Status: Short Story

If My Life Were a Story.

If My Life Were A Story

If my life were a story, in the begging I would be the girl that hardly anyone knew. I would have a few close friends and my crush would be the guy I knew I could never have. My days would be filled with thinking about him and only him. He would be the guy that everyone liked. The guy that got along with everybody.

If my life were a story I would be special for some random reason. My story would be remembered by many. People would wish to be me. To have my life. They would dream about the insanely hot guy I drooled over and thought about constantly. Whenever the author wrote about something embarrassing I did the reader would be able to relate to the experience. My features would be plain but unique to that special someone. I would be the person everyone saw but never really noticed.

By the middle of my story the guy I liked would be closer to becoming my boyfriend. We would talk constantly, we would laugh and cry together. Or rather I would be the one crying. His friends would not approve of me but he would not care. He would think about me just as much as I thought about him.

By the end of my story he would be my boyfriend we would have overcome any obstacles the author had put in our way. The reader would think that anything I had done to get to the end of my story was worth it.

Sadly my life is not a story. I am a girl who has most of the same problems as anyone else. I live day to day just trying to get through it all. Trying to deal with my family, my friends, and my school work. Trying to pass my subjects. Trying to get my crush to notice me. Trying to make my family proud.

My life is not a story. If only it was that easy.