The Infinitiveness of Lila Evers.

the infiniteness of lila evers.
I've always been told that I was a dreamer.
With dreamers, comes their dreams, no matter how big or how small they are. This particular dream of mine, had always been that I’d like to think that someday, I will make a difference, a good one, in this world we live in, or just a mark.

Like, when I finally graduate from high school (counting down the days now; 180), I will be awarded a full ride scholarship to Harvard, or Yale, or Brown, or maybe Princeton since it’s closer. I will go in having a double major of Psychology and a regular Medical degree, along with having a minor in some foreign languages, sociology, and maybe theology and philosophy. Those many, many years of college I will endure will be the best years of my life and during those years I will accidentally find the cure to all cancers and diseases on earth, remember: accidentally. Of course, I’ll have to give a speech upon getting my Nobel Peace Prize on my cure for cancer/diseases. When that happens, I’ll find my love of public speaking and helping people, which will lead me to buying many dress suits and painful high heels and running for president with no previous work in the field. Miraculously, my amazing public speaking will lead to my becoming the present of the United States. Slowly, I will work on getting rid of all discrimination and making the United States into neutral territory - no war there, or anywhere with the troops; we will be a peaceful nation, a noble, equal, idolized nation of perfection because of me. Years will go by and I will age, gray, wrinkle and eventually, I will die like all people do, after, of course, becoming the infinite president of the world. Merely a month after my death the world will become a perfect utopia, and nothing bad will ever happen again.

I’d like to think that someday, that will happen, just as I would like to think that someday I will be remembered as someone more than just Lila Evers, a girl who attended your high school.
I know, though, that that will never happen, no matter how hard I will dream. People cannot stand hand-in-hand without complaining about the person holding their hand or even remember their name.
I am just a dreamer, aren't I? But that doesn't mean that dreamers can't make their mark on the world, and all it ever starts with, is high school.