Sequel: Morning Light

The Cullen

Not Again

School was going by slow. I maintained an A-average in all of my classes so far this semester. I made friends quite easily when I first arrived. The people here are so nice; it’s sickening. A lot of the friends I have are siblings to Bella’s friends when she came here. I had even become friends with Jacob Black. He was very protective of me for some reason.

Finally, I saw Edward again. It was close to Christmas time. It was December 17. I don’t know why that date sticks out in my head so much. It was snowy and icy outside. I had put chains on my tires; a tip from my uncle. When I got there, there were tons of black ice all over the place, especially the parking lot. I was slipping as soon as I stepped out my truck. I wasn’t the only one slipping but instead it was someone’s car. It nearly hit me. Luckily, it had hit the car next to me, not saying that it was lucky that the other person got hit or anything. It is just usually I never have good luck or have fortunate things happen to me.

But that’s when I saw him. Standing there, just as stunned as I was. He looked at me in amazement at the fact that I didn’t get hit. He wasn’t the only one. Everyone came running up to me all at once. Asking the same questions: Are you ok? Do need anything? Can you walk? Do need an ambulance? It was perfectly clear that I was okay, but they insisted on asking the same annoying questions over and over again.

Edward came up to me after the crowd started to diminish. He just looked at me, still stunned. “I told you and Bella both attracted trouble.”

“Don’t tell me she almost got hit by a car also?”

“She would have if I hadn’t saved her.”

“Oh thanks for not saving me.”

“You didn’t need it the car missed you, the car wouldn’t have missed her.”

“I bet this must be déjà vu for you.”

“Yeah, you would think.”

“Oh, its not?”

“Surprisingly no, I didn’t save you. That must be why.”

“Okay, well why are you here?”

“Oh, no reason unparticular, just passing by when I saw the car heading toward you.”

“Why would you be passing by the school when you live outside of town?”

“I can’t take a ride into town?”

“At seven in the morning, sure why not?”

He nodded,"Point made.”

"So you want to tell me the real reason why you are here?"


"Well, will you?"

"Most likely not. You need to get to class."

"Nah, I don't want to," I said knowing I have to go and i turned to walk away.

"Have a good day!" he shouted.

"I'll try!"

The rest of the day couldn't compare to this morning, and it didn't. Everyoen kept asking the same questions again. Some of my teachers aske too. I said I was fine but was able to get out some of my classes by them sending me to the nurse anyway. Oh, my Uncle Charlie went nuts just about when he found out. He went on about how lucky I was for not getting hit. He also pressed on about how it happened to Bella. The entire time I just wandered how much I was really like Bella.

That night sleep came to me hard for the first time since my arrival. My dreams were cloudy. None of them made sense. Due to sleep deprivation, I told Uncle Charlie I wasn't feeling well and couldn't go to school. Sleep still didn't come to me until about ten thirty. I woke up a million times also.