Dead House

Chapter 5 repeated fate

She ran in saw the headboard say Jake started screamed the news as expected said Jake had disappeared she ran to get out of the house all the doors wouldn’t open and her feet were wet the house was flooding and fast she tried to hold out the water but it was no good she ran through the house and past door 1 and Rudy was there but he was a corpse and he smelled Oh god no she yelled ran to next door David he was a corpse to and the smell oh fucking hell next door Jemma corpse oh god get me out of here she screamed next door Jake another corpse she fell to her news crying in insanity then the doors closed and one she had never before seen opened the house was filling with water her only chance was the door that opened but then doors 1-4 opened they were walking the corpses of the people were walking and they fucking talked SHE WAS SCREAMING OUT OF HER MIND Rudy: I liked you miss but then again Jemma Jake and David liked me to it didn’t help none David: I did as you said Jake and Jemma I gave her the drugs the killed her sense of smell so she couldn’t smell us… Shadow screamed how can that be the house smelled bad the moment I came in for the first time water was now filling the hallway Jake: and so did I. we were always here shadow always in the rooms you just couldn’t see us you chose not to he sighed you were a nice girl I’m sorry I couldn’t save you but then again none of us could save ourselves…Jemma help me she screamed realizing even as a corpse Jemma was her friend. Jemma: remember what I said? Shadow looked puzzled. I think you do how if I had a way to bring him back I would give up my life my husband’s any anyone who passes the house was now falling in the lake they all said: now get in your room dear your number 5 when you die Tommy will come back to life she screamed I’m dreaming crying GET IN YOUR ROOM OR IT WON’T WORK they all chanted they shoved her in the door closed she was screaming banging the door let me out jesus Christ let me out Jake and Jemma kissed then both said: finally Tommy will be back David and Rudy their other victims cried and went into there rooms all the doors closed the house was in the lake the lake was huge and shadow’s body floated to the top of the lake she was dead but could still somehow see a 5 year old boy standing in the grass looking at her she screamed for help but she was already dead and the boy went in the lake to see the corpse and drowned Tommy drowned again and this would happen over and over again every new visitor would have the same fate they never could save the boy they drowned in the lake