Sequel: Morning Light

The Cullen


The dreams were neverending. I couldn't understand any of them. Some were about home; others about here in Forks; the ones that troubled me the most were the ones about Bella and Edward. I barely knew Bella, but it might be because I was in her room and everyone was talking about her. Edward though, I couldn't figure out. Why was i dreaming about him. He wasn't a big influence in my life.

The dreams about them were misleading, confusing, everything. It was as if i was dreaming about there lifer together before her death. They were so happy together. Then, as if I was in one of Bella's dreams, I dreamnt about Jacob, I think that is his name, and Edward.

Jacob ran into the forest and rumbling came from it. Then Edward appeared. He looked different. His eyes black. He looked like he was ready to attack.

Then something started to come out the forest. It was big and it was grunting. I wanted to run for my protection, but my legs refused to le tme run for my life. So, I ran to Edward, atleast tried to because whatever was moaning in the forest blacked me. It snared at my movement towards Edward. I haulted. It froze me in place. Its repulsive, hair coverd body, elongated snout, that resembles that of a dog's, towered over. It snatched me from Edward's reach. I tried punching and kicking; it didn't phase the beast.

Edward lunged forward at teh creature. I let out at a high pitched, frightened shriek causing the monster to drop me and cover his ears; Edward mimicked the action. While the horrifiv body of the creature convulsed on the ground, I ran to Edward. His eyes were a sparkiling onyx when he lokked at my face. The thing finally stopped twitching and sprung toward us.

I started to shake uncontrollably. I heard someone calling my name in the distance. That voice was so familiar, but I couldn't place it. Who was that? The vioce, though, soothed me. It called my name again.

"Lynn!" With that, more shaking came. I felt someone grasp my arms tighly and pull me. Who is it?

"Lynn!" the voice called out once more.

Suddenly, I was rushed back to reality. It was my Uncle Charlie.

"Lynn! Wake up!"

"Uncle Charlie?" I asked puzzled.

"Yeah, sweetie. everything's goin' to be all right," he said squeezing me in his arms just a little too tightly."Are you okay, though?"

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

"You were screaming," he said bewildered. "Were you having a nightmare?"

"Yeah, kinda'."

"Want to talk 'bout it?"

"No, I just want to go take a shower," I said wiping sweat from my forehead. "What time is it?"

"It's about four thirty, i think."

"Ok, I'm goin' to..." I got distracted by something by the window, "to take a shower."

I can't believe I was screaming out loud like that. Why was I sweating? I do know that after I take my shower, I need to talk to Edward.

The shower soothed me. It calmed my senses, allowing me to think clearly. Why were Edward's eyes so black? What was that thing that Jacob turned into?

After I got out of the shower, I combed my hair out and quickly blow dryed my hair. I got dressed, grabbed my keys, and headed to Edwards.