Status: Just A Short Nightmare.

My Recollections

My Nightmare.

We are walking down the street side by side when I say, " I'm really happy that we're friends again, Gabe." "Me too, Megan." said Gabe with a frown on his face. "What's wrong?" I said. Then he said, "I have something important to tell you, but I don't know how to say it." I turned to him and smiled. "Gabe, you know you can tell me anything just how I know I can tell you anything." I said. He still doesn't smile, and he said, " No, Megan. I don't know if its the same between us anymore. Ever since the argument I haven't felt the same." "What do you mean?" I say.

Before he can reply someone runs toward us, and he is carrying a gun. He points the gun at me, and then he shoots. The next thing I know I'm on the ground. I scream when I realize that I'm not bleeding anywhere. I see Gabe on the ground clutching his stomach. My first thought is, 'Why did he save me?' I run to him and hold him in my arms. He's covered in blood, and I'm crying.

"Gabe! Everything's gonna be okay. I'm here." I say. He tries his hardest to speak, " Megan.. I have.. to.. tell you something." His voice is slurred, and I hold on to him hard and try to cover his wound as best as I can. "You can tell me anything, Gabe. As long as you don't fall asleep!" I say. " I'm al..right. I.. not.. sleeping." He says. Then I say, "Please keep talking."

" Megan... just.. remember that..." He coughs. I begin to rock him back and forth as I say, "What should I not forget?" over and over again as I wait for his response, but its too late. He's gone..
♠ ♠ ♠
This was a true dream that I had. I was able to remember it so well because when I woke up after this I kept playing it in my head over and over again until I stopped crying.