoxious self. I heard Zane let out a small noise and Jared scuff his toe awkwardly as my eyes focused onto the screen.

“You heard it here first MTV viewers! We have reports that Gerard Way and Jared Leto are now an item! Our reporters spotted them having a loud argument that led to the shocking kiss! Here’s the clip!” The MTV announcer said, smiling as the clip began playing.

Now, my brain was in the middle of a war…on one side I was pissed to hell that they didn’t just let the news crew film our fight and on the other side, I was thinking once again how Zane eerily resembled me. But both halves came crashing together to form one thought: Who’s idea was this!?

“So…who thought of this plan?” I asked casually, playing with a hang nail. By now The Used—feeling content they couldn’t cause anymore ruckus—had left, leaving all of MCR and Jared to hear the deadly tone I was speaking in.

“It…It was my idea,” Jared said, his voice cracking—surprising, since Jared is as much of a camera whore than I am--meaning he LOVES to talk.

“Oh…okay. Zane, it’s past the curfew your mom told me. Get your ass into the bus,” I said lightly.

“Look, Gerard, I’m sorry—I was just trying to help!” Zane argued, words falling to deaf ears.

“Great work on that,” I said, pointing at the bus.

“Gee, in hindsight that plan might have not been the best, but considering Zane was willing to do it to spare you and your guys the embarrassment—,” Jared spoke, finally finding his voice.

“Leave. I just…I just want you to leave for right now, okay?” I murmured, walking away.

My mind was in turmoil as I tried to push my agitation down. I know I should be talking with Zane, getting his side of the story, but me being me—I put that idea on the backburner. I would do that later.

Right now, I was just praying tonight’s concert went without problems…
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, I'm fully aware I took WAY too effing long to post an update.
I apologize profusely and hope this one will suffice. xD
Life's been crazy--aka REAL busy--so please understand I'm updating as fast as I can! o_o
So kick back and enjoy! ^_^

Comments= Awesomeness! :001: