Status: Hopefully I'll actually keep writing this.

What It's Come To

Okay, world, time to come clean. I’ve eaten too much junk food, tried to kill myself way too many times, and slept with more scumbags than I can count on two hands. I’ve lied to, cheated on, and stolen from people who truly cared about me and only wanted the best for me (I think). It’s time for a change in my life.

At nineteen, I’ve done more things I’ve regretted than most people have done by the time they’re forty. I sure as hell know I’ve done more to regret than my own mother, and she’s almost fifty-seven. The only things I really have left that I know for a fact love me are my unstable Dalmatian, Kyra, and my three-legged hamster, Coraline. Other than that, I think they’re all empty promises. My mom might still love me, but that’s a rubber band just waiting to snap.

Since most people I talk to about this don’t really care to hear, I’ll try once again. I’m not going to blab about the things even I know are too stupid to discuss, so I’ll just go into the stuff about the boys. Hopefully a few sorry-ass souls will have some pity for me and listen to my dreadful tale. For the sake of these men’s lives, I will not reveal full names. People may hunt them down and put those who deserved it through relentless torture. My secrets, I believe, are too grim to keep however.